PROPHETIC WORD: It’s time to say GOODBYE to an old season or assignment!
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19
This morning, I awoke from a dream where I heard the word “GOODBYE” and I could just feel the weight of the Lord’s glory beating through my spirit!
God is making this message clear: some of you have already stepped into something new, and you must advance with forward momentum.
Yesterday is gone. It’s time to GO!
The word “go” means to proceed, move from one place to another, leave, depart, advance, make progress, accelerate.
You are entering a new realm of influence in God’s Kingdom. Behold, all things really are new!
The wind of the Holy Spirit is about to launch you into the land of POSSIBILITY!
First, you have to LET GO.
It’s time to shut the door on the past.
It’s time to close the door on old mindsets, traumas, and things that are leaving you emotionally and spiritually stunted.
It’s time to say goodbye to hopelessness and unmet expectations.
It’s time to say goodbye to prior relationships and friendships that no longer serve a purpose.
It’s time to say goodbye to a past assignment from a prior season.
It’s time to accelerate with Jesus!
When Jesus healed people, He often gave them directions to GO. His prescription was almost always forward momentum. He didn’t spend much time rummaging through the past because He was more concerned with propelling people into the future.
Jesus was especially pleased with those who had FAITH!
The Lord really cares about spiritual renewal in mind, body and soul. He always does complete work.
Jesus loved the word “GO!” In fact, the Gospel of Matthew records the word over 150 times, and it’s almost always spoken by Christ.
Go is a command to action. You are to press on toward the prize. Runners don’t carry extra baggage with them in a race, nor do they run looking back. They press forward with a goal in mind. Regardless of the distance, they keep it moving, aiming to cross the finish line.
My friend, PRESS ON!
You are in a place of transition, and this is when most people start to faint. Do not give up! You have to keep pushing! The “in-between” stage and narrow straits can sometimes be the most difficult to navigate. However, God will thrust you forward as you weave and thread your boat through a constricted space.
Remember that perfect love casts out all fear and you do not have to be afraid at this time. You will feel unencumbered and released from burdens and restrictions that have kept you tethered to the past.
The Lord is pushing someone to say “goodbye” to yesterday because you can’t stay in this current place or situation. It’s become a bondage to your soul.
Often people stay – when they need to go – because it’s comfortable and familiar. It takes boldness to step into the unknown with Jesus!
Following God with wholehearted allegiance can feel extremely risky and scary – but the Lord’s power is actually released to new levels when we follow Him despite our fears.
Jesus calls it “the narrow way,” and He’s pushing you toward that path! You get the choice!
I want to share various translations of Matthew 7:13-14 because the Holy Spirit is spotlighting this verse today. It will bring you some clarity.
“There are two paths before you; you may take only one path. One doorway is narrow. And one door is wide. Go through the narrow door. For the wide door leads to a wide path, and the wide path is broad; the wide, broad path is easy, and the wide, broad, easy path has many, many people on it; but the wide, broad, easy, crowded path leads to death. Now then that narrow door leads to a narrow road that in turn leads to life. It is hard to find that road. Not many people manage it.” (The Voice)
“Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.” (MSG)
Following Jesus and the narrow path is not for the faint of heart, but it has eternal rewards. In Luke 13:24, Jesus said, “Do your best to go in through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will try to go in and not be able.”
Your decision to follow Christ along the narrow path will be flooded with divine recompense. Our Heavenly Father will rain down on you with oil that never runs dry. There will be great favor and honor.
Just like Esther, God is calling you forth to be a leader of His people.
He is placing the golden scepter before you to step forward and wear your crown.
Esther underwent a complete transformation in identity in less than a year because God was sovereignly working on her behalf.
She equally chose to step forward regardless of the consequences.
Faith without works is dead. Just like Abraham, sometimes you have to go without exactly knowing where God is leading you.
Perhaps, you, too, have been called for such a time as this. If Esther had kept looking back towards her old identity as an orphan, she would have never stepped into her new calling as a queen.
Here’s what the Father is speaking to my heart:
It’s time to say goodbye to dreams of the past.
It’s time to say goodbye to fitting in when you’re meant to stand out.
It’s time to say goodbye to grief and heartsickness that’s keeping you stuck.
It’s time to say goodbye to old identities, titles and even labels.
It’s time to say goodbye to old relationships that are stale and unhealthy so that God can make way for the new.
It’s time to say goodbye to hiding your voice when God meant for you to speak.
