PROPHETIC WORD: God is your Kinsman Redeemer! The harvest is ripe with potential!
In Matthew 9:38, Jesus says we are to pray to God, "the Lord of the Harvest." We must pray for harvest hands! We are to ask the Lord to send us out into the world as His disciples and beacons of hope because the fields are ripe with potential! We are to GO FORTH in the name of Jesus!
PROPHETIC WORD: Cross-over to the land of fruitfulness! God’s divine restoration is on the horizon in 2023
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord will hover over His people with extraordinary power in 2023 because this is the year that He restores beauty from ashes. Hope will shout from the mountains as streams of living water flow from the innermost chambers of your heart. DIVINE RESTORATION and JESUS-PROMISED ABUNDANCE is on the horizon!
A Harvest of Epic Proportions: Prepare the soil!
WHAT IS GOOD SOIL? Simply put, anywhere the Lord plants you. The hidden enemy of your purpose is failure to discern the soil. Every atmosphere that’s right for you will promote:
-Creativity, excitement, peace, assurance, steadfastness, relentless resolve, and usual grace to fulfill a certain purpose.
The Mystery of the “Third Day:” Lessons From Joshua and Paul To Help Us This Season
The term “three days” is mentioned 75 times in the Bible! This morning, the Lord showed me two stories in Joshua and Acts that seemed to make no sense, but He illuminated wisdom we can glean from these stories to help us as we enter the new season ahead of Passover.