PROPHETIC WORD: Settling season is over! Put your faith into action because JOY is coming!
“Don’t you remember that our ancestor Abraham was shown to be right with God by his ACTIONS…You see, his faith and his actions worked together. HIS ACTIONS MADE HIS FAITH COMPLETE.”
James 2:21-22 NLT
The Lord says, "Settling season is over!" It's time to step into a whole new world created by Christ. God made you in His image and He wants you to experience victory even while on earth.
As Christ's image-bearer – as His beloved child – you reflect our Father's very nature.
Our King absolutely adores every inch of you and He wants you to stop settling for less than you were created to be. Your heart has been bleeding long enough; the Father says it's time to leave this current state (condition, situation, circumstance) and come to Him.
All you have to do is GO (make forward progress) and the next steps will come into focus.
God is a Master Architect, the Divine Creator of our very steps. You can’t miss destiny because He will show you the way.
Sometimes, the Lord will even cause divine agitation and holy frustration to get us into perfect alignment.
Right now, there is a grace and anointing to build into the Kingdom of God, and the Lord Jesus is stirring our hearts to ACTION.
Now is the time to take a leap of faith and boldly follow Christ into the unknown! The night season is over. JOY – unspeakable joy – is coming! To get there, you have to leave here. The Holy Spirit is urging His spiritual trailblazers to separate from the crowds and get back in the secret place so you can receive clear marching orders.
Father God wants MOVEMENT, advancement and forward progress. This next year will be pivotal if you follow the instructions!
The Lord told Abram, "Go from your land, your relatives, and your father's house to the land that I will show you" (Genesis 12:1).
Abram (later named Abraham) was born in the land of the Chaldaeans, a place of prosperity, civilization and comfort. When we read the narrative of the call of Abraham, it is easy to overlook the fact that he gave up a lot of wealth and comfort when he left Ur and Haran and went to Canaan.
However, things aren’t always what they seem on the surface.
The people in his homeland were spiritually dark, worshiping luxury, materials, and things of the world. They served many gods and idols.
….And it was there in a perverse culture that God appeared on the scene to Abraham.
Unlike most pioneers who leave behind hardships to seek a better, settled life — Abram's situation was quite the opposite. He lived among his family and people with plenty of resources and wealth. God called Abram out of a situation that likely felt safe, familiar and comfortable.
Thankfully, Abraham listened and it changed his life forever.
What we see here is God’s magnificent GRACE at work. The greatest gifts we receive are those we don’t even know to ask for. But God…He knows us even better than we know ourselves. The only wealth Abraham truly needed was knowing the Father.
Abram walked away from the so-called "good life" to chase after God's will. He trusted that the Lord would give him something better even if he couldn't see the full picture yet. He had a word from Yahweh and that was enough. Abram looked "forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God" (Hebrews 11:10). Abram was rich towards God (Luke 12:21) and became highly successful in his new land. He also received a son of promise and an eternal inheritance.
It all started with one step forward.
God has sent me here today with a word of encouragement to revive your weary soul. There is an answer to your question buried somewhere in this message.
Here is it: GO! The only password you need to enter is: “NEW BEGINNINGS!”
Let's dive into the life of Abraham to get a clearer picture of what might be happening in your life.
Abraham would definitely become a hero of the faith, but he didn't start out that way.
At first, he did things in part.
His confidence evolved and matured each time he was obedient.
The Lord gave Abraham simple (and even vague) instructions to follow.
He said, "Go," and "I will show you."
When Abraham obeyed, the Lord gave Him the next steps.
Here is what the Holy Spirit is speaking to my heart…
Some of you are knocking on Heaven’s door as we speak. Father God is getting you into position for a great move of the spirit.
The Lord is giving some of you an exit strategy this season and urging you to close one chapter of your life to make room for the new. Letting go is not easy, but the Lord’s amazing grace will help you along the way. King Jesus wants you freed from systems and structures that leave you bound and oppressed. God’s children — especially those who are called to lead in the Kingdom — must be mindful of a culture that worships idols (persons, places or things) more than the voice of God. In order to get back in proper alignment with Christ, you’ll have to walk on holy ground again.
Although some of you might be moving, this is really about the condition of your spiritual life.
It's time to go ALL IN with your King!
My friend — you are anointed, and the Lord has set you apart on purpose for a greater glory. The Lord is about to stir you to action and what He does next will be a launchpad to your future.
God gave Abraham several promises in Genesis 12:2….
"I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing."
So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.
He was willing to sacrifice comfort for the danger zone.
He swapped familiarity with the unknown and even hardship.
However, through Abraham's obedience, he was incredibly blessed by the Creator of the universe!
Sometimes the Lord separates His people when a situation starts to harm their spiritual health. We are not called to everyone and everywhere. When you passionately pursue Christ, there are times when the Lord Jesus will remove you from situations, people, patterns, mindsets or systems that are holding you back. It might look like “failure” from the world’s perspective or even our eyes, but God sees it as His master plan. He wants to teach you a new way of living found in HIM.
