“Stand firm…with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”
Luke 12:35 — “Be ready, dressed as for a journey, with your lights burning.”
The other day, I dreamed of all these old tennis shoes (sneakers) in various styles, brands and colors on display. I was in this sketchy store and the shoes looked good until I got closer. I realized they were actually used and previously worn. Someone else had already walked in those shoes.
All of a sudden, I saw a pair of New Balances. Then I woke up.
The Spirit of God is saying: It’s time for a new balance in life! Be prepared! Lace-up your shoes! And watch out for counterfeit people who are not a part of your future. This is a time to fully embrace God's best for you and it's new! Remain STEADFAST!
God's Word provides the balance we need to walk confidently in all areas of life. We need to be balanced. He can help.
SHOES: Shoes often reflect "running our race" in life, and God was highlighting people and things to watch out for in the coming weeks.
These people were trying to sell me something gently used in the dream. Since they were barely worn, it took me a second to discern the situation. Their scheming was hard to detect.
Key Word: gently used.
Looks like a new thing, but it's not. We don't want "kind of looks new" — we want the real deal. Something wholly fresh and inviting; out with the old, in with the new.
God chooses the best for His children. He saves the best for last.
Gently used can also reflect people who disrespect your boundaries. They do it gently and subtly. They use you. Slowly and methodically it sucks the life out of you. I know some strong and authoritative people in their careers who have fragile boundaries in their personal walk. This is an area we all need to be strengthened. That's why we need balance. We can spot the emotional leeches or what’s old. The Lord is pressing upon my spirit to tell someone that a change and shift is happening fast. You have to get with the new plan right now. We need blueprints that can only be found in the Word of God.
As I spent time in worship, these are the specific definitions the Lord highlighted...
Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time. Like, a new Godly perspective or revelation knowledge.
To weigh the reasons, importance, or value of different things and balance good and evil. Our lives need more balance. More Jesus, less culture.
Romans 12:2 — “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think…” The Passion Translation says “stop imitating the ideas and opinions of the culture around you…”
A "pair of balances" symbolizes justice and fair dealing in the Bible.
Simply put — choices are in front of you.
Choose wisely.
"There is a time for embracing, and a time to refrain from embracing."
Ecclesiastes 3:5b
This is a time to embrace God's best for you.
It's time to let go of the past. Embrace the future. God’s about to do more than you can ask, think or imagine.
These are life-changing plans coming, with destiny attached, so PREPARE. GET READY.
Good and fertile soil = there will be unusual grace and an inner knowing that you're supposed to choose that path. God will confirm it over and over again. Your spirit will bear witness that it's God speaking.
If your spirit, emotions, or body feel unsettled around someone or a decision — leave. Don't ever look back.
Be mindful of people and things the Lord has already delivered you from, and keep moving. Keep moving forward with assuredness that Jesus is pushing you into a new era. In fact, the word "deliverance" was in my dream, which Biblically means "rescue from bondage or danger."
In the dream, the people were trying to bring the past into the future. This is a rocky hill you do not want to climb nor entertain, no matter how appealing they make the situation. We want what's alive, breathing, fresh and new. Those old shoes had functionality and purpose in a prior season, but you are way past that stage. You have elevated and gone higher, and don't look back.
You don't want or need those gently used shoes anymore. You need a new balance.
“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” (Ephesians 6:14-15).
What does it mean to have your feet fitted with readiness?
(n.) The state or quality of being ready; preparation; promptness; aptitude; willingness.
Roman foot soldiers wore sandals with medal knobs underneath them kind of like cleats. They were positioned to give optimal grip and foot support in periods of battle.
They could adapt to any terrain and stand their ground. In the same way, the gospel of peace, the one that only comes from Christ, keeps us fitted and ready for our spiritual walks. We carry the Good News of Christ into the world and speak life into dead places.
