PROPHETIC WORD: God’s Champion Defenders Are Coming to the Forefront
Deuteronomy 2:7 — "The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. The Lord your God has been with you for forty years, and you have not lacked anything."
Recently I dreamed of a girl named Jordan wearing a jacket with the word “FINALLY” written in bold letters!
In the Bible, the Jordan River represented a crossing-over point and path towards destiny.
In my dream, the word "finally" was so large and bold that I knew Jesus had a spectacular word for us today. Many of you are headed to the Gateway of God's Promise Land!
Typically coats and jackets in dreams symbolize leadership. It's a mantle that reflects authority and prophetic anointing. Jackets and coats represent God's GLORY on display through you!
Definition of finally:
After a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay.
As the last in a series of related events or objects.
In Joshua 3-4, after wandering in the wilderness for 40 long years, the children of Israel prepared for the Promised Land. They finally approached the boundary to enter!
The Lord is really highlighting the word "promise" right now. This is a time of promises fulfilled. You will testify and bear witness to God's enduring prophetic power. What He said is coming to pass as you enter the Promised Land.
Last week, my city experienced heavy rainstorms, and my phone kept getting a "flooding stage" alert for days. Something about the warning poked at my spirit, and it all came together when I read about God’s chosen people crossing the Jordan River.
Joshua 3:15 – "Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest…."
We have entered spiritual harvest time! Green shoots are sprouting from the seeds you planted with the Lord several years ago. This has been a long process, but you are crossing over to a new journey with the Lord. Many of you are entering a very significant time in your life, and I can't stress enough how important it is to stay aligned with Christ.
Be very careful about "foxes" entering your environment.
"Catch the foxes for us,
The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards,
while our vineyards are in blossom."
(Song of Songs 2:15)
In ancient Israel, a vineyard could have a magnificent harvest and the cunning, sly little foxes would come and destroy all that work at the root level. Jesus also called Herod a "fox" as a rebuke of that monarch's crafty and worthless nature. The "foxes" in your life walk in deceit. They are people or things that might seem "small," but they'll try to seep in through covert ways. Foxes do their work undercover.
Scripture says, "catch them" -- don't just ignore them or wave them away. Otherwise, they'll keep coming back. Put up substantial boundaries around your life. The fruit of your harvest is significant and very tender right now. You cannot afford to allow anyone or anything to disturb God's mighty work in your life. The grapes are ripe and this is such a beautiful time and you’ve worked very hard to get here. Don’t allow any nonsense to disrupt God’s glorious work. The very best defense is to put up an offense by reading the Word of God.
A new journey is awaiting right ahead! Remember that Jesus goes with you, before you and after you. The Father has you completely hemmed in with Him.
Now listen to this: some of you are about to cross over into your Promised Land earlier than expected. Spiritually, the snow is melting, and the abundance of God's love is overflowing the river banks. A spectacular miracle is ahead that will bring you satisfaction, triumph and surprise! God is about to do something extraordinary as He holds up the water's edges. This is a massive movement for many people at this time.
God is doing a new thing. Many of you are about to experience favor, new assignment, and life-changing moves of God that you won't see coming! I cannot emphasize enough how real this is right now!
All who are thirsty, come and drink! These prophecies will be fulfilled for those who have walked the narrow path with Jesus over the years. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few! Be a worker! There are so many people hungry for Jesus right now! Do not compromise and look to the left or the right. Follow King Jesus with all your heart and soul!
God doesn't just talk to talk. What He says will come to pass, period.
Isaiah 55:10-13: As the rain and snow come down from heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow and to produce seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry, so also is my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It shall accomplish all I want it to and prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills, the trees of the field—all the world around you—will rejoice. Where once were thorns, fir trees will grow; where briars grew, the myrtle trees will sprout up. This miracle will make the Lord's name very great and be an everlasting sign of God's power and love.
The prickly thorns and briars of your heart have been replaced with fertile and lush ground. A banner of love and God’s glory soars high above your head! Go forth in the name of Jesus and prepare for new beginnings!