When you follow the narrow path with Christ, Jesus becomes the predominant voice in your life. It’s not always easy — but it will be FRUITFUL!
Let me minister to someone for a second….
Some people only like the broken version of you, but your spiritual evolution makes them agitated. They want you to feel demoralized or even suffocated so that you get stuck. The enemy thrives on confusion. One way the enemy works is to get you confused about your identity and uniqueness. In this state, a believer starts to seek outside influences to define who and what they are. When we seek the approval of people more than the Living God, we are treading on very dangerous ground.
The only way we can adequately understand ourselves is to seek the One who formed us in our mother's womb.
Here’s what the Father says about you: "You are precious and honored in My sight (Isa. 43:14), and I see the blood that was shed for your life. Jesus has searched you and knows you and calls you His beloved child. What you consider flaws or imperfections, even with your body – the Lord says I made you that way. The Lord loves you so dearly that He even provides for you while you sleep (Psalm 127:2).”
My friend – God isn't a God of confusion. He wants good things for you, and if someone or something is diminishing your value, Jesus will absolutely pull you away from there.
It's so important to follow His “holy stirrings” at this time.
Here's what to watch out for….
Be mindful of those around you who like to trigger old wounds and talk about the past because they don't have a present reality with you. Healthy relationships will grow and mature. Healthy people push each other towards a greater future and hope. They will celebrate and love Jesus Christ just like you do! They will have hearts for others that are very pure and innocent.
There are times we are purposefully planted among unbelievers, but your assignment might be to simply love others with the love of Christ. God will give you the grace to fulfill an assignment and bring hope to people. You will know it’s the proper alignment because God will make it very clear. There will be an ease and understanding of why you are there. Often the Lord will open doors even in secular atmospheres because your position brings glory to God. We plant the seeds, God makes them grow.
It’s key to always use discernment because everyone is not for you. It’s just the truth, but show them kindness and love anyway. Those who aren't for you will have codependent tendencies to keep you locked in with them. They don't want you free. Your spirit will feel unsettled around them, and God will reveal the root cause of the agitation. When we stick around the wrong people for too long, physical symptoms can start to emerge. It’s so important to be mindful of the Holy Spirit and obey when He shows you something!
Remember: your love of Christ sometimes rattles people to the core! FLEE from the fleas!
God wants you to have high standards! Don't allow people to take you for granted.
The enemy is after your identity in CHRIST more than anything else, but our King will have the final say!
Abraham was willing to risk everything to follow the Lord. Through righteous obedience, he became a "friend of God" (James 2:23).
His faith in God helped him to overcome fear and uncertainty. He trusted in the promises of Yahweh even when the outcome was unknown.
Hebrews 11:8, TPT:
Faith motivated Abraham to obey God's call and leave the familiar to discover the territory he was destined to inherit from God. So he left with only a promise, and without even knowing ahead of time where he was going, Abraham stepped out in faith.
Father God says He will make His plans and purposes for you very clear in this season. When you take the first step, the next one will open. He will show you the way to go! At this time, it's essential to open your eyes and ears!
Pay special attention to your dreams and spend lots of time in the Word!
We can only correctly discern the Father's will through a personal relationship with Him.
Through the life of Abraham and God's people all throughout the ages, we see the principle of God's sovereignty at work. The Lord swoops in and changes everything despite our sinful ways. This is the very essence of GRACE. It's a gift we do not deserve.
God chooses some people for a higher calling because your purpose is to shine a spotlight on the Kingdom. One way you can tell someone is marked by Christ is because there's a noticeable transformation between their old and new life. The person will often endure more hardships than most people and still stand firm in their faith. They will refuse to conform to the "patterns of the world" and have a heart for God's people.
Jesus can change anyone's life instantly, and just like with the disciples and apostles, there's an immediacy to what the Lord does.
We just have to follow.
Key Lessons At This Time….
The Lord is very intentional about timing when you are marked by Him. God calls whom He wants and when He wants. Jesus will place His hand and burden upon your life to stir you to action! It won't always make sense to others, but He told you, not them. Do what God says!
Change is coming swiftly for some of you! Abraham was told to go even without knowing all the details. You're up next for a great move of the Holy Spirit! It’s coming FAST!!!
The Lord posed a powerful question to Moses in Numbers 11:23, and it's a great reminder for when doubt creeps in. When the Israelites started complaining about eating manna and romanticizing life in Egypt, God promised to send them meat in the desert.
Moses, understandably, was perplexed as to how this could happen. The Lord answered him: "Is the LORD's arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you."
In other words, God’s reach is limitless! God is not a man that He shall lie. When He speaks, He delivers. Nothing is impossible for Christ our LORD and He’ll absolutely defy all odds to align everything in order for you. It will bring HIM the glory! King Jesus is going to provide for you in this season. He's going to show up and show out on your behalf! It will happen supernaturally. All you have to do is TRUST the Lord!