We don't have to be afraid of enemy terrain when we put on our gospel of peace shoes each day. We don't just put them on; we are ready and prepared for action and movement, to shift, move or pivot another way. Our shoes are made to withstand any assault or nonsense from a very real adversary in the world.
“The report of your obedience has reached everyone. Therefore I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise about what is good and yet innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” Romans 16:19 CSB.
Jesus represented peace. So when we wear the gospel of peace, we are confident that He always goes before and with us. He directs, commands and illuminates the pathway ahead.
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path” — Psalm 119:105.
The original Word for a lamp (ner) is like a candle or wick. The imagery represents a flame that is always burning when you walk with Christ. It's alive and active. The Word of God is Living, and the flame of salvation burns brightly wherever you go.
We don't want old and gently used shoes from a past season. We need new shoes equipped for each day that we can only find in the Word of God as He directs us forward. It's not enough to just read a little scripture here and there. We have to go deeper and study the Living Word. We need the "spikes" in our shoes sharpened each day.
"For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)
Many people read the Bible and look for scriptures to back what they want to address about a current need or situation. I used to be this way, so I understand this practice. A new balance means arriving at the feet of Jesus and allowing Him to lead.
I remember when the Lord first taught me how to do this. He would literally have me flip open the Bible and study where the page landed. This sounds elementary, but it's the very thing that got me to study the Bible instead of choosing what I wanted. I was so THIRSTY to hear any word from God. I have yet to lose that childlike wonder and Jesus honors this. He’s truly the best Teacher and Father! I love Him so much!
To gain balance is to learn about Jesus' heart in new ways this season. When I started this practice, many stories were so unfamiliar that I had to watch the kid cartoons to grasp the meaning.
As my walk deepened, God began to have me slice and dissect words in Hebrew and Greek and then whispered new wisdom as I slept. From there, my spiritual gifts started to increase at a profound rate. This is how I know God did it and not me. I didn't even know to ask for these gifts. The only thing I did was get my balance in check. I wanted more of Him and less of me.
You don't want those gently used shoes anymore. You need a new balance.
Both the Old and New Testament speaks a lot about feet. Shoes in dreams reflect our walk. The Lord has laced us with new shoes equipped to run a new race full of joy and passion! Even when we face tough times, we remain rooted in the gospel of peace because we know Jesus is leading the way.
We can walk unafraid and confident into any terrain because we know God is keeping us safe. He helps us power through any obstacle with true strength. The Lord removes barriers and enlarges territories that prevent us from stumbling. Notice in the below verses how David speaks in the present and remembers the past.
We should thank God now and remember all He's delivered us from.
Psalm 18:36-38
You have enlarged my steps under me. My feet have not slipped.
I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet.
Prophetic Word: The Lord is giving you a new roadmap and journey that will be fresh and exciting in the coming days. You need a new pair of shoes that can only be found in the Living Word of God. Be very careful of running towards the lusts of the world or culture. Do all you can to live in peace with everyone, for God is peace. Be mindful of those people God has already delivered you from in past seasons. They might do everything possible to get your attention, but they are not part of your future. Keep moving forward into the new.
Do you know who never ran in the Bible? Jesus. Even when people were dying, the Bible tells us he walked. He took his time. Each step was deliberate.
He only needed three years for His ministry in a place the size of Rhode Island, yet over 2,000 years later, we are still talking about Him. That alone is the greatest miracle of our lifetime.
So Jesus walked.
But the point is, Jesus didn’t rush and always trusted God’s timing. Jesus also didn't teach hustle culture or working 15-hour days. He was intentional and deliberate and understood the importance of rest. We should give every job our full heart and fulfill every assignment with upmost excellence, but keep it balanced under His authority.
Do you know who did run in the Bible? John tells us twice that he outran Peter to the tomb. Why? Because Peter was still stuck in the past. John was running towards the future. Love will always outrun shame.
That's what the pace of grace looks like. So get ready to put on your new shoes. You'll need them for where you're going.
