🌟God’s Spiritual Trailblazers are coming forth! It’s ROCKET LAUNCH season!
The Lord Jesus is paving a new path into new territories
Ephesians 1:17, TPT
I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him.
This is rocket launch season! The following 52 days will be paramount in your life!
Just like with Nehemiah, you’re in a rebuild phase and God’s work will be accelerated!
You must be patient with your dreams and allow them to marinate and slow roast until the set time of God’s reveal.
This lengthy process is building your character to withstand what the Lord Jesus has prepared for you!
God will never let you down.
Like Rebekah, you will be discovered while living in your purpose and leading with great kindness.
Like Caleb, your wholehearted allegiance to Father God will advance you into a glorious future, and your boldness will be an example for others.
Like Esther, you will be favored among the crowd, and your commitment to Truth will deliver your people.
Like Elijah, your prayers will be endowed with supernatural strength. Your prayers will shift atmospheres!
Like Joshua, you have the heart of a warrior, a champion, and you're called to lead people into the Promised Land.
Like Phoebe, you are a bright, shining star who is brave and carries the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with you into new territory.
You are God's spiritual trailblazer! 🌟
Trailblazers pave a whole new path where others have never gone! You’re the blueprint and God is using your life as an example!
The Lord made you uniquely different on purpose.
You’re an original. It’s all by design.
God is preparing you for something you can't even see. Just follow Him!
David learned about the "Golden Secret" during his lifetime: to follow God's heart and not man's ways.
That is why he could write such sweet words like in Psalm 16 when he declared:
"Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure and my portion. You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I'm overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you.”
When we set our confidence and hope in Jesus, His enduring Presence will be a constant source of strength in our lives.
Soon you will see what the Lord has been preparing you for all this time. Jesus is so very merciful, and He loves you as is. He's proud of your perseverance and ability to endure when everyone else would have dropped out of the race. Keep climbing that mountain! He's your song and anchor in the waves. He will steady you. He will walk with you in the valley and shut the mouths of lions who try to divert your destiny. God will breathe new life into you and calm all the waves.
The fire of His love will burn through your veins, and Jesus will carry you through the finish line.
He is a Father who will never abandon you. He loves you, He loves you, He loves you. He will not let you down.
Keep climbing! There are people tied to your obedience! Your decisions now will impact your family for generations to come. Do not look to the left or the right. The fire of God will catapult you into a future that you can't even see right now -- but God has already paved the path.
Don't stop now. You are not in this alone. The Father will help you take one step in front of another, but moving forward is essential!
Do not allow your purpose to be paralyzed by any opposition because we are moving onward and upward, ascending from glory to glory!
The Lord is lighting a fire in your heart that sparks a new movement! The Father is renewing your childlike faith and giving you the heart of a champion!
It's time to dig deep and keep climbing!
Your record is not at stake -- God's is, and He is not a man that shall lie. He's a CONQUEROR AND NEVER LOSES. He will do exactly what He said. You don't have to earn His favor, grace or love. He loves you as is because you are His child.
PERSEVERE! The word "severe" is in there for a reason! This push forward is HARD, but God will not let you down! With God, all things are possible! Together you will finish this testing period. Keep going! The end is in sight! Your God will not fail, and you will have a remarkable story to tell. Even during your night season, a bright rainbow of hope still shines.
The King of your heart is going to replenish the deep thirst crying out from your soul for any relief at this time. The crushing has a purpose. Dig deep!
God is faithful, and there's nothing that He can't do. He will anchor your heart and keep you steady in this hour.
You are called to teach the future generation how to walk by Spirit and Truth.
You are to show others how the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.
God loves you so very much! His passion burns for you and He created you in this time period, in your exact location and with your exact gifts and talents all for a mighty purpose!
It's important to let go of all expectations in this season because God is doing an overhaul!
The next 52 days are vital in your life.
Just like Nehemiah, the Lord Jesus will rebuild the walls of your heart. This will be a complete renovation that happens rapidly, and one day you'll look back and marvel at the handiwork of your King.
Jesus is the Master Architect over your life.
The Lord will take all the puzzle pieces and confusion from a prior season and snap everything in place to reveal a glorious portrait handcrafted by the Savior of the world.
You will absolutely stand in awe at what He does and creates. All the broken pieces have a purpose. He's going to show you what He was doing all this time.
Again, you will stand in AWE!
As you enter new territories you never thought possible, there will be expansion upon expansion. People are tied to your obedience, and King Jesus will get all the glory.
You cannot be desensitized or even numb at this hour. It's crucial that you can feel everything. Every emotion is fundamental because this is a healing process. It's a renovation, and God is purposely taking you through certain emotions to heal those places.
Remember — the tears you have sown and the tragedy you have endured actually reveal where you're called. It all has a greater purpose.
God is giving you a heart that is so tender and reveals His kindness, mercy and glory to a lost generation who needs to know God as a loving Father. They need encounters. They need to know that God is much more than a Father just in Heaven or One we read about in the pages of the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is very real, and He walks with us every moment of our lives.
Jesus speaks destiny and hope to our hearts. He's a living, eternal Presence who wants victory for His children even now. He's already paid the price for our sins and punched you a ticket to walk into fullness! Now, King Jesus wants you to show others The Way!
The power of Yeshua’s saving grace is going to bear witness through you!
The Lord has commissioned you for a mighty purpose, and you must go forth in the name of Jesus!
The opposition you’re facing actually proves that you're on the right path!
God says you only need His approval.
Keep sitting at the feet of Jesus and learn everything you can in this hour. The Lord loves you, and you have Him as a shield. He will protect you. He is your strong tower. Abide in Him. The Lord calls you a friend. You are the apple of His eye and His beloved child, whom He is well-pleased.
When people tear you down, keep praying and believing for them anyway, forgive 7 x 70 times, and give it to God. He will take care of the matter. There will be a day when everyone has to meet their Maker and be accountable for all their actions, but the choices of others should not be your focus right now.
Chase Jesus and nothing else!
Here's what the Holy Spirit is highlighting:
1. God will bring you even more comfort this season.
2. The Lord wants you to come back to what really matters. Sit at the feet of Jesus with no expectations and get back to a place of purity when it comes to your prayer life and just talking to the Lord.
3. God is setting you up for something. This is an epic reveal, a setup. You can't see it all right now, but it's already done in the Spirit.
The Father is saying -- RELEASE.
The Lord Jesus is putting on my heart to really stress SURRENDERING. Put all your trust in the Lord and surrender.
Holy surrender is a deliberate decision to yield, release, and let go of all decisions, expectations, plans and purposes for your life.
God is the General Manager, Team President and Head Coach over everything regarding you.
All you have to do is show up, but He's the eternal Decision Maker.
Surrender is a battle term, and the second you set down your own dreams, Jesus will bring forth His desires and hopes for your life.
He won't allow you to miss destiny.
He already wrote your story.
So as you move forward — remember we don't focus our attention on what is seen but what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18).
You are a beautiful soul.
Jesus is so very proud of you. You’re a bright shining star for this generation and the Lord Jesus has paved something remarkable for you.
Start each day with a grateful heart and keep your eyes fixed on the eternal, everlasting Savior. The seeds of hope that you plant now will pay dividends in your future!