PROPHETIC WORD: Divine Favor, Opportunity and New Spiritual Gifts⭐
The Lord gave me the most beautiful dream last night, and I can't wait to share it with many of you. Here is the overarching message: you are on the brink of a significant, positive change in your life, where your abilities and gifts will be recognized, and you will be granted special opportunities and experiences. God is getting ready to send you to the next level! It is OPEN DOOR SEASON!
PROPHETIC WORD: Provision from Heaven! It’s Game Time! 🎁
It’s soul mate season! It’s time to embrace LOVE, because LOVE is in the air! The Lord always had a set time for you, beloved!
PROPHETIC WORD: God’s Champion Defenders Are Coming to the Forefront
The Lord is really highlighting the word "promise" right now. This is a time of promises fulfilled. You will testify and bear witness to God's enduring prophetic power. What He said is coming to pass as you enter the Promised Land.
The Spirit of God is saying: be prepared! Lace up your shoes! And watch out for any counterfeit people who are not a part of your future. This is a time to fully embrace God’s best for you and it’s new.
Prophetic Word: The Lord is bringing forth many new voices to teach about the Spirit of God. They’ve been trained by Jesus in the “factory” of His heart and He’s about to commission them to carry and protect His people.
PROPHETIC WORD: You are God’s ambassador of hope! ☀️
This week the Lord showed me how He’s bringing forth a new generation of ‘sent ones’ with a unique and powerful paraklesis gifting like Barnabas! In the modern day, these are communicators with all sorts of platforms, media outlets, and careers who don’t hold traditional “roles” in the church, but they are making big moves for the kingdom.
PROPHETIC WORD: It’s Take-off Season! Many people are being ‘sent’ to new places
The Holy Spirit just highlighted the word “assignment” in particular. God-given assignments are always about other people. It’s about the people who will be strategically placed along your path so you can shine the spotlight on Christ through your submitted life.
Divine Destiny: Ruth and Boaz come forth
For those who don’t know the story of Ruth and Boaz, it’s such a beautiful example of a love story that Christ orchestrated between a man and woman. We also come to understand that Jesus Christ is our ultimate Kinsman Redeemer. It’s a perfect example of divine providence.