"Run as fast as you can from all the ambitions and lusts of your youth; and chase after all that is pure. Whatever builds up your faith and deepens your love must become your holy pursuit. And live in peace with all those who worship our Lord Jesus with pure hearts." — 2 Timothy 2:22
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
There's a reason we love comeback stories. We see our own resolve in those who also rise to the top. It gives us hope to keep pushing and believing in the impossible.
It's not the championship press conferences or standing on large stages that captures my heart. I want the real…the authentic stuff not meant for the whole world. It’s the kind of sanctification that happens out of the spotlight for God's glory, not man's approval.
I love the quiet, dignified life where all the applause is stripped away, and we can bare our souls without shame. I love to hear from others who have overcome tremendous odds because we share an assuredness, an unspeakable, intangible bond. It's a soul bond. It's a knowing. It's knowing that only God can write this story. It's knowing that greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world.
We speak about platforms a ton these days in a hyper wanna-be-famous culture, but that's not God's focus. He wants people who chase Him in secret places. It's a place behind-the-scenes, hidden in obscurity, where God's glory can't be mistaken for our own. We don't chase God to be famous; we follow Him because He already is. And what the world offers can never satisfy the deep thirst and hunger we long for in our souls.
Jesus must always increase so that we can decrease. It's a lifetime of training to get this under control because the flesh will always desire what it can see. We must chase the unseen realm. That's genuine faith.
To prepare and get ready means to allow God to do the deep work in the shadows because we never know when our number will be called. Some of you are next in line for something too spectacular for you to even dream. Lace-up your shoes. You've got next.
Readiness: to prepare, make ready of those things ordained by God, such as future positions of authority. To appoint.
How do we get ready? Ephesians 6:11 — “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.” We have to be deliberate in our preparation so we’re not caught slipping. We become so firmly planted in Christ that we immediately spot anything counterfeit. We value preparation over planning. We constantly go to the Lord and seek out His heart and divine instructions. We train and purify ourselves over and over again.
We present ourselves as a pure vessel before the Lord, so we can walk confidently into the future. No weapon against us will prosper. We take a stand against any tactics or schemes of the enemy.
We remember that “two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed” (Ecc. 4:9).
The Lord outlines for us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 the order of highest priority when preparing our bodies, which carry the temple of God within us wherever we go.
”May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The spirit connects us to God, the soul holds our emotions and makes us aware of Christ, and our body connects us to everything else. To put on the shoes of readiness means we submit to this order daily. You can be the best athlete in the world, but everything will be fruitless without the spirit and soul submitting first.
The Lord says: Your ankle is anchored to my firm foundation.
The Gospel itself is to be the firm footing of the believer, his walk worthy of it and therefore a testimony; his ankles are anchored in Jesus Christ, on a foundation that can't be shaken. All else is like sinking sand.
Our prayer this season: “Not my will, but Yours, Lord!”
Dreaming is excellent, but only when we allow the Lord to pick our future. What's meant to be will be, so just let it be.
Proverbs 16:9 says, "The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps."
Proverbs 19:21 teaches, "The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established."
So the Lord is saying, "to prepare" because you don’t even know what’s coming! And it’s BIG!!! THINK BIG!!
We prepare by staying rooted in His love so we can love others. We pray and worship to remember Who we serve. We prepare by helping others with a pure and blameless heart. We prepare by allowing God to heal our wounds and catch our tears and even teach us how to be more open and gentle. We prepare by not worrying about tomorrow and giving God praise for today.
Prepare, beloved. Your future self will thank you.
Luke 10:19 -- “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
The Bible repeatedly tells us to pursue peace, but how do we do this with difficult people or in a sinful and fallen world? Paul understood this lesson well. He was beaten, left for dead, shipwrecked many times, bit by a snake, pelted with rocks and imprisoned. Yet, even then, peace ruled over his life.
Romans 12:18: “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.”
