Prophetic Word, September 2024, 5785 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, September 2024, 5785 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says, “Be Ready and Willing. I Am Releasing New Assignments and Sending My Chosen Ones”

I hear the Lord saying, "Get ready. Prepare your spirit, for I am about to send you out. The fields are ripe for harvest, and the time has come for you to rise up in the calling I have placed upon you. Go forth with the boldness of Paul and Barnabas, knowing that I am with you, and I will confirm My word with signs and wonders."

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Prophetic Word, September 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, September 2024 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says, “Get Up!” God's Call to Rise After Setback

Sometimes life knocks the wind right out of us when we least expect it. Maybe it’s a dream that didn’t pan out, a relationship that fell apart, a business plan that faltered, an illness that came unexpectedly, or a battle we thought we’d win but ended up losing badly. We find ourselves down in the dirt, feeling hopeless, questioning our faith, and wondering if we’ve got what it takes to keep going. If you’ve been there—or if you're there right now—let me remind you of something powerful: God didn’t make you to stay down. He made you to rise.

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Prophetic Word, August 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, August 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: Victory is in the Air! A Season of Celebration and Joy! ✨

In Nehemiah 8:10, we read “The joy of the LORD is your strength!” 

The Hebrew word for joy in this context refers to a deep, abiding strength and well-being that is rooted in God’s presence and love. This kind of joy grants us supernatural strength to overcome all odds and empowers our spirits during challenging times.

Beloved, get ready because childlike faith is about to be rekindled in your life! This beautiful renewal will require active participation. Each day, you have the incredible opportunity to wake up with a heart that is open, trusting, and fully reliant on God.

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August 2024, Prophetic Word, 555 Tamara Jolee August 2024, Prophetic Word, 555 Tamara Jolee

God Is Sending A Fresh Wind of Strength #555

Some of you are emerging from your “five-month waiting period” like Elizabeth. This will require you to step into a season of supernatural boldness, where you no longer hide the promise God has placed within you. As you emerge, the Lord is calling you to declare His works and to walk confidently in the assignment He has given you. 

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Prophetic Word, August 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, August 2024 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: The Road Less Traveled —Turning Refuge into Revival

Today, we all face our own “Sauls”—relentless pressures, fears, and doubts that chase us down and threaten our peace. In a world that never stops, where the demands on our time, energy, and spirit seem unending, we often forget the necessity of retreat. But just like David, there are times when we need to step back and find our own cave at Adullam.

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Prophetic Word, July 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, July 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior!”

As I later sat with the Lord in worship, He spoke to my heart: "My people are feeling afraid, scared, worried, and uncertain about their futures. Tell them to call to Me, and I will answer them." Isn't it empowering to know that God is just a call away? His phone number is 333, and we can reach the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit anytime we need God’s guidance and support. When we call, we can trust that He always answers. This is not just a belief, but a truth that scripture confirms.

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Prophetic Word, July 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, July 2024 Tamara Jolee

A Season of Activation: Your Gift Will Make Room

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord declares, "Now is the time to activate what I have placed within you. Do not wait for perfect conditions or full understanding. Step out in faith, and I will meet you with My provision and power. The opportunities you seek are tied to the obedience of your steps." As Ecclesiastes 11:4 reminds us, "Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap." Therefore, take bold action this season!

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Priceless, Daughter of God Tamara Jolee Priceless, Daughter of God Tamara Jolee

Daughter of God: You are Priceless.

The Lord wants you to know that you are priceless in His eyes. God loves you so very much. He adores your faithfulness, tenderness, love, simplicity and the way you treasure things about Him in your heart. He sees your fears and tears and understands what it feels like to be alone, rejected and misunderstood. Please know that God is a Father who is so near and close to you. Every detail of your life matters to Him.

