“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.”
Psalm 18:24, MSG
Hello everyone! Get ready because there’s a new direction of the wind blowing forth in this hour!
After a season of extreme dryness — you will enter a period of abundant rain and a mighty harvest!
After many years of great loss, sufferings and disappointments — God will bring forth His promises and you will praise Him with a joyous song!
After battling waves in a sea of uncertainty — the Lord Jesus will anchor your feet in new and spacious places and give you stability.
This week, the Holy Spirit has been highlighting Psalm 18:18 — “They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the Lord supported me.”
David wrote Psalm 18 as a song of praise to God after the Lord delivered him from the brutality of Saul and his many enemies. David's foes attacked and confronted him when he was at his weakest, but God was his Divine Rescuer.
The title of Psalm 18 speaks volumes. David named it: “Great Praise From A Place of Great Victory!”
When writing Psalm 18, David identifies himself as a “servant of the Lord,” keeping a posture of humility in the eyes of God.
He wrote this psalm right after Saul’s death and before receiving his crown as king.
It marked a turning point.
After living on the run for about 15-20 years, David entered a new season of authority and took his God-ordained position as king of God’s people. His testimony was one of tragedy to triumph.
David became a champion of the people because God turned the tide!
Psalm 18:1, 16-19
Lord, how I love you! For you have done such tremendous things for me.
[The Lord] reached down from on high and took hold of me;
He drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.
They confronted me in the day of my disaster,
but the Lord was my support.
He brought me out into a spacious place;
He rescued me because he delighted in me.
David calls the Lord his “horn,” which comes from a root word that means “ray of sunshine, an eternal brightness.” Isn't that beautiful? He's basically saying, "You are my Sunshine, Lord Jesus, my ONLY sunshine!"
At the end of David’s life, in 2 Samuel 22, he would again speak these same words of praise. The point is this — there are some victories and ‘winning seasons’ you experience with the Father that stick with you forever. David was not ashamed to pour out his heart to the Lord, despite what others might say. He truly chased after God’s own heart. He unabashedly wanted his thoughts and feelings expressed and recorded.
David’s words way outlived him and the ones you record will do the same. What you create now will help people in the future. Keep praising the Lord Yahweh with passion because it all has a great purpose! Lives are attached to what you produce!
The Holy Spirit is putting Psalm 18 on my heart today as a reminder to someone that your season of turmoil will come to an end. The pain and uncertainty you are experiencing right now will subside and God will give you a new song of praise! You will look back and understand why the Lord took you on the long route towards destiny. Trust the process!
Just like David, you will learn to dance again from the deepest places of your heart.
I'm not sure if this next word is for one person, or several people, but the Lord will confirm the message in your spirit if it's for you.
Here’s the message: Your season of running is over. Your enemies of the present will not be in your future. There will be different battles in the next race of your life, but many of these strongholds and temptations you are facing right now are about to end. God is going to take care of the matter once and for all. There’s going to be an epic showdown; just watch and see! The enemy is after your IDENTITY. You are God’s beloved child and anyone who comes against you from a place of wickedness — comes against Him. The Lord Jesus sees and hears every conversation and He does not take slander lightly. Do not yield to your fear because God has found delight in you. Allow Jesus to take care of the matter. You just have to release it all to the Father because He will fight your battles. It’s time to stand again and be the king that God ordained you to be. It's time to rise and elevate with King Jesus!
Psalm 18:32-34
[God] makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He causes me to stand on the heights.
He trains my hands for battle,
my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
David came to a point where he realized all the adversities he faced actually trained him to be a warrior.
God gave David strength, agility and divine strategy. He learned to adapt swiftly and change course with speed, leaping to higher places like a deer as Yahweh provided a steady foundation. David wasn’t just a shepherd-harpist-turned-king. He was a warrior with hands trained for battle with the strength to bend a bow of bronze. Best of all, he had a tender and sensitive heart, which is extraordinarily valuable in the Kingdom of God.
David was a man after God’s own heart, which made him righteous in the eyes of the Lord. David knew it was the Lord alone who brought victory!
In the same way, you must keep your heart very tender when the Lord delivers you in this season! The tide is turning in your favor! There will be victory after victory because God never loses!
Psalm 18:20, 24 (MSG)
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. God rewrote the text of my life, when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
1). You are entering a time of setbacks to comebacks! You are about to experience a winning season, and you may as well get your pen ready to record everything the Lord is about to do. He’s going to deliver you in very compelling and unique ways that will catch you by surprise. God is sooooo creative! Just do what He says! I’ve seen this happen in my own life. The way the Lord brings deliverance is so outlandish it’s almost funny. You need crazy faith in this hour because we serve a FAITHFUL GOD who always does exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ask, think or imagine!