So how do we have peace with difficult people?
Transformation comes from Jesus Christ. He has to be working in and through us. That's how people can lose a loved one to senseless violence and then forgive them openly in a courtroom. They are not dismissing the evil act but choosing peace because "greater is He that is in me, then he who is in the world."
There is a difference between true healing and just surviving. The children of Israel got out of Egypt, but the trauma was so deeply embedded that a whole generation had to die off before entering the promised land. Noah survived the flood, but that doesn't mean his family forgot all the trauma that happened during the flood.
Jesus spent 1/3 of his ministry on deliverance for a reason. Trauma and bondage is real, and healing comes from the touch of the Father. Deliverance is the forgotten ministry of Jesus Christ in the modern day. That's why it’s important to use your testimony of healing to help others. When the Lord heals you, we can then be seeds to help others. We have a very heartsick and grieving world. They need to hear real people share how God heals and redeems and restores.
Sometimes the trauma is so deeply embedded that you might think you're healed, but your body still reacts to danger. Or, you avoid others because you become untrusting of people. It feels safer to hide. The longer you do this, it becomes part of your personality, and that's where some people become withdrawn, cynical, anxious, stubborn and/or afraid. The trauma keeps them bound.
Some people carry these traits around their entire life. That's why when Jesus healed someone, He often asked: "how long have you had this issue?" He wanted the person to speak forth the timeframe, so they understood His healing power. Only God will get the glory in this matter.
So the journey towards peace is a healing process that requires Jesus to do deep inner-surgery. Note that I said process. I believe we're all on a healing journey until we arrive in heaven. We live in a fallen world. Trauma and soul wounds often reside in all of us because it’s been passed down for generations. It takes someone to be brave and break the bloodline issues. That person is you.
Many people think that bitterness is anger, but it's really unresolved trauma. So to arrive at peace, we must go deep with the Lord. We have to choose the narrow path even when it makes us vulnerable; it’s scary and painful and often isolating, but “God’s power is made perfect in weakness.”
In my own life, God is the only one who makes me brave. On my own, I am not. So to find true peace, I can only find that in the Lord. He’s the only One who gives me true peace, safety and security. I long for everyone to know Him the same way. Our scars make us beautiful. Jesus didn’t come for perfection, just surrendered hearts, willing to choose God over ourselves. My greatest source of healing came when I learned to receive. I chose to walk the narrow path with Him.
I want to stand and face the Father someday and hear Him say, "well done, faithful servant." If it means I need to forgive and love difficult people, I will choose His way every single time. I will choose peace.
Repeated sin and abuse is NEVER okay, and we serve a merciful God who believes in justice. Vengeance is not ours, though. We have to forgive and then move forward. We do not have to stay around anyone who disrespects or hurts us whatsoever.
Forgive them in your heart, release them to God and allow Him to handle the matter. I have learned this lesson well in my life. He will take care of the issue. We remember that we don't battle against people but principalities. We forgive over and over again because anyone can be redeemed. It's not our job to save people. Only God can do that. But when we forgive people, it frees us from holding onto any bondage. We choose to walk forward because God never wants His children bound. He wants us free and we can only find that in Him.
FIRE FOLLOWERS: It's time to rise from the ashes
Luke 12:28 MSG: “If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?”
In unique landscapes worldwide, something extraordinary occurs after a wildfire scorches the land. There are rare wildflowers that actually emerge from the shadows and burst to life from the charred remains. Their seeds can stay dormant underground for years, even decades, and the blazing wildfire is what finally breaks open their tough exterior.
Every step is essential in their life cycle.
They are known as the Fire Followers. Spiritually, they represent many of you. Their seeds awaken after the blaze. They bring beauty from ashes. When everything else dies along its path, God's Fire Followers are just getting started. They are the encore performers around the earth.
Researchers say the intensity of the burn determines what species awaken from the blackened landscape. Fire followers don't just survive the fire — they flourish and thrive in the face of adversity.