God gave me two very important words for today. One has to do with young girls, teens and women who are highly gifted and anointed. The other has to do with many of God’s people who are champion defenders and represent the Tribe of Gad.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you if this word is for you. I’m really excited about what He showed me! The Holy Spirit awoke me with the words: “Awake the champion!”
The Lord has trained these women up to lead in powerful ways and they’ve been graced with all sorts of gifts and talents!
"Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out…where they camped before crossing over" (Joshua 3:1).
In my Jordan dream, I was camping with younger girls, teens and adult women, so I know there is a stirring and uprising among God's women coming forth right now. Sometimes I have to sit with the Lord for a while to interpret His heart with specific dreams, but this needed no interpretation. Many women are “crossing over” into new beginnings with the Lord.
The women in my dream were leaders guiding and showing the younger ones the way. They had very close relationships and bonds, almost on a soul level, as if they were bonded and intertwined deeply in spirit. The Lord has placed and aligned these young girls in certain families and other circles to be guided and taught by the women.
At one point, I told the little girl with me: "let's go build a bonfire!"
Campfire = Campfires are small and contained, usually in a fire pit.
Bonfires = are large and used for celebrations.
In the dream, I said, "we're more the glamping type," which reflects the "girliness" and femininity of the people in my dream.
The culture has a tendency to sometimes silence the celebration of "girly girls," but these are the type of women God was highlighting in my dream. There was purity and brightness in their lives. In my dream, the teen and young girl had different talents. One was an athlete, and the other was a dancer, but they were both really "girly," if that makes sense. At the same time, they were willing to help with the bonfire and get dirty, and they sprung into action.
Here's what the Lord ministered to my heart: God is sparking a flame, a massive movement, and it will be women leading the shift! The women and girls are firestarters. They represent many of you and your daughters, nieces, grandchildren and other kids divinely placed in your life. The Lord showed me how He’s the One sovereignly orchestrating this change behind the scenes.
The little girls have twice the prophetic power of the women. They have an Elisha anointing on their lives. They have been gifted with all sorts of divinely given gifts from a young age. They have both inner and outer talents, but the gifts on the inside are really magnified. They're extremely wise and unique. It's not always noticeable to others, but those selected to "train" them recognize the calling already. These young girls will change the world. They already are.
Guess who also crossed the Jordan River? Elijah and Elisha! Before crossing the river, Elijah struck his cloak, and the two prophets crossed over on the dry ground. The parting of the water is a BIG SIGN of God's miraculous power working through the prophets. Power and witness came next.
2 Kings 2:9-10
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied.
The idea of a double portion is a double blessing from the Spirit of God. Interestingly, the Bible records 28 miracles for Elisha and 14 for Elijah. Elisha, indeed, received a double spirit in his life and ministry. In my dream, the girl (Jordan) was handed a jacket by her mom. That's when I saw the word FINALLY. I’m truly not certain what the Lord is saying in completion, but I believe it signals transition.
Some of you can already feel the shift and change in the air. Spiritual spring is here. We are at the flood stage, and God is about to hold up the river banks way upstream for a smooth crossing.
The Lord is doing this because He loves you. He's proud of you. He sees and knows you and is arranging a set time for your arrival. King Jesus is genuinely sovereign and holy and reigns with authority. Father God has put something exceptional aside for you. You will never ever forget this moment. You will write about it and share it with the generations following in your footsteps.
God has been your trusted guide, and you never wavered in your commitment to Him, even when it got lonely and tiresome. Father God dearly adores your sweet soul. You're the apple of His eye. During these past few years, you've realized His love and transforming power, and He will do everything He showed you from the beginning.
This morning the Lord showed me how He described Himself to Moses on Mount Sinai. God called Himself "The compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin" (Exodus 34:6-7, NIV).
He's a Father who forgives but one that also must be revered and respected. He also pays close attention to anyone who interacts with you.
God says, "he does not leave the guilty unpunished…" and this sin can be passed to children to the third or fourth generation (Exodus 34:7). That alone should keep us in perfect alignment with Christ! Many of you have survived severe storms in your bloodline, but a new order is here!
God never expects perfection. He's just looking for a humble willingness to be corrected. Time and time again, you have willingly submitted to His instruction and discipline. The Lord is proud of your desire to walk the narrow path with Him.
