PROPHETIC WORD: You are God’s ambassador of hope! ☀️
“In Antioch there were a number of prophets and teachers of the Word, including Barnabas…and Saul.” (Acts 13:1)
This week the Lord showed me how He’s bringing forth a new generation of ‘sent ones’ with a unique and powerful paraklesis gifting!
Para, who?
In the modern day, these are communicators with all sorts of platforms, media outlets, and careers who don’t hold traditional “roles” in the church, but they are making big moves for the kingdom! They are God-ordained encouragers rooted in biblical truths with a desire to see others chase destiny! Some are parents who are raising generational game-changers!
The Holy Spirit revealed this through a dream where I had to repeat the words paraklesis and ekklesia over and over again. So I knew the Lord was tying these two words together and it reflects a movement for ‘sent ones’ in the Body of Christ right now!
They are people who “come alongside others” and they are planted within the culture, to change the culture.
These are people who care about the welfare of the living. God has gifted them like Barnabas, who was known as the Son of Encouragement! They are God’s champions for people and they bring life to dead places. They don’t just speak encouragement, they are encouragement! They come alongside others to offer words of encouragement, comfort, consolation, and counsel and challenge people to reach their full potential.
They are the bright blossoms and butterflies of God’s kingdom. They value the process just as much as the promise. They see the sovereignty of God in everything and have this supernatural ability to evaluate the harshest situations in a positive light.
They live for Heaven on earth!
There’s a special zest and flavor on what they deliver. They challenge people with specific directions and long to see the captives set free!
They believe God’s plan is perfect, even His timing.
Somehow, they see every obstacle with cheerfulness or some kind of positivity because Jesus gives them radical faith!
Father God keeps saying “it’s a move, it’s a move, it’s a move.”
Some of you have sensed that you’re moving, but you ARE the movement!
You are a powerful avalanche the Lord is setting loose roaring into new places and platforms! When you begin to move, the world SHAKES! You are a fierce train rumbling down the tracks on a mission and no one can stop the beat!
You have been ‘sent forth’ to proclaim the good news to all the earth!
Exhortation is a gift that enables a person to encourage others to become mature in Jesus Christ. Those with the gift of encouragement will attempt to bring out the best in people. It is not the same as teaching – it is a call to action. (Blue Letter Bible)
Barnabas encouraged Paul when others outright rejected him. Exhorters don’t care what the world values.
They are spiritual cheerleaders; they advocate for others with enthusiasm, passion and zeal!
Ekklesia = is translated from Greek to mean: ek (out of) and klesis (called out of). It’s where we get the word “church” in the English language, but it doesn't denote coming in, but an extension that goes out.
Paraklesis = reflects two Greek words: para (to come alongside) and klesis (call out of).
Why did God make me repeat these words over and over in my dream? It prophetically represents how the Lord is restoring His church like in Acts. People are being sent.
Steve Sweetman says it this way:
In simple terms, "church" (ekklesia) is comprised of people whom Jesus has "called out of" (ekklesia) the world and placed "alongside" (paraklesis) other "called out people".
Paul didn't view "church" in terms of "going to church", a Sunday morning meeting, a building, or, a well financed ecclesiastical system. He viewed church as people, people whom Jesus rescues "out of the world" and then places "alongside" other rescued people for the purpose of serving Him in ministry.
Barnabas reflects how this will look for many people with the Gift of Exhortation.
Overview: Barnabas was a Levite from Cyprus. His real name was Joseph, but the apostles nicknamed him Barnabas meaning Son of Encouragement. He brought a banner of hope and comfort into every atmosphere.
“He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” (Acts 11:24)
▪️It’s important to note that when we first meet Barnabas, he is compared to Ananias in Acts 4. They both sold property and brought offerings to the apostles, but their motives were very different. This is a reminder of how much God looks at the heart. Ananias belonged to the “church” but he gave to be seen and kept some for himself. Barnabas gave because his motives were pure and genuine. We get to choose whether we desire the applause of man or the heart of Christ.
▪️Barnabas vouched for Paul when the other disciples were afraid of him. Barnabas had the ability to see past the fear and recognized the Lord’s grace on Paul’s life.
“When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he attempted to introduce himself to the fellowship of believers, but everyone was afraid of him. Barnabas came to his defense and brought him before the apostles…Barnabas also told them how boldly Saul preached throughout the city in Jesus’ mighty name. Then they accepted him…” (Acts 9:26-28 TPT)
▪️Barnabas clearly had heavy influence on both the believers and leaders because they took his recommendation at his word.
▪️God gifted Barnabas with a keen sense of timing and supernatural wisdom (Acts 9:30-31, 11:25-26). He was able to discern that God was using Paul in a powerful way and helped encourage these gifts. Barnabas later sought him out and they formed a dynamic ministry that helped catapult the church!