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Prophetic Dream, June 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Dream, June 2024 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Divine Favor, Opportunity and New Spiritual Gifts⭐

The Lord gave me the most beautiful dream last night, and I can't wait to share it with many of you. Here is the overarching message: you are on the brink of a significant, positive change in your life, where your abilities and gifts will be recognized, and you will be granted special opportunities and experiences. God is getting ready to send you to the next level! It is OPEN DOOR SEASON!

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Bible Teaching, Deep Dive Tamara Jolee Bible Teaching, Deep Dive Tamara Jolee

DEEP DIVE: What Does John 10:10 Really Mean?

When I read Strong’s description of “all-around, equidistant,” I was struck with awe. I’ve studied this scripture many times and had never noticed this before. "All-around": This suggests comprehensiveness and completeness. When Jesus speaks of giving life "to the full" or "abundantly," it implies a life that is complete in every aspect—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. This completeness signifies that nothing is lacking in the life that Jesus offers.

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June 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee June 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: Draw Some Out Now

As the servants did the work and dipped the jars into a deep water well, the Lord was stirred to action. Jesus eventually turned the water into wine as the servants repeated the process. This would have taken a lot of time and effort since they didn’t have water faucets back then. Over and over again, the servants repeated a process that was tedious and time consuming. Again, they had no idea what was about to happen. The servants were not mere spectators in this miracle; they were active participants. Their sweat equity allowed Jesus to do the impossible, underscoring the significance of our active involvement in our faith. 

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Prophetic Word, June 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, June 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: A Season of Rest

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is calling His people to a timely 'reset' as we approach the latter part of this year. This reset will require you to SLOW DOWN, be intentional, and put in effort to get back on track. It’s extremely important to clear away the clutter that might be plaguing your mind and spirit to make room for Jesus. Use this time to rejuvenate and reset with Father God because He will restore you for the journey ahead.

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Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: The Rise of the Caleb Generation

The characteristics of Caleb's personality included confidence, assuredness, and leadership because he trusted in God to do the impossible. Caleb wasn't frazzled by the so-called 'giants' in the land because he believed in the unseen realm. As Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Since God commended Caleb's "different spirit," we must focus on what made him unique. What made him stand out among his peers and people of that time? The Bible tells us that Caleb was "wholeheartedly" devoted to God, and we are reminded of this in three scriptures found in Numbers 14:24 and Joshua 14:8-9, 14.

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Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: Prepare for Growth and Acceleration in Your Careers and Ministries

When we truly grasp the concept of viewing our work as a service to the Lord, it not only elevates the purpose and integrity behind our efforts but also transforms our entire perspective. We are not merely working for humans, but for our beloved Savior, who calls on us to be a people of excellence and work at it with all our hearts.

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Prophetic Word, March 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, March 2024 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: The Power of a Quiet Life

God wants us to remember there is power in living a quiet and peaceful life. In fact, it should be our goal and ambition, and no one did this better than Jesus Christ, who spent a large part of his earthly life in obscurity. He diligently worked with his hands, went about his personal affairs, and embraced a modest lifestyle, all while maintaining a close connection with Father God. 

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March 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee March 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: A Spirit of Excellence

Prophetic Word: The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is raising a new generation of people who are hungry to hear from Christ! They think about Jesus all day, every day, and desire to serve God's people with wholehearted allegiance. The Lord's new mouthpieces represent every tribe and nation. They are passionately consumed with a holy fire to show others the way!

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January 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee January 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee

2024 PROPHETIC WORD: Miraculous Provision Is On the Way! Welcome to the YEAR of OVERFLOW!

Some of you are stepping into a year of the OVERFLOW, marked by the hands of God! The definition of overflow means "to fill a space to capacity and spread beyond its limits." The Lord will multiply your five loaves of bread and two fish right before your very eyes! Our God can provide exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever ask or think. We serve a Father who lavishes His children with beautiful promises and an overflow of blessings. Jesus Himself declared in John 10:10b: "I came that they may have life and life more abundantly." The word abundantly comes from the Greek perissos, which carries the idea of going beyond what is expected.

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