If there's anything, you're struggling with right now, spend time with the Father, confess it, and gain His wisdom and help with the matter.
Be quick to confess and repent of sin and fill your heart with the Word of God. Meditate on the Lord's Word day and night. This is a season of consecration and fulfillment of destiny. God's holy work is going to be on display. The fruit of self-control must be developed. We must walk as close as possible to the Holy Spirit and be free of fleshly desires that might show up in unsuspecting ways.
The Lord just whispered to my spirit: "the best is yet to come."
A life characterized by standards and uncompromising obedience to Father God is the best life lived. You are a living, breathing ad of His glory. Continue to follow His will. Train the young girls in your life well and encourage their gifts. Teach them that being different is powerful and God makes no mistakes. He designed them very uniquely on purpose and the Lord God is going to do a mighty work through their lives! They have great value in the kingdom of God!
“with faces like lions, and they were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains."
GOD IS SAYING AWAKE THE CHAMPION INSIDE! He has trained many of you to be modern day leaders with spirits to lead the Tribe of God! Your heart is like a warrior, similar to the Gadites in the Bible! Instead of running from the turbulence, these people step right into the churning water!
"These Gadites were army commanders; the least was a match for a hundred, and the greatest for a thousand. They crossed the Jordan in the first month when it was overflowing all its banks, and they put to flight everyone living in the valleys, to the east and to the west." (1 Chronicles 12:14-15).
They represented the Army of the Living God and had every right to represent King Saul, but they chose King David, a man after God's heart.
Listen to how the Gadites were described in the Bible: "mighty men of valor, men trained for war, who could handle shield and spear, and whose faces were like the faces of lions, and they were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains." (1 Chronicles 12:8).
These champion gladiators were the descendants of Gad, who was Jacob’s seventh son, born to the handmaiden Zilpah. Gad was an illegitimate son, born as a bribe, so God was training him as a soldier from the very beginning. Gad had to fight for his place in the world. His warrior personality likely evolved from realizing that he was born into a mess by no fault of his own.
Gad didn't have the advantage of one raised inside a loving family from the same bloodline.
He probably watched as his father loved his other sons and his other wives and each day he was treated as an outcast. This has to feel like the ultimate act of betrayal to watch a parent love others and completely ignore you.
So from the very beginning, Gad stood underneath taller trees and was at a disadvantage, yet that family situation is likely the very reason he evolved into a warrior and sought God’s heart!
At the end of Jacob's life, he prophesied over his 12 sons. The Spirit of God was on his lips. Jacob prophesies, "Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders, but he will attack them at their heels" (v.19).
There’s a play on words here in Hebrew, but it essentially means, Gad will be attacked by raiders, but he’ll attack them right back. And not only will he attack, but he’ll stay right up on them. Any child of God knows this is the very principle of following the Lord. God will always get the victory, but there will also be the darkness and demonic forces we must fight. That’s why, just like the Gads, we have to be trained and prepared with our “swords” sharpened in the Word of God.
The Gadites would have to stand and deliver time and time again.
The Tribe of Gad was given fantastic, fertile land, but it was a prime breeding ground for the enemies to attack. The children learned to use the slingshots and the swords and they were "raised up" as fierce fighters. By the time they became fighting age, they were skilled with both their right and left hands. Muscle memory takes over at that stage. Since they were often attacked from all angles, it makes sense why they became gladiators with “faces like lions.”
The Gadites had to fight to survive. Their very existence was to defend and protect.
God made the descendants of Gad much greater than Jacob’s prophecy. When we look at the leaders of the tribes sealed in Revelation 7, Gad is listed third in line, after Judah and Reuben.
Gad means "good fortune and success.” His bloodline was powerful!
When we come upon the Gadites in 1 Chronicles 12, they are ready to fight for David and make God's army stronger.
“They’d be your first choice in the most challenging conflict. You’d always want them. Without them, you’d feel vulnerable; with them, you felt victory was within your grasp. They were at the forefront of every battle. If any tribe was ready to drive out the Lord’s enemies and settle the land, it would be Gad. There wasn’t an atom of cowardice in their souls. They were always in the heart of the battle, where the strife was the thickest they would be there. They would gain, as it were, far more Victory Crosses than all the other tribes of Israel put together. ”
You will be led by the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord as you prepare for new land. Do not be surprised if God provokes you into action! He needs His fighting soldiers to take their rightful place to lead others now. You have trained, prepared and stood the test of time.
