Daughters of God: SPEAK! Arise faithful ones and use your spiritual gifts and talents to change the world!
There is an uprising at this hour among women with a calling similar to Huldah and Phoebe in the Bible. These are God's people entrusted to carry the word of the Lord and speak forth His divine prophecy to empower and strengthen the body of Christ.
A person who is the first to do something, or go somewhere, an innovator, pathfinder, one that blazes a trail to guide others, a person who make a new track through the wilderness. God’s trailblazers are not capable of doing this on their own. They must live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.
“Prepare to run with horses!” God’s new pace of grace
The Lord is about to unearth your bold and adventurous spirit again that has laid dormant in recent years. Jesus is releasing zeal and passion and new hope to launch you forth into new beginnings! This is not a time to grow weary in the wait — it’s racing season!
Prophetic Word: The Lord is bringing forth many new voices to teach about the Spirit of God. They’ve been trained by Jesus in the “factory” of His heart and He’s about to commission them to carry and protect His people.
PROPHETIC WORD: This is the Year of the Bridge
This is when you come out of the shadows and walk alongside others to grow in spiritual and emotional maturity. Many of you have been trained and prepared to lead a group of people. The Father is so, so proud of you, beloved. This next step is a process that requires the help and love of trustworthy people that God plants in our life. They hold us accountable and push us higher to make changes. There is no shame here, only acceptance, love, and compassion.
PROPHETIC WORD: You are God’s ambassador of hope! ☀️
This week the Lord showed me how He’s bringing forth a new generation of ‘sent ones’ with a unique and powerful paraklesis gifting like Barnabas! In the modern day, these are communicators with all sorts of platforms, media outlets, and careers who don’t hold traditional “roles” in the church, but they are making big moves for the kingdom.
PROPHETIC WORD: It’s Take-off Season! Many people are being ‘sent’ to new places
The Holy Spirit just highlighted the word “assignment” in particular. God-given assignments are always about other people. It’s about the people who will be strategically placed along your path so you can shine the spotlight on Christ through your submitted life.
PROPHETIC WORD: It’s miracle season, so get ready to launch! 🚀 The Stage Has Been Set!
There are extraordinary prophetic messages from Christ that we can learn by analyzing what unfolded for Derby Horse ‘Rich Strike’ over the weekend. The countdown is on for many of the Lord’s people and Jesus is about to launch you into new spheres!
The Mystery of the “Third Day:” Lessons From Joshua and Paul To Help Us This Season
The term “three days” is mentioned 75 times in the Bible! This morning, the Lord showed me two stories in Joshua and Acts that seemed to make no sense, but He illuminated wisdom we can glean from these stories to help us as we enter the new season ahead of Passover.
THE MOSES PROTOTYPE: 20 reasons Moses was such a great leader and loved by God
The life of Moses provides us with a beautiful picture of what we should aspire to be in our own personal and professional lives. God outlines for us multiple times in the Bible why He loved Moses so much and I outlined 20 characteristics and qualities God gave me during time spent with the Father.
PROPHETIC WORD: You’re Going From The Back of the Line To The Front This Season!
Many of you are moving from the back of the line to the front!!!! You will suddenly accelerate in areas that have held you back in prior seasons and you’ll swiftly be catapulted to the front of the line in an instant!!! For many years prior to this Kairos season, Jesus asked you to simply “follow me” and you did with obedience and discipline. You didn’t expect anything in return and just trusted Him through the journey. Then in a moment when you will least expect, God will call you from the back to the front!!!