They don't get to choose their time of arrival — the Lord does.
Some of you are the Lord's precious Fire Followers who might be feeling the heat right now. Others of you might have endured a season of trials just recently. It can sometimes feel like death as you allow Jesus to enter and clean out the deepest places of your heart. God used the fiery furnace of affliction to burn away any remaining residue. The suffering and pain you carry is often a seed issue that has been carried in your family for generations. The Lord is helping you break past the bondage to change the order and pattern of your family and your children's children.
The Lord speaks through His creation and there’s a powerful prophetic word here if you can catch this in the spirit.
Researchers say some wildflowers can emerge and bloom just days after the blaze subsides. The main reason is because of a combination of water and sunlight.
Many fire-follower seeds were always there — but hidden by others. The fire cleared the debris in their path and created prime conditions to blossom!
Coming to the surface can be downright terrifying, and it can feel safer for you hidden among the crowd. Then one day, the Lord rewrites history and the days of playing it safe are long over.
God always had a set time for you to burst forth and you're the next in line!
The night season is over. The dawning of a new era is here.
This is your moment to shine.
All of the heroes of the faith were Fire Followers. Moses especially was. The Lord used atmospheric fireworks of lightning, smoke and fire to visit him!
“Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in the fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. As the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and the voice of God answered him”— Exodus 19:16-19.
God's glory comes with POWER in the fire! He sifts and refines you in the fire and makes you acutely aware of your sinful patterns and blind spots.
Now here's the thing about Fire Followers. Frequently the pain is so intense that you feel like a battle-tested soldier who just trudges through the day to find any source of living water.
You don't even notice the glow from spending time with Jesus, but others will benefit from the fruit that blooms from the dry wastelands of your soul. You have to finish the process with Christ even when it hurts. It's essential to not get stuck in a cycle of self-pity and despair when everything starts to die. God must become more significant than your own story. You cannot allow fear to choke out every last bit of hope. This is a battle test of the mind, and Jezebel cannot be louder than Jesus.
The Lord is faithfully and deliberately watching over you to bring completion and divine order to your life. He's shifting people into a new calling and alignment and blooming the seeds of the fire followers out of the shadows of obscurity. The Lord is placing you in fertile land to be used in new and powerful ways. The "land" is really about families. God cares about restoring the generations to come from your seedling. The home is the very first covenant and ministry in the Bible.
God brought me to Psalm 78:6-8 TPT. The children of Israel were fire followers:
"… God's ways will be passed down from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born. In this way, every generation will set its hope in God and not forget his wonderful works but keep his commandments. By following his ways, they will break past the bondage of their fickle fathers, who were a stubborn, rebellious generation and whose spirits strayed from the eternal God."
The Lord uses fire to break the oppression and depression that has followed some of your family lines for generations. God's fire aims to soften your internal core and loosen the bondage and trauma from your bloodline once and for all. Don't run from the fire; allow the Lord to refine you through it like a polished diamond. Only then can you fully blossom and reveal God's glory across the land!
The time is ripe for many of you right now to step forward and retake your rightful positions. Everything is beautiful in its time. The refiner's fire had a purpose, and look at you shine! You have been purified.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 — There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…
God says, "your faith has healed you," and it's time for the fulfillment of long-awaited promises!
In God's economy, He prepares an appointed time for everything. A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to gather; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up.
As I sat with the Lord, He told me this is a "building season" for the Kingdom and individual families! He's bringing many new couples and families together and revival for those already married. He's building new businesses and giving His children creative strategies the world has never seen! He’s strategically placing people in new geographic locations to build up new believers. He's building careers and ministries to give new leaders significant influence, and He's giving you a new heart!!! One that is soft and open to receive His best!
Even though you might not see change right now, trust me, God is coming with a new sound, and all the pieces will fall into place. You will look back and realize the Lord has been writing your story with precision and purpose from the day you were born.
