PROPHETIC WORD: Fighting To The Finish Line! Keep Marching!
The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!”
Joshua 6:16
A mighty sound is thundering as God prepares His warriors to get in position because CHANGE IS HERE!
The Spirit of the Lord says, “ADVANCE! Keep moving forward! Circle the walls one more time!”
Your diligence and devotion to King Jesus are about to be rewarded!
Your consistency will be critical this season!
The Lord is getting you battle ready as your confidence and faith in Him reaches new heights.
This is the turning point.
The Holy Spirit is about to release the Gift of Governmental Authority to some of His people at this hour.
In 1 Corinthians 12:28, Paul discusses the grace-gifts dispersed in the body of Christ.
Among the gifts listed is kubernēsis, often translated as “administration, governance” or the “gift of leadership.” The church sometimes misunderstands this gift as clerical work or office duties.
The Greek word, however, has even greater meaning. Paul was describing the function of a sea captain. This gift refers to a person in charge of a ship who pilots a large moving vessel across the water to ensure it arrives safely at its destination.
Kubernēsis is a Holy Spirit-empowered ability to prepare God’s people for advancement!
In Biblical times, cargo ships carried goods and opportunities. The ships allowed people to enter new terrain and territory by the movement of the boat. Large vessels hauled grain, wine, oil and other goods to help feed people. If you have this gift, the Holy Spirit infuses you with the ability to properly lead, guide, administer and direct His people. The gift is not based on talent or personality, nor does the size of your “ship” matter. The Lord entrusts you with certain passengers in certain seasons and your duty is to get them to harbor.
It’s essential to always pilot the people with profound wisdom and grace, constantly seeking the Father’s viewpoint.
You’re God’s helmsman, and He’s prepared you for this task. Like Joshua, you’ve been given the supernatural gift of leading others.
The Lord remembers how you chased after Him long ago and decided to give up everything to passionately pursue His will.
As you step forward and “steer” your ship into deep waters, the Lord will release instructions to properly guide His people.
Captains always stay elevated to constantly scan the horizon for any changes or shifts in the atmosphere.
Joshua definitely had the gift of kubernēsis.
God employed unique tactics and strategies under the leadership of Joshua. For instance, during the conquest of Jericho, the Lord promised victory ahead of time. Then the Israelites had to march around the city walls in complete silence for seven days. Israel circled around a total of 13 times, once a day for six days and then seven times the final day.
Joshua commanded the army, “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!” (Joshua 6:10).
Did you catch that? Joshua knew God would deliver His people in stages. The battle would be won over a span of days. There would be a process towards fulfillment and the taking of territory.
Day 7 was the turning point!
Seven priests sounded seven trumpets at once and Joshua commanded, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!” (Joshua 6:16)
The walls crumbled.
Six is the number of man.
Seven is the number of GOD.
When the walls of Jericho tumbled, the Israelites entered the Promised Land, and everyone charged straight in. The act of blowing the trumpets was a demonstration of the Israelites’ faithful obedience and reliance on God’s power rather than their own. The loud and unified sound of trumpets created a sense of awe and fear among the inhabitants of Jericho, weakening their morale and defenses. It also caused an element of surprise, and the noise would have masked the movements of the Israelite army.
The Lord is a Master Strategist.
God’s battle plan at Jericho was highly unusual in man’s eyes — but the Lord’s strategic planning always has a purpose. He takes what’s ordinary and makes it extraordinary and divine.
All we have to do is follow the instructions.
The trumpets have prophetic significance throughout the Bible. During the Year of Jubilee, the trumpet blast symbolized new beginnings, a time of forgiveness, restoration and blessings. The blowing of the horn declared the Lord’s faithfulness to His people. In the Book of Revelation, the trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of God’s justice and the consequences of disobedience.
In all these instances, the overarching theme is that trumpets announce the presence of God.
My friend: the Lord is bringing forth divine intervention in this hour because He fights for YOU!
When you hear the trumpet sound, prepare to take the land! The walls will fall!
The Lord is going to give you songs of deliverance this season!
Yahweh will fight for you!
Joshua and the soldiers didn’t have to raise weapons, scale ladders, or fire arrows from afar. They didn’t have to talk trash and make threats. They just silently marched. God did all their talking. Perhaps the children of Israel remembered what happened to their parents at the Red Sea when Moses told them: “The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent” (Exodus 14:14). In other words, stay calm. Hold thy peace. Be still.
All the Israelites had to do was march and follow the game plan. Your commands are the same!
God is big on repetition.
Keep walking, believing, creating, inventing, building, piloting, praying, designing, writing, sewing, leading, and singing! Keep fighting that disease, teaching your children, preaching the Good News, and chasing after the Lord!
