PROPHETIC WORD: It’s Take-off Season! Many people are being ‘sent’ to new places
“Well, there they are—your servants, your people whom you so powerfully and impressively redeemed…”
Nehemiah 1:11 MSG
Yesterday I awoke from a dream with all these adorable calves ready for the rancher to open the gate! This dream needed no interpretation. I knew right away it reflected the leaping calves in Malachi and the exuberant delight of baby animals when freed!
This dream was alerting us that the time is now!
And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2 ESV)
In my dream, the calves were ready to see the gate open and prepared to fly into freedom! I even saw a rancher who I knew was a reflection of Christ. He is the Gatekeeper, and we are His children waiting with eager expectation to run with complete delight!
Remember: calves leap whenever something new or unexpected happens. They especially love a change in scenery; a new environment and lush grass can spark hope and excitement.
A few hours later, I was at an event and saw a woman wearing a shirt that said: 'THE TURNAROUND.'
A supernatural Godly turnaround is when the Lord reverses your life through divine circumstances and restores and redeems; He shifts and catapults life into a new direction. The Bible is FULL of redemption and turnaround stories from the beginning of time. He's still moving and speaking the same way, even in the modern age.
When I sat with the Lord in worship, He brought me to Nehemiah 11:1-11.
Now the leaders of the people dwelt at Jerusalem; the rest of the people cast lots to bring one out of ten to dwell in Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine-tenths were to dwell in other cities. (Neh. 11:1)
Back in Nehemiah, when the walls of the city were built, a select group of people had to leave their own homes and regions to relocate inside the holy city. This was really about spiritual renewal and strengthening the defense of God’s people. When you read the chapter, there are a bunch of military overtones to the verses. The city had to be protected with defense.
Nowadays we see walls as restrictive and a place of imprisonment or boundaries, but walls in the Old Testament represented protection and an establishment of people. The walls were a physical symbol of God’s power and shined the spotlight on what a collective group of people can do when we follow the Lord’s plan.
It must’ve been very powerful for the people to look at the once destroyed walls of Jerusalem now restored with authority and protection! This is the same thing that happens when we accept Jesus in our heart. He fortifies the walls around our hearts and there comes a point where the manifestation of His work becomes noticeable to others.
So back in Nehemiah 11, the walls have been built and restored and now the once desolate city must be filled with people! The ones who choose to move must leave the familiar confines of their current home to relocate inside the walls. This requires a ton of sacrifice for those who are sent to start over. However, the Lord infuses these people with a steadfast spirit! The ones who volunteer to chase after God’s plans are exceptional because they have a pioneering spirit!
‘And the people blessed all the men who willingly offered themselves to dwell in Jerusalem.’
The Lord keeps bringing me back to study Nehemiah 11 because He’s giving us insight into what’s taking place right now. Many people feel like God is calling them to move somewhere new. Prophetically it signals how Jesus is very intentional about where He places people and He’s on the move.
The Hebrew verb “to send” is shelach and the Bible uses the word 200 times with God as the main subject. This reaffirms that it is God who commissions and sends His people. To be missional-minded in the modern era, we must see the purpose again in sending people out instead of just hoping for people to come in. The Lord is very much a missional God.
So I believe Christ is “sending” people out right now in unprecedented waves all around the world. Many of these individuals and families will be called to relocate inside cities instead of rural villages and lands like in prior seasons. There’s a “Nehemiah mandate” on the lives of these people. They are the “sent ones” and commissioned by Jesus as a representative for the people.
The Great Resignation is really all about the Great Realigning.
Moving somewhere completely new and foreign takes a ton of courage and can be scary. The people who answered the call in Nehemiah were trailblazers and pioneers! They didn’t necessarily want to leave their beautiful countrysides and regions, but the moves were necessary to fortify and strengthen God’s people and the city. This was a strategic calling from the Lord.
Over the weekend, I met a refugee woman who fled Iran and waited four years in another country to finally make it to the United States. She left everything, including her parents and homeland, to chase after the unknown. She said the promise propelled her through very long waiting seasons. Then when the call finally came, everything unfolded at lightning speed! That’s what the Lord is doing. He’s positioning people in new places worldwide. I sense that within the United States, many of these moves are happening in very large cities and metropolitan areas. For those called to go somewhere new, the Lord will have already discussed this with you long ago.
This is the season of spiritual mavericks. These are people who are visionaries, daring, unique and innovative. They are literally, like the definition, “unbranded calves” who refuse to fit in with the status quo. I sense that many of these people are women with a pioneering spirit who serve as overseers and watchmen.
This is a time of building and restoring the Lord's name in new regions and spheres of influence all over the world.
IT’S KINGDOM KAIROS TIME! God is repositioning and realigning His children for a greater influence.
Right before the pandemic, the Lord downloaded new assignments and blueprints for His people and showcased what was to come. These moves are tied to specific locations.
