Prophetic Word: This Is Your COMEBACK season! The Lord says “open your eyes to see!”
We rarely share the story of Blind Bartimeus’ healing next to the Passover and Easter — but it’s actually the very miracle that sets the stage before Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem one last time. Even today, the lessons have such powerful implications for all of God’s children.
The Mystery of the “Third Day:” Lessons From Joshua and Paul To Help Us This Season
The term “three days” is mentioned 75 times in the Bible! This morning, the Lord showed me two stories in Joshua and Acts that seemed to make no sense, but He illuminated wisdom we can glean from these stories to help us as we enter the new season ahead of Passover.
Things are shifting FAST! ‘Prepare your chariots!’
Many of you are bursting in full bloom overnight! These are the wounded warriors, the ones who have walked with Jesus through the lonely places these last two years. It seemed that the time of birthing would never come -- but it will burst forth overnight!!!
Prophetic Word: When God Flips The Script
What does flip the script mean? The phrase means “reverse the usual or existing positions in a situation; do something unexpected or revolutionary. To do the unexpected or deviate from the norm.”
Prophetic Word: It’s Molting Time! Prepare for a new stage of growth
It’s very much a needed process for hermit crabs to hide in certain stages of development. So if you find yourself going through seasons of withdrawing from others to spend intimate time with God, don’t allow society or others make you feel ashamed for this. Jesus often withdrew to get away from the crowds.
THE MOSES PROTOTYPE: 20 reasons Moses was such a great leader and loved by God
The life of Moses provides us with a beautiful picture of what we should aspire to be in our own personal and professional lives. God outlines for us multiple times in the Bible why He loved Moses so much and I outlined 20 characteristics and qualities God gave me during time spent with the Father.
PROPHETIC WORD: You’re Going From The Back of the Line To The Front This Season!
Many of you are moving from the back of the line to the front!!!! You will suddenly accelerate in areas that have held you back in prior seasons and you’ll swiftly be catapulted to the front of the line in an instant!!! For many years prior to this Kairos season, Jesus asked you to simply “follow me” and you did with obedience and discipline. You didn’t expect anything in return and just trusted Him through the journey. Then in a moment when you will least expect, God will call you from the back to the front!!!
Time To Speak: You’ve Got A Lion Inside Those Lungs
Some of you are called forward in this season to go from the back of the line to the front. You are called to make an impact this generation, yet just like Moses, fear has blinded your faith. We can lean on the story of Moses to understand how God often sees our gifts.
Prophetic Word: Pregnant With Greatness
Get ready to walk into your God-appointed destiny and birth the dreams Jesus deposited within you. Sometimes God will send others to speak and confirm purpose over your life. These messages will often arrive in the most unlikely moments when we don’t have the vision — or heart — to even receive from Jesus just yet.