Prophetic Encouragement:
There is a quick transition coming for some of you! Last night, I dreamed of people trying to catch a flight at the last minute. They packed their bags and got everything situated just in time!
Some of you are due for an eleventh-hour miracle! There are no more delays, it’s time to move forward!
Flights can represent travel, transition, moving, advancing from one place to the next, soaring to new dimensions, or elevation in the spirit!
Flights are connector points; you advance and accelerate in a short amount of time.
I also keep hearing the words swift, rapid, and joy ride!
Now, some of you are on standby and waiting for the final green light. You might even feel discouraged because people are questioning your motives or decisions. God says you only need His approval.
You're being obedient to Christ and seeking first the Kingdom of God. Therefore, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone else. And while some people might not understand the plan, many will benefit from your obedience.
In the dream, I saw an orange sweater and a white sweater getting packed in a bag. The person was disturbed because the orange sweater had some residue or stain from the past. They left that one behind and packed the white sweater (purity, righteousness). Orange is the color of flesh (red) mixed with trials (yellow). It’s also the color of fire.
Translation = some of you are leaving behind the fiery trials of a past season to step into a pure, holy covenant with King Jesus.
Sweaters represent the thickness of your covering, but you will also have to "sweat it out" and put your hands to the plow in the next stage of your life. I’m reminded of Paul. Even his sweat-cloth healed people (Acts 19:12). He worked at his tent-making business part of the time and taught about the Messiah other times.
God is bringing you protection. Just as sheep are covered with wool, you will have a coat of protection as you take a step of faith.
The Lord is also broadening and stretching your reach at this time! What you carry is really special because it was designed by God before the foundations of the earth.
In the dream, even though the person was in a hurry to pack their bags and catch a flight, everything somehow worked together for their good. There was a sense of divine favor, order and perfect timing in place!
Be on guard as you enter new land because the devil might throw roadblocks to divert your attention.
Even if the fiery darts come — God has your back.
“In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16).
When you hold up your shield of faith, there will be divine protection, and the enemy can't penetrate God's defense system!
Close all the gaps!
How do we extinguish the flames? We soak ourselves in the Word of God!
It’s important to understand the context of Paul’s passionate plea to “take up your shield” because it will give you strategy when opposition arrives.
Before Roman soldiers went to battle, they took their shields and plunged them into water. They knew the enemy would launch fire-bearing arrows in their direction, and their lives were at stake. If the shield was dry, it could explode on contact, but a water-logged shield would bounce the flames away from them.
The word "flaming darts" here metaphorically represents a pointed attack by Satan and his minions.
When the devil attacks, he often uses people to hit you right in the heart of your emotions.
He can trigger old traumas and do small things with significant consequences. What might seem “small” to others will feel like an inferno to your heart when a wound is opened and penetrated.
Keep your shield of faith close to your heart; otherwise, you’re at risk! The darts have to be quenched immediately! How is this possible? Pray, worship, sing, saturate yourself in Scripture and even go on a walk with God.
Anytime you step out for the Kingdom of God, it’s important to prepare for counterattacks! Gird yourself with the whole armor of God (see Eph. 6)!
Paul's words to his spiritual son Timothy is a prophetic word for you today (2 Timothy 2:1-7 MSG):
So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It's the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.
The Lord loves you, and you have Him as a shield! He will protect you. Abide in Him at this hour because King Jesus calls you a friend. You're caring for others, and your heart and intentions are pure, so don't allow anyone to make you feel ashamed.
God sees and adores you; you're the apple of His eye. When people tear you down, keep praying and believing for them anyway and give it back to God.
Sometimes, your light rattles the darkness in others, and they ultimately have a problem with the Lord. It's much bigger than you and Father God will handle the issue.
Keep building this season, and do what the Lord has called you to complete. He's covering you with a shield of FAVOR and DELIGHT, and King Jesus is very proud of your perseverance!
You have passed the tests of faith with such beauty and grace.
The Holy Spirit gave me the following verses for you to read and meditate over this week.
Staple them to your heart! New beginnings are here! Joy is COMING!
Psalm 147:11, 15, TPT
Yahweh shows favor to those who fear him, those who wait for his tender embrace. He sends out his orders throughout the world; his words run as swift messengers, bringing them to pass.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31, MSG
Take a good look, friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don’t see many of “the brightest and the best” among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families. Isn’t it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies”? That makes it quite clear that none of you can get by with blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That’s why we have the saying, “If you’re going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.”
Romans 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
[Remember: the Word of God is not a book of just words, stories and laws. It’s inspired by the Lord and edited by the Holy Spirit. God’s breath is embedded in the pages. The Word became flesh in Jesus Christ. In this season, you will need God-inspired mysteries that can only be understood with His wisdom and revelation. Your Bible is a playbook that contains all the answers. Jesus is the Blueprint].
2 Timothy 3:15-17, TPT
Remember what you were taught from your childhood from the sacred Scriptures which can impart to you wisdom to experience everlasting life through the faith of Jesus, the Anointed One! God has transmitted his very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.