PROPHETIC WORD: A Winning Season💙
“It’s time to sing and shout for joy! Go ahead all you redeemed ones, do it!”
Psalm 33:1, TPT
My beloved warrior in Christ – you have divine FAVOR hovering all over you! Stamped across your forehead is the word OVERCOMER.
You have learned the secret to life – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”
At this very moment, an evangelistic explosion is taking place, spawning so many of God's children to start building into new endeavors as they shine a spotlight on King Jesus.
We are living in a 153-fish moment in time (John 21:11) which represents a mighty harvest of God's people from around the world. We are seeing the great redemption of Jesus Christ among all people groups, tribes and nations.
Recently I had a dream that I was boarding a massive jumbo plane. As I walked towards my seat, I passed all these various races, nationalities, and people groups. Then I saw a huge sign for my section that said 153+.
I knew the Holy Spirit was spotlighting the mighty harvest taking place among God’s people. The jumbo plane reflected just how monumental this move of God is. Despite what the culture says, God still reigns supreme, and He's sparking a movement!
You are a very important part of the mission!
Here's what the Holy Spirit ministered to me: Some of God's people have been living in isolated pockets over the last few years, receiving personal discipleship from Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of these chosen ones have a very strong apostolic mandate on their lives. The foundation of Jesus Christ is extremely secure with them because they learned from the King of all Kings! They have a very clear understanding of their calling and purpose.
In my dream, the jumbo plane was sitting inside a hangar, hidden in secret, gathering up all the people and getting everyone secured in their seats. Now it’s time for take-off!
These faithful ones are now being called out of hiding to form a strong army of the Living God. They will not be silenced any longer. These harvesters will shake nations and bring revival that will drastically change the "church" as we know it. They will have platforms to reach people from all sorts of backgrounds! These "fisher of men" are the new faces of revival! They represent King Jesus with boldness and authority and they will not be stopped!
You are one of them!
This past season, you learned how to walk through the fire even when the heat was cranked up seven times hotter! The Lord Jesus held your hand through the blaze, and you kept moving forward with Him. The battles you faced were all about territory and dominion. The enemy did not want you to understand your power and authority — but God has the final say!
You more than survived — you THRIVED!
Now it's time to ascend from glory to glory! You will laugh, dance and have FUN this season because working for the Kingdom of God brings unspeakable joy and everlasting hope. Just like the Tribe of Asher, you will witness "happy progress" in your life. God has even selected the perfect land for you!
In the Book of Joshua, Asher was assigned to western and coastal Galilee, with some of the most fertile pastures in the world.
The Tribe of Asher grew olive trees in lush, well-protected territory, and the high-quality oil they produced made them very prosperous and famous. They were small, but mighty. The Hebrew word asher means "blessed" or "happy."
Moses prophetically called Asher the "most blessed" of the tribes and “the favorite of his brothers.” The tribe would have great strength until old age, and they lived with financial prosperity and wealth, bathing in olive oil. The bolts of their gates were decked out in iron and bronze (Deut. 33:24) revealing a fortified defense system.
Some of you spiritually belong to this same tribe of people!
The descendants of Asher had a powerful legacy, noted as heads of families, choice men, brave warriors and outstanding leaders (1 Chronicles 7:40). They had 26,000 fighting men who defended Israel!
In the New Testament, there was a prophetess named Anna who came from the tribe of Asher. She declared Jesus as the incarnate Christ even before His first birthday (Luke 2:36-38)!
This is important because the tribe of Asher was considered a lost tribe. However, through Anna’s life, we see that what once was lost is now back. God is prophetically speaking to someone about this tribe!
In the Bible, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the Tribe of Asher dripped with it! The fact that Anna is identified as a prophetess is extremely powerful because the word of the Lord was very rare in those days, especially spoken through a woman! She was recognized for all of eternity as a woman who dearly loved the Lord!
The Lord has made you a prayer warrior with the same kind of spirit as Anna! God will work wonders through your submitted life! He is going to produce oil through you to help His people. Jesus is the only One who can make the olives grow!
Spiritually prosperous people like you have mastered the art of recovery!
The waves might knock you down, but you get right back up! You have a God-developed, bounce-back spirit matured in the fiery furnace of affliction. You are God's comeback warrior, and He is so proud of you!
Those who significantly impact God's kingdom have something money can't buy. They're rich in faith and release the aroma of Jesus Christ wherever they go. They teach people how to live with righteousness and eternal life.
The Lord Jesus is helping you pave a new path that no one else in your family, hometown, or career industry has seen! The Father is teaching you how to live a missional-minded lifestyle where you see God's hand-print wherever you go. Your life isn't separated into home, church, and work-life; you are one being, and everything is interconnected to serve people and glorify Jesus!
All of your life, you've looked for a mentor with your same experiences, talents, gifts and even perspectives — and then God awoke the champion from within. You now realize Jesus was the hero you were always searching for, and He radically changed your life.
He is the only Championship Trophy that matters.
Your sincere heart and authenticity is needed in this generation. God has made you unique on purpose. The Lord has taught you how to love people with genuine compassion and respect and it’s very rare in these days. You have chased after the Father's heart above all else, and He put a spirit within your soul that is made to withstand any opposition.
You're built differently – because God built you!
The Lord heard your prayers when you cried, 'God, I want You and nothing else!' You sought the Father in the secret place and went through years and years of turmoil where it felt like you were invisible. You lost everything to chase after the Father's heart, but He was worthy of it all. The Lord gave you this inner knowing that you'd come out of this situation as a whole new creation, and look at you now!
Jesus is so very proud of your endurance, consistency and trustworthiness! The Lord created a warrior inside your heart who learned to slay giants. Then you went back into the field all alone and tended to the sheep without any applause from man, but having the approval of King Jesus was enough.
The Lord was always watching. He sees everything. What the enemy meant for evil, God really will use for good.
Get ready for another Red Sea moment in your life!
In Exodus 14, the glory was so strong on the children of Israel that even the enemy knew God was arranging things on their behalf. God helped His people cross over on dry ground as He held up the water's edges, and it was a masterful showmanship of the Lord's power!
The same God who did it then is still alive today!
The Egyptians were hot on the Israelites' trail, roaring after God's people with all their man-made weapons of warfare. Then their chariots got stuck in the mud, and their wheels fell off. The Lord put a halt to the enemy's plans right then and there!
This caused the enemy to shout, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! For the Lord fights for them against the Egyptians!" (Exodus 14:25).
Listen, my friend, the Lord is watching over you and waging war on your behalf. You are about to step into a winning season because the Lord fights for you!
You must be still and know that Jesus is Lord over everything in your life. He cares about protecting you from those who oppose Him. He will literally stop the movement of the enemy at His command.
You are safe and secure. God really is fighting for you! Remember, even Jesus had a coworker named Judas who eventually revealed his true identity. Ultimately, Judas faced the darkness inside his soul, which was not pretty. Judas reminds us that titles, religious customs and even "miracle-working power" do not mean we have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. The idolization of money can absolutely corrupt our souls and separate us from the love of Christ. The Lord placed you by a Judas for a reason. Jesus taught you how to distinguish between real and fake. He wanted you to see someone who proclaimed God publicly but had no genuine relationship with the Father. He also wanted you to see how evil cannot stop God's redemptive plan in your life.
Rejoice because this is a time of new beginnings! Get back on your feet! It's GO TIME!
Proverbs 15:33 is your battle cry this season – "Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor!"