2). Do not allow anxiety and worry to speak louder than the Commander of the Living God! What Jesus is about to do is BIG! You must let the voice of God be a gigantic megaphone speaking over your life in this hour. Silence all other voices, including your own doubts and fears.
3). The Holy Spirit is speaking about “small things.” Sometimes a bunch of small things can evolve into big things if we allow them to enter. Take every thought captive. Stay deeply rooted in the Word of God. Meditate on Scripture day and night! Also keep your eyes open in nature! The Lord is really speaking through His creation!
4). Remember that greatness requires extreme gratitude and the ability to cling to hope, not cynicism. Living a life of gratitude builds our confidence because we see the handiwork of the Lord from the past and in the present. Gratitude limits the enemy from infecting our hearts with panic, strife and anxiety because we remember the power of the Lord Jesus! Gratitude is the seed for more. Gratitude also attracts the right kind of people who also live a life of pureness, righteousness and holiness. Jesus is your Divine Provider. He will take care of you!
The end of this current season is in sight. This is the final stretch!
Continue to love people with extraordinary kindness and compassion. Continue to fight the good fight. Reflect on the words of Paul when he told Timothy: “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:3-4).
Keep Jesus as the focus of your life! Everything else will fall into place.
Today when I flipped open my Bible, I kept landing on the first page of a new book. The Holy Spirit revealed how a new thing is starting for many of His people.
Chapter One of your new life story is about to start.
In Luke 13, a woman bound by a condition for nearly two decades also got a fresh start in life.
Jesus simply spoke a word, touched her, and she was healed.
One day, on the Sabbath, Jesus taught in one of the synagogues and “a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all” (Luke 13:10-11).
Since she was in the synagogue, we know she believed in God. She might have been a follower of Jesus.
However, even then, she was bound by a spirit caused by Satan. The spirit was there for so long that it caused her back to be crooked. The Bible doesn’t even mention her name because her condition became a part of her identity.
Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 how every human is composed of the “spirit, soul and body” in that order. All three work together to keep our inner being in harmony with the Lord Jesus. If there is a spiritual issue, it leaks into our emotions and then can manifest on the outside.
This can be proven in the most basic way. When people are happy and excited — they stand upright with their arms open and shoulders back. When someone is defensive, closed off, or grief-stricken — they will crumble and fold their shoulders forward. They turn inward as a protective measure. Eventually those soul wounds can manifest into illnesses and deformities.
We don’t know what kept the woman in Luke 13 bound, but the Bible says, “she had been crippled by a spirit…” so the spirit took her by force.
The Greek asthenia means “a state of debilitating illness, sickness, disease.”
I propose her condition started as a broken heart and a downcast spirit took hold of her emotions and then evolved into a physical deformity. One day her shoulders dropped, her joy faded, her spine progressively curved, and she never looked up again until coming face-to-face with Jesus.
When Jesus spotted her in the synagogue, he called her forward and said, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God” (Luke 13:12-14).
The KJV translation says, “Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity!”
I want you to again notice the order of what happened:
Jesus noticed her.
He called her forward.
He spoke a word “You are set free….”
Jesus put His hands on her.
She immediately straightened up and praised God.
It’s as simple as that. The same Jesus who did it then is still doing it today!
All the religious folks got mad at the Lord for healing on the Sabbath, so He clapped back and called them hypocrites. Then He spotlights the source of this woman’s condition — Satan.
Jesus said, “Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?” Then when he said this, all his opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing” (Luke 13:16-17).
The Lord is highlighting this story today for a reason. He’s speaking to someone in particular.
Trace back to 18 years from today. As of this blog post, the year would be 2005. Something happened that altered your life. God wants you healed, freed and loosed from thine infirmity! Satan has kept you bound for nearly two decades. God can free you with just a word. First, Jesus wants you to be aware of the condition. Then you must believe that Jesus can help you!
Right now, God has already noticed you. He sent me as a messenger to share this word for a reason. He’s calling you forward, and as you spend time in fellowship, He will set you free.
Sometimes an event or situation happens in our life where we take up a protection posture as a defense mechanism.
At the time, it saves us, but if not freed, the condition embeds itself deep inside our souls and eventually makes us sick in all sorts of ways.
The person betrayed and deeply wounded by someone they love becomes scared to allow others in. They see people as a threat and sometimes they even sabotage healthy relationships when people get too close. All the pain from the inside starts to leak on the outside. Soon strange ailments start to take place, like neck and back pain, rashes and unknown sicknesses. God wants you loosed!