Do it one more time!
As you move forward, remember….
There’s a time to be silent and a time to speak.
Make sure you have your timing right.
Victory is guaranteed because it’s a fixed fight.
The Lord always wins.
1. The plan to march in silence around Jericho was so utterly opposite to what humans would do that Joshua and the Israelites knew the Lord was behind the move. As each day passed, their spirits and connections to God likely increased and intensified. The Lord built their spirit-man in spurts. The victory magnified the power of Yahweh. Israel didn't need weapons because the Lord fought for them. Their true faith was put to the test.
2. There's power in silence when commanded by the Lord. When we move in silence, our hearts and spirits focus on God. The enemy doesn't get a foothold in our lives. We keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and only listen to His voice. We march silently, allowing our faith to speak louder than our mouths. We learn to become dependent on Christ because He is an ever-present help in times of trouble.
3. Silence allows God to speak for His people. He becomes the sole Authority in our lives and our Commander. Often, the Lord commands silence because we don't know what's happening behind the scenes. The Father hears and knows every conversation, along with the thoughts and plans of the enemy. He wants us silent so we won't interfere. Silence teaches us to look at King Jesus and not ourselves. When we get quiet before the Lord, He becomes our primary focus. At Jericho, silently marching was a strategic ploy to confuse the enemy. The enemy was already scared, and now they were downright confused. They couldn't plan for a counter-attack because they didn't know what was happening!
4. God is very interested in perfect timing. He could have caused the walls to fall on the first day, but He taught the Israelites to be patient and wait for the Father. God built their faith in stages. Long before the Jericho walls fell, Rahab told the spies multiple times that the city inhabitants were already "melting in fear" because of what the Lord was doing for Israel (Joshua 2:9, 24). Joshua also interacted with the "commander of the army of the LORD," so his faith was boosted before leading the people. Time and time again, the Lord prepares His people for victory. We are never alone. The same God who broke down the walls is the same Holy Spirit who guides us today. THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! Israel knew God was on their side at Jericho and no one complained or spoke against the plan. They were all in one accord in one place.
I’m here to prophetically declare to someone that the Lord is about to set you up for an epic reveal. There will be a completion of time, and those who opposed you in one season are about to watch the Father move mightily on your behalf!
There will be great rejoicing as you sit back in awe and watch the deliverance of the Lord.
Do not quit now! Keep building! Keep moving forward! I hear the sound of a mighty rainstorm coming! You will see a cloud as tiny as a hand to signal movement!
Angel Armies are getting into formation as we speak. God will fight on your behalf!
Like Elijah, the Lord will give you supernatural strength to run ahead of the enemy (1 Kings 19:46).
They will never see you coming!
The number seven has strong prophetic power in the Bible. Joshua and the Israelites marched around the Jericho walls for seven days, with seven ram horns and seven priests. Naaman dipped seven times in the Jordan River to be healed. Elijah’s servant looked for a cloud on the horizon seven times to declare rain was coming! God rested on the seventh day of creation, there are seven colors in the rainbow, and seven seals and trumpets in the book of Revelation.
The number seven represents fullness, completion and God’s divine and perfect will.
In this season….
Scan the horizon. Listen for the still, small voice of the Most High. Pray without ceasing. The rain is coming. Revival is going to break forth.
Elijah was so attuned to the Lord that he could perceive even the slightest shift in the spiritual atmosphere. He heard the sound of rain before he saw a cloud. He saw the cloud before the rain came.
God’s messengers are still speaking forth His power and purposes even today.
Prophets and apostles are trained by the Holy Spirit to perceive the spiritual shift before it happens. They don’t focus on the seen, but the unseen realm. They hear the sound in their spirits before it arrives on earth.
My friend: a torrent STORM with gale force WINDS is coming, and His name is the Holy Spirit. There will be WINS from the WINDS.
Get in position! The shift is here! Listen for the SOUND.
How to prepare:
Don’t do things halfway. Be one who walks in expectation and excellence and “live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Eph. 1:4).
It’s crucial to ARISE and AWAKEN at this hour because change is at hand! God is clearing the fog that has left you weary and tired. Months and months of spiritual warfare can deplete the Lord’s children, but the Father is going to clear the pathway and sharpen your mind again. Your heart will be revived.
You cannot have a grasshopper mentality at this time. Despite the “bad reports” – trust the Lord Jesus. “Do not give up, for your work will be rewarded” (2 Chronicles 15:7).
This is your season to fly!
Speak with unrestrained boldness! The walls will fall the more you step forward and do what the Lord asked! He will fight for you!
It’s time to RAISE a mighty voice and speak forth the GOOD NEWS bravely because when we join forces it creates a MIGHTY SOUND!!!