The Holy Spirit just highlighted the word "assignment" in particular. God-given assignments are always about other people. It's about the people who will be strategically placed along your path so you can shine the spotlight on Christ through your submitted life. Nehemiah was all about building for the kingdom. He was an extraordinary action-oriented leader who didn't waste time. Nehemiah knew God's exact vision, and nothing would stand in the way. He knew the Lord was pushing Him into something greater that focused on kingdom restoration and revival.
He was a great leader because the Lord built him into a bold visionary who understood his purpose and he didn't swerve into other people's lanes. He stayed laser-focused on the task ahead and risked it all for a greater calling.
A divine assignment means that God strategically and geographically assigns people to new lands. Every direction of the Lord has holy ambition attached to the promise with a mandate to build and equip the Lord’s people. He uses people to push forward His purpose.
Many of these people have endured and waited for many years to receive their new assignments. THE TIME IS NOW.
There are many prodigals running back to the Father and the Lord is placing them right smack in your pathway! These souls are open to receiving salvation through Jesus Christ, and God has already opened their hearts!
These moves will strip you of the familiar and ignite your faith! Moves spark hope and new life and put you in a vulnerable position to desire God's directions over your own. You have no choice but to follow the Lord's voice. You’re about to massively accelerate by walking this new path with Christ and working as co-heirs for the kingdom!
For the people waiting to be released, I sense that some of you know with certainty you have fulfilled God’s assignment in the current place. You feel like Alice in Wonderland, where the environment has grown way too restricted for the vision God has given you. This is take-off season!
Spiritually, these are the new residents of Jerusalem.
I’m seeing a vision of Alice in Wonderland again where she’s just growing and growing and can’t adapt to the space any longer. Discomfort and edginess can take place when you're ready to go, but you still have to stay.
Do you know what Paul and Silas did in prison while shackled and bolted to the walls? THEY PRAISED. THEY SANG. This season, keep leaping like the cows and stay in a place of exuberant joy because God of the turnaround is here!
I sense that many of these moves and changes have to do with:
A new job, business, career or ministry move
A new home or location
Something to do with travel or elevating higher in Christ, perhaps with a new apostolic calling on your life
Remember, when the Gospel started to spread, the believers were scattered, but they preached the wonderful word wherever they went!
“The crowds were eager to receive Philip’s message and were persuaded by the many miracles and wonders he performed…this resulted in an uncontainable joy filling the city!” (Acts 8:6-8)
The original Greek implies the people “took hold of the Holy Spirit.” God is going to use your testimony to help many people also step out in boldness!
IT’S TAKE OFF SEASON! I keep hearing: “buckle up!” This is happening fast! SWIFT. SUDDEN. GET READY NOW! LIGHTNING SPEED.
The Holy Spirit keeps showing me the story of Paul and Silas as a spiritual lesson. Many people are not in a physical prison, but your circumstances can feel like a prison when we become tied or bound to a past season. It's suffocating and irritating to the soul.
When someone is on the cusp of breakthrough, it can feel tight and uncomfortable. You will even start to pray: "Lord, anywhere but here!" It's a reminder that humanely we cannot move in the miraculous.
The Lord alone causes heaven and earth to collide.
As Paul and Silas continued to praise in prison, "suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the prison's foundations were shaken."
"At once, all the prison doors flew open, and everyone's chains came loose." (Acts 16:26).
The Greek translation for "at once" reflects suddenness, swiftness, and unexpectedness.
God is going to unleash these moves at once!
Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown on September 25-27. The Lord still prophetically moves on a holy calendar even for Christians.
Perhaps the holiday's most critical element is the shofar's ceremonial sounding — a trumpet typically made from a ram's horn. The sound prophetically represents oneness, unity, and FREEDOM!
The shofar is not really blown for music, but the message it sends!
Biblically, it proclaimed a military advancement and announced revelation at Mount Sinai. It's a proclamation of freedom. It awakens all the Lord's people to advance swiftly into the new.
I believe this year, in particular, will be an extraordinary era because the Lord has downloaded new plans for His people during the early days of the pandemic. Now He is opening up the gate for you to fly with freedom and purpose! The chains have been loosened.
A few weeks ago, my mom was in my dream and said: "It's time to dance like Footloose!" I realized she wasn't talking about a movie but that our feet would literally be loosened in the spirit. The chains that have bound the Lord's people from their purpose are coming off. Our hearts will be reignited with overwhelming joy for what's to come. The shofar reminds us of God's righteousness worldwide with regenerated souls longing for Christ!
Our Lord Jesus, our Abba Father, is transforming everything He touches.
Heaven is coming for many of you, and it's time to start leaping, running and dancing!
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities. For the sense and reason of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace. (Romans 8:5-6 TPT)
So then, with this amazing hope living in us, we step out in freedom and boldness to speak the truth. (2 Cor. 3:12)
Do not be afraid and anxious, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)