PROPHETIC WORD: Crossroads; choose wisely!
The name Haran means “cross-roads.” It metaphorically reflects A PLACE OF DECISION. God’s call to Abram – and his faithful decision to GO – jump starts a new legacy because a nation will be born from his lineage. The choices you make right now really do matter in your story. God is pushing you to go, even when afraid, because there are people attached to your obedience.
PROPHETIC WORD: Settling season is over! Put your faith into action because JOY is coming!
God is giving some of you an exit strategy in this season and urging you to close one chapter of your life to make room for the new. King Jesus wants you freed from systems and structures leaving you bound and confined. Only He can bring true freedom and His thoughts, plans and ideas are so much greater than ours.
PROPHETIC WORD: Wrestling with God for your breakthrough!
God teaches you to be bold and tenacious and demand what He has promised. At the moment of breakthrough, you say, "I will not let go unless you bless me!" (Genesis 32:26). Wrestling teaches you the transforming power of Jesus Christ. You meet God face-to-face. He becomes very real in your life. The facade and ways of the world start to dim, and the brightness of Christ shines like a lighthouse in the distance. The stormy seas and dangerous waves calm, and finally, you can see again.