A person rejected, abused or abandoned by a parent at a young age sees themselves as flawed, and they will often seek relationships with people who will also leave or hurt them. Rejection stings them to the core. They will sometimes struggle to see God as a loving Parent because the thought of love without conditions is scary. They become scared of healthy relationships and frequently will numb themselves through addictions, including sexual perversion, drugs, alcohol, and/or food. These coping mechanisms become detrimental to their health. God wants you loosed!
The child who grows up with hypercritical parents will start to view their core identity through their successes and achievements. So they will try to be good and do exceptionally well in all areas of their life because they learned that love is based on conditions. Failure stings them to the very core. They will also feel like Jesus only loves them when they “do good things.” Physically, their body will start to collapse under all the pressure. They will often feel tired and fatigued without any real cause. Their emotions will wear on their face, and they will become a plastic version of their true authentic self. They will often struggle with self-esteem issues that can greatly alter how they see themselves. God wants you loosed!
These situations are very real and can shatter one’s soul. So Jesus has to come in and perform heart surgery to set you free.
It’s crucial that you first BELIEVE that God is a Healer. It’s easy to see Him as a God who meets our spiritual needs, but He’s also a physical Doctor. The Bible tells us so. Jesus spent a third of His ministry on deliverance because He desires FREEDOM for His people in spirit, soul and body.
When the Father brings healing — there is completeness.
So often, we carry burdens alone, and the strongholds can become a part of our core identity when we’ve had them for so long. It’s so vital that you take an honest assessment of your condition.
How long has it been there? When did it start? What is the root issue in the spirit? How does it impact your emotions? How has it manifested to the outside? Do you really want to be made whole?
If so, Jesus is coming for you!
Jesus called the bent woman a ‘daughter of Abraham.’ This was really fascinating. Why did He call her that? Because He was giving her identity and independence from her condition. He wanted her to be identified with God’s promise to Abraham. Satan might have held her bound to a disease, but God was her God.
This is the only time in the entire New Testament that Jesus called someone a daughter of Abraham. She was special!
Back in the days of Jesus, people who were sick, disabled or those with any physical infirmity were considered unclean, unwhole and rejected by society. They were treated terribly and deemed unlovable. So by calling her Abraham’s daughter, Jesus restored her rightful place in society. He did it publicly and called her out. Jesus purposely made sure everyone witnessed the miracle. HE WANTED HER IDENTITY WITH GOD TO BE MADE KNOWN.
So the question is — how can someone who loves God be bound to a condition caused by Satan? We have to assume, just like with Job, that God allowed it for some reason. Perhaps it was her loving and devoted heart that actually made her a target of the enemy. But God always wins. He healed and freed her.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul also said, “I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.” Paul said it kept him from being conceited, so God clearly allowed it. Therefore, with the woman, we can surmise that a spiritual issue started in her heart, took hold of her emotions, and eventually caused a physical ailment.
Here’s why I think the woman really loved God: Despite her condition and deformity, she still went to the synagogue that day, knowing that others likely frowned upon her.
She walked there even while bent over, with her calcified, hardened bones likely screaming out with each step as she stared at the pebbles along the dirt path. She didn’t stay at home and sulk. It seems as though the spirit of God inside her was still louder than the evils of darkness trying to hurt her. Her heart was still strong enough to fight back.
When she met Jesus, she wasn’t expecting a miracle that day. She just went to hear Jesus teach. And that kind of humbled heart is exactly why she received a blessing. When Jesus sees people in need, his heart is “moved with compassion” (Matthew 14:14).
Sometimes we seek God out for a miracle — other times, He comes for us!
As we learned with David in Psalm 18, God loves comeback stories! David was bound and oppressed by Saul — but God loosed and freed him.
Then in our Bible lesson today, the woman was bound for 18 years until Jesus freed her. She also received a comeback story.
Both David and the Daughter of Abraham experienced a winning season because God is the Victorious One!
My friend, do not give up! Your miracle is coming!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I love You. Thank you for reminding us today of these stories. We can’t wait to meet these warriors of faith in Heaven! You’re such a great Father, so full of compassion, love and mercy. We know You are a Mighty Healer and still heal people today. I pray that you be with every person who is dealing with a condition, illness or deformity that started years ago and has left them bound. Satan has stolen enough time, so please heal them, O Father! Give them a healing touch, O Lord, and loose their infirmity. We believe in miracles, and we know You are the miracle-working King. We love You, Lord!