You are no longer the version of Peter that got back in the boat and started to fish after denying Jesus three times. You are no longer the version of yourself who is hopeless, helpless and without direction.
You are the version of Peter who is called to stand boldly among the people to preach a gospel message that will change the world. You are the version of Peter who God will work miracles through. You are the version of Peter who has been trained by the King of all kings.
You will suffer immensely, but there will be even greater rewards for your sacrifices.
There’s a cost to greatness.
There’s a cost to following Jesus because you will be rejected and persecuted.
There’s a cost to stepping into the unknown and releasing all that is familiar to you.
However, the narrow path will lead to true life and it will be victorious.
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?
If so, the Lord has four words for you – BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS.
“The person who loves his life and pampers himself will miss true life! But the one who detaches his life from this world and abandons himself to me, will find true life and enjoy it forever! If you want to be my disciple, follow me and you will go where I am going. And if you truly follow me as my disciple, the Father will shower his favor upon your life” (John 12:25-26).
“In the days that followed, David struck hard at the Philistines—brought them to their knees and took control of the countryside” (2 Sam. 8:1).
Some of you have arrived at a new spiritual destination, and it’s time to embark on a new adventure with the Lord Jesus! Challenge yourself to really release and let go this season. You cannot keep looking back.
Chapter One of your new life story has already started. You have turned the page to a new beginning.
There will be great success and “wars of conquest” as you keep moving forward.
In 2 Samuel 8, David stepped into a winning season and started attacking, subduing and gaining ground against the enemy of God’s people.
The Bible says, “The LORD gave David victory wherever he went.”
The tide had turned in his favor. However, for there to be victory, David actually had to go to war. He couldn’t cower in fear or remain apathetic in this season. He had to trust God to lead the way.
For a very long time, the Philistines had wreaked havoc on Israel, but now the tables have flipped. Under David’s reign, there was complete victory and God’s people started gaining ground and the enemy was besieged!
We see a great change in the life of David. The same man who became so fearful of Saul that he fled to enemy territory has completely bid farewell to his old identity. He has now stepped into his full authority as a king and a leader of God’s people.
He was bold and fearless, and the Lord gave him victory after victory. David’s dominance spread all the way to the Euphrates River.
The river Euphrates has a ton of significance in the Bible. The name alone means “fruitfulness.”
David became powerful, and his fame spread throughout the land because he demonstrated restraint and allowed God’s glory to shine. He let God pick the battles. David didn’t mess with some pagan nations because they weren’t openly hostile against him or Israel.
The Lord is a Master Strategist. He will tell you who, what, and where you are to give your attention. Let go of everything else.
“So David reigned over all Israel; David administered judgment and justice to all his people” (2 Sam. 8:15).
Under David’s kingship, Israel continued to prosper with victory, blessings, rewards, and honor. Everyone took notice.
He lived in a place of humility and reverence towards the Lord, and God responded with favor.
David also ruled justly and fairly. He models great leadership. He found success because He was a man after God’s own heart. When David messed up, he repented and brought the sin to the Lord.
He also showed a willingness to train, equip, and empower the people he led.
Contrast David’s leadership to that of Saul, who became so infatuated with the approval of man that he became blinded to his own arrogance and sin. The Spirit of God actually departed from this man who was once destined for greatness. Saul loved himself way too much and sin always comes home to roost. One of the saddest things is when God actually anoints and places someone in a place of leadership (like Saul) but the person fumbles the ball because they are consumed with the opinions of others.
David greatly prospered because he always put the Lord first.
He also found success because his government had order and structure, something Saul did not have.
Everything in God’s Kingdom has a structural pattern, down to how God formed the world and man. He expects the same kind of order with His leaders. Jesus was also very structurally sound with how He selected His disciples and trained them for future leadership. Again, we serve a God of order and He’s very intentional and purposeful with how He leads you. You must lead others with the same kind of pattern.
Chaos and dysfunction do not belong in the Kingdom of God. Anyone or anything that breeds contention or causes strife among the brethren is not from the Lord! “We are to live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited” (Romans 12:16).
Proverbs 13:10 says, “Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.”
David outlines the pathway toward great leadership and stewardship.
He was a gifted and committed leader who loved God and was backed by a passionate team willing to battle together for a greater purpose.
David also made space for the power of God to ripple through the people, and the Lord Jesus moved mountains on their behalf!
You have been given the same pattern of success and now it’s time to live it out!
As you step forward and say goodbye to the past, grab hold of these words: “The Lord gave David victory wherever he went!” (2 Sam. 8:6, 14)