There will be endless joy and surprises that will cause your knees to buckle! It's going to be downright EXTRAORDINARY! Don't look with your eyes; believe with radical FAITH!
Hebrews 12:29 (NCV) “…because our God is like a fire that burns things up.”
"The earth has four creatures that are very small but very wise…the small lizard is easy to catch as it clings to the walls with its hands, yet it can be found inside a king's palace" (Proverbs 30:24,28 TPT)
There are four creatures that are small and often even burdensome, but they can teach us lessons. The lizard reflects wisdom.
Lizards have very little defense systems, yet they somehow get inside palaces. They are strategic. They know when to hide and when to resurface. They aren't flashy; they enter atmospheres quietly and humbly. They don’t come knocking down the door. They find the crevices.
Sometimes we must be bold, tenacious and powerful like lions and horses. Other times we are gentle and meek like the dove and lambs. Then some seasons, we are industrious in God's garden like an ant who must prepare. Other times, we must become adaptable like the lizard, who is agile and can maneuver in atmospheres most people never get to enter. Their hands spread wide to a foundation and they can zip through small or wide spaces.
Lizards don't even need an open door. God can send them through the cracks.
They are small — so that God can be large.
Most reptiles shed their skin in one piece; the lizards shed piece-by-piece through a healing process that releases the old to make way for the new. They shed even as they move.
God's lizards can easily make it into the palace without anyone else knowing how they got there.
Lizards have a defense mechanism called autonomy where they can shed their tails when chased by predators. The tail can then regrow.
The lizard teaches us to let go. Many times we don’t let go because the pain starts to feel familiar. Or we see others as helpless sheep and we want to save them. If the lizard does not let go of its tail, it will remain trapped or killed. Many people remain spiritually dead because they refuse to choose the narrow path. I know that you have it in you to walk this new way with the Lord. The Lord is sending you to the palace.
Your best days are ahead. Don't let anyone say you're too old or past your time. God operates outside of time. He has equipped and prepared you for something new and spectacular. Be brave. Step out with boldness and just do what He said. You are anchored into a firm foundation.
Everything has led up to this moment. You have been hiding in the shadows and you are ready for the next. Today you will confidently walk into the new and feel worthy of all the beautiful things the Lord has prepared. Just keep your eyes ahead. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made. God’s works are wonderful, you know that full well” (Psalm 139:4).
I will walk confidently into the future because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am loved and protected by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.
The enemy does not have any place to enter my life. I have asked Jesus to forgive my sins and I am free from any sin that could allow the enemy to enter. My heart is pure and right before the Lord.
I will leave the past behind me because my future and the people God has chosen for me deserve the very best version that I can bring. They don’t deserve parts of me that keep tolerating nonsense. They deserve the parts that are on the path towards healing and open to receiving the Father’s best.
I will secure firm boundaries around my heart that are healthy and rooted in Christ. I will protect myself and those that I love. I will not allow my future to still entertain my past. God loves me and my Father wants His child to only accept what’s life-giving and part of His plan.
Anxiety, mistrust, fear, trepidation, bitterness, lust, sin, material things and emotional numbing is not my portion. I was made to live freely and wholly. My life is enveloped in love, peace, patience, kindness, gladness, joy, and self-control. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
So today, Lord Jesus, we lace up our shoes of readiness and walk with the gospel of peace. We choose Your path every single time. We are prepared and ready to adapt and maneuver wherever You tell us to go. We walk with assuredness because we are rooted in You. Our ankles are anchored to Your foundation. We have no reason to be afraid. We are able to withstand any assault of the enemy because You have already smoothed the pathway. Our sandals are sharp in the Word, deep and penetrating, able to grab hold of Your wisdom and grace. You light the way. You are the Light and we are thankful to call you King. Peace is our portion because You are a God of peace.
Ephesians 2:7-10 TPT
Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite riches of his grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the love gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.
We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!