Patience and perseverance are tattooed on your heart. Now it's time to crossover the Jordan River, except you won't be walking. You'll be swimming just like the Tribe of Gad! You will succeed. You must GO. Go, go, go!
After Gad crossed over the river, David was there waiting in the stronghold. He didn’t know if the tribe was for or against them, so the Spirit of God intercedes.
1 Chronicles 12:18, NIV
Then the spirit came on Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said: "We are yours, David! We are with you, son of Jesse! Success, success to you, and success to those who help you, for your God will help you."
So David received them and made them leaders of his raiding bands.
God is also giving you a similar calling!
You are an instrument that God is using for a greater purpose. Sometimes the wait has nothing to do with you, but it's about the harvest. God was training you to be a voice and released at a set time. The Lord will not have His word contaminated or polluted to appease people. All idolatry and intermingling with any sin must end before the Lord uses you in powerful ways to properly lead His people.
The Lord loves surrendered hearts, and so many of you have willingly and passionately chased after the Father's heart like mighty men of valor! God has seen your kindness and devotion, setting you up for something spectacular! He’s going to keep cutting away anything that doesn’t belong.
Remember: the Lord rarely does things in showy ways unless there’s a reason for others to witness the miracle. Many of your "crossing over" moments won't be flashy or seen by the masses, but the Lord will deliver you in a way that you'll know what He did. The testimony that arises from this moment will help many people because it’s going to make you bold and courageous again!
We must remember that timing is so essential to God's plan. He prefers the long route. We don't like wilderness seasons and wastelands, but it's also for our protection. The long way teaches us obedience!
The Sovereign Lord is saying: prepare for new beginnings. Something majestic and wonderful is ahead. You will be highly blessed and grateful to Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to be a son or daughter of the Most High. Stay faithful, and trust His plan always! Don't waste a second on worldly nonsense. The best days of your life are ahead!
The tribe of Gad was one of three tribes to fight for and be awarded lands east of the Jordan River, the gateway to the Promised Land (Joshua 12:6; 13:8-13). When they returned to the land, they built an altar to the Lord as a testament to their enduring faith.
God is the one who causes the heart and spirit of man to grow. You are just called to be a gateway and point others toward King Jesus!
As I shared earlier, the name Gad in Hebrew means "good fortune and success." However, the verb גדד (gadad) describes making an invasive cut, mainly to expose something valuable.
My friend: God has formed a relationship with you that has stood the test of time. A beautiful treasure has emerged through purging, testing, cutting and rearranging. Now go forth in the name of Jesus and make disciples of all nations!
Many of you have been survivors your entire life. God has kept you in training with a push-and-pull method to build your endurance, mental fortitude and the heart of a champion. Instead of running away from the battle, God is now pushing you towards the rushing and unpredictable water.
The banks are at the flood stage. King Jesus is on the other side. He is the Promised Land.
The Spirit of God is saying, "awake the champion." He knows what's in your heart because He put that love, passion and devotion there.
Running toward the battle is the hallmark of a champion. "As Goliath approached, David ran out to meet him…." (1 Samuel 17:48)
Continue to champion God's people and be a seed for God's glory. Your life might be the only Bible someone will ever read. Lead by example.
When Nehemiah started rebuilding the wall -- the people worked with hammers in one hand and swords in the other. In the same way, many of you are the forerunners in the modern day chosen to rebuild God's church with a solid and firm foundation already established in Christ Jesus. He is the center of it all. You will have to build and protect at the same time. Listen for the sirens!
Nehemiah explained: The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm. "The work is so spread out," I explained to them, "and we are separated so widely from each other that when you hear the trumpet blow, you must rush to where I am; and God will fight for us" (Nehemiah 4:18-19).
Sound the alarm!
Jeremiah 33:10-11
"...there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of the bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying: give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before, says the Lord."
Esther 4:14
"...And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”