Perhaps new dynamic duos are about to arise!
SELFLESS, CHEERFUL GIVER, WHO UNDERSTANDS THE PURPOSE OF SUPPORTING OTHERS IN THEIR MISSION. Barnabas sold a piece of land and “brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet” (Acts 4:37).
UNIQUE APOSTOLIC GIFTING: Barnabas had a unique personality to speak the truth with strength and clarity, while also bringing hope, comfort and encouragement to others. Prophets and apostles in the modern day don’t always speak the future or condemn sin. They exhort. Teach. Build.
“Those who prophesy speak to people, building them up, and giving them encouragement and comfort.” (1 Cor. 14:3 CEB)
WAS FROM CYPRUS AND CAME FROM THE TRIBE OF LEVI: He was likely educated, and might have owned land in two places. He might have been exposed to many different people groups. Not all Levites were priests, they could also be teachers and scribes. He possibly had a ‘career’ that was different than his ‘calling.’
When the other disciples were afraid of Saul, who was now Paul, Barnabas vouched for him. Then Barnabas took it a step further. He encouraged Paul and became almost like a spiritual coach and public advocate.
God will often place encouragers around future leaders to develop and mentor them.
Later Barnabas knew when to stand back and assist when the magnitude of Paul’s ministry was revealed.
▪️They value the Word of God and these people will immediately know who in the Bible aligns with something you are battling. They are intentional about giving you exact steps to find Christ in the midst of the trial or circumstance. They are “how to” people.
▪️They are the sunshine and heart emojis of God’s people. They are the defenders and special advocates of the disenfranchised.
▪️This gift is more than one who speaks positively or with “eternal optimism.” God gives them a special ability to actually walk alongside others and then push for action. Other times they also rebuke and sternly warn others to turn from sin. Whereas the Gift of Mercy is more anointed to feel and extend empathy, the exhorter will be more inclined to give you steps to overcome and develop. They will naturally want to show you the bigger picture and reveal how God will use this matter for a greater good. They are not motivational speakers; they are relational. They’re at their best one-on-one or in places spiritual intimacy can be developed.
▪️They are truly passionate about seeing people become everything God destined them to be. They might also have the Gift of Mercy and possibly a teaching or evangelical anointing. Paul was certainly an exhorter in the letters he wrote.
▪️They love to equip leaders to heal and transform the world for such a time as this.
▪️Paraklesis is more than comfort, it’s spiritual intimacy. Through the spiritual Gift of Exhortation, the Holy Spirit gives these people genuine and authentic words for others. They don’t make others feel ashamed for their pain, but rather, give a voice to their feelings. It’s just something they do and who they are. They accept, affirm and console others in the midst of grief, despair, anxiety, fear or rejection. They don’t leave people in a wounded state, but push them to see Christ as a Physician for our souls.
▪️Your ‘Barnabas’ people are God’s cheerleaders around the earth! The Lord might even give you dreams with cheerleaders or teams to understand the role you play in the kingdom.
▪️People with a Barnabas mantle know that God is not done writing your story; they will devote their lives to ensure you become everything God ordained. Their ministry, calling and walk is sincere with no hidden agendas. Their strength only comes from God’s grace and they desire no applause. They are special messengers with a unique personality sent out to the world!
▪️Pitfalls: Sometimes people just want to talk about their problems and they’re not looking for a solution. So encouragers have to know when to speak or stay silent. Since exhorters are “fixers” they will go straight into action and have an entire power point presentation ready for you the next day. Some people aren’t looking for a fix but just want to express, so exhorters have to be mindful of this. Exhorters can see the end already without realizing that people need to still process the beginning. They might get especially agitated around those who resist change. God will often separate them from people who weigh them down because their gift is crafted to bring sunshine to darkness. They can’t do this while oppressed. However, if they can yield to God’s plan (and they will), and learn to listen and evaluate every situation with clarity, they will flourish and change the lives of many people!
▪️Since they are noble, they love others who reflect the same character traits back. They have a tender heart, so they do great alongside someone with a Paul-like anointing who brings balance, discernment and wisdom to situations. They do well in strong partnerships.
…The Holy Spirit said: “I have called Barnabas and Saul to do an important work for me.” (Acts 13:2 TPT)
▪️They don’t talk about change, they are the change! They set the temperature anywhere they go. Once they overcome any fear of rejection, these people will absolutely flourish and fly high! They love people and desire for the world to be a better place!
▪️The song “We Are The World” best reflects their personality…
There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretending day-by-day
That someone, somewhere soon make a change
We're all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know, love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me
…They sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. (Acts 11:23-26)