God Is Speaking Through Prophetic Sounds: Knocking, Airplanes and Abundant Rain
Then Elijah said: “Go up…for there is the sound of abundance of rain.”
The heartbeat of Christ is thumping all over the world right now! The Lord is speaking LOUDLY through prophetic sounds right now. Specifically: doors knocking, airplanes, wedding bells, doves, nature and through songs. The wind is blowing!
My little niece said it best: “God speaks in mysteries and symbols.” And she’s right!
So often we are missing powerful breakthrough moments because we need to sharpen our hearing. This is a season of elevating and going higher, and that means perceiving the sounds of the Holy Spirit in everyday life!
Paul tells us in Galatians 5:25: Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
When the Lord changes directions, we have to pivot with Him. This will build our faith and deepen our relationship!
Remember, Jeremiah 29:13 says: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
- Relationship with Jesus is key. Always discern what the Lord is saying and remain in constant communication with Christ.
- Study Scripture. The Bible is the Living Word because it’s the only book that reads us back and speaks into the now.
- Do not tap into New Ageism whatsoever or it will distort the pureness of Christ and the ability to hear correctly. Also be very mindful of music, television, and listening to the news nonstop. Try to keep everything clean and pure.
- Finally, have CHILDLIKE FAITH and be open to perceiving the voice of God in new ways this season! Jesus is all about relationship. This is a time of JOY and drawing closer with Christ. We are flying higher together because the sound of abundant rain is here!
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27)
Doors are a really big deal in the Bible and it’s all about access. Open doors, closed doors and keys are all symbols of God’s language. The sound is prophetically alerting you that: “Jesus is here! It’s open door season!”
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)
Since the Lord is all about relationship, He speaks to His children in different ways. He knows your language and how to get your attention. Trust what you hear! If the Holy Spirit wants to get your attention, God can definitely interrupt your sleep with the sound of knocks because you’re the most open to hear His voice.
Also, you might hear a bunch of real knocks during this season. God is always speaking. Jesus often taught through parables with very real life examples. We don't farm fields as much these days or plant seeds, so the voice of God speaks divinely through ways we can understand in everyday life.
You might also see 444 or 4444. The fourth letter in the Hebrew language is dalet and is illustrated pictorially as an open door. This is an invitation to expect the extraordinary! This is an “access granted” time and God is outlining a clear path ahead for many of you. These knocks are all about new beginnings.
The Father really wants us to sharpen our hearing skills this season. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
If you hear knocks in your sleep, pay attention to how many knocks.
Three Knocks = Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Three or Four Knocks = God is calling you.
The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy (1 Samuel 3:8).
God called one more time and the fourth time solidified what they heard.
With knocking, it’s key to go straight to the Bible and look at Scripture at the time of the knock if you can. The Lord’s Word will never fail. God often speaks through numbers because the clock alerts you to Scripture with the same number.
Are you hearing the knocking in the physical or spiritual?
Physical = God is alerting you to changes on the way! New open doors are here!
Spiritual knocks = The Lord is arousing you awake because Heaven’s door is open! The Holy Spirit is here!What was happening or what were you thinking or dreaming about right before the knock?
Are the sounds soft or hard or urgent like a warning? Knocks usually surprise us because we do not expect them. That’s not a warning. That’s a SURPRISE!
Check your inner-knowing, pray and ask the Lord to help you understand.
(Scripture mentions knocking 10 times which is divine order. The Lord will usually get someone’s attention with knocking during very important times in your life or when you’re being called or commissioned to something greater with Christ).
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (Matthew 7:9)
So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (Luke 9-10)
Take-off season! It’s time to reach new dimensions, Heaven is colliding with earth! It’s time to soar and fly higher and reach new elevated heights! This is a time when there’s Holy Spirit-empowered moves taking place. When you see an airplane really soaring high, you are in sync with the Father’s heart. This can be a person or ministry that is capable of spreading the Word of the Lord swiftly and worldwide. “The journey to the top is nonstop!”
This time is all about expanding your horizon because rapid acceleration is imminent.
When you hear a plane, is it taking off or landing and how fast? Is it just coasting or do you notice anything unique about the plane? For instance, is it a cargo plane, passenger or military plane? The Lord might be saying: “We’re taking off to new heights! It’s time for new adventures together!”
This could be very literal. The Lord might be saying: “Skip the road trip and take an airplane!”
Airplanes can also speak about travel and reaching larger territories that are vast and large. They can represent moving, especially to areas that are at a great distance. Planes speak of flying higher in the spirit!
Planes prophetically show us if we’re taking off or landing! It’s time to go higher and further! “We are reaching new limits together!”
Airplanes can also reflect UP! In the Bible, Jesus often got people moving during great moves of healing by telling them GET UP, WAKE UP, PICK UP. It can also alert you to a season of love because LOVE IS IN THE AIR!
It’s a season of abundant love! Doves represent an emblem of the Holy Spirit and love. This is a wooing to come closer. This can be a time of peace and celebration. Doves often coo to attract a potential mate. In Song of Songs, it teaches about love, but it’s also an allegory of the Lord’s love for His people.
Cooing also can signal a time of joy and new beginnings. I’ll have to do another teaching on bird sounds, but a few months ago, the Lord showed me all these various birds singing in the rain together. They represented voices around the world worshipping the Lord’s Kingdom. It was a reflection of harmony that’s ushering