Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Crossroads; choose wisely!

The name Haran means “cross-roads.” It metaphorically reflects A PLACE OF DECISION. God’s call to Abram – and his faithful decision to GO – jump starts a new legacy because a nation will be born from his lineage. The choices you make right now really do matter in your story. God is pushing you to go, even when afraid, because there are people attached to your obedience.

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Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Settling season is over! Put your faith into action because JOY is coming!

God is giving some of you an exit strategy in this season and urging you to close one chapter of your life to make room for the new. King Jesus wants you freed from systems and structures leaving you bound and confined. Only He can bring true freedom and His thoughts, plans and ideas are so much greater than ours.

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Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, September 2023 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Wrestling with God for your breakthrough!

God teaches you to be bold and tenacious and demand what He has promised. At the moment of breakthrough, you say, "I will not let go unless you bless me!" (Genesis 32:26). Wrestling teaches you the transforming power of Jesus Christ. You meet God face-to-face. He becomes very real in your life. The facade and ways of the world start to dim, and the brightness of Christ shines like a lighthouse in the distance. The stormy seas and dangerous waves calm, and finally, you can see again.

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Prophetic Word, Nehemiah, August 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, Nehemiah, August 2023 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: Soar Above The Distractions!

In the Kingdom of God – the opposition you face is almost always about territory. Some of you are about to break through monumentally. Nehemiah finished building the walls on Elul 25 this year, which falls on Sep 11, 2023. That date will hold great significance in your own life if you are currently on a path of rebuilding with the Father.

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Prophetic Word, August 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, August 2023 Tamara Jolee


This season, the stage is set for some of you to step into your calling with full authority. The Father wants you to actively participate in the miracle, and it will require you to do the work. The enemy wants God's people to get stuck, but the Lord is coming to shake things up again! He's going to loosen the fog and cloudiness hovering above His people. Jesus wants to get you moving into purpose, and He might even provoke you into action through unusual circumstances.

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Prophetic Word, August 2023 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, August 2023 Tamara Jolee

August 2023 Prophetic Word: THINK BIG!

There had to be a fulfillment of time before the Lord released these new mantles and that time is now! Some of you are stepping into an overflow season that will start this month! God has equipped you to carry this new calling to help the body of Christ as a whole! Think big! Think about legacy and what will outlast your own life and stretch on for generations to come!

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Prophetic Word, New Beginnings Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, New Beginnings Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Prepare to enter the new land! Plus 5 signs that God is opening new territory

It's time to take a leap of faith and say goodbye to the old season! You have to make way for the new and it's important to fully let go right now! Some of you are crossing over into new territory and it's the very land Jesus promised you! Keep your eyes fixed on your first love -- Jesus Christ -- the Author and Finisher of the faith because He is the center of everything! The enemy is already "melting in fear" because they can't stop this move of God's Kingdom! The show is about to start!

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Prophetic Word, Letting Go Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, Letting Go Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: It’s time to say GOODBYE to an old season or assignment!

The Lord has been speaking the word GOODBYE. Some of you are advancing from your current position and entering a new realm of influence in God’s Kingdom. Behold, all things really are new! It’s time to shut the door on the past. It’s time to close the door on old mindsets, traumas, and things harming you emotionally and spiritually. It’s time to say goodbye to deferred hope and unmet expectations.

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Hannah, Comfort, Encouragement Tamara Jolee Hannah, Comfort, Encouragement Tamara Jolee

The Gift of Brokenness: The Lord Remembers You

Hope deferred and longsuffering are two painstaking emotions that all Christians will endure during their lifetimes. The long, drawn-out process of God fulfilling a promise can make one grow weak in spirit and body. The heart will cry out in anguish as disappointment and heartsickness settle in. We can even feel like a victim of God’s timing.

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Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee

🌟God’s Spiritual Trailblazers are coming forth! It’s ROCKET LAUNCH season!

Prophetic Word: Like Rebekah, you will be discovered while living in your purpose and leading with great kindness. Like Caleb, your wholehearted allegiance to Father God will advance you into a glorious future and your boldness will be an example for others. Like Esther, you will be favored among the crowd and your commitment to truth will deliver your people. Like Elijah, your prayers will be endowed with supernatural strength. Your prayers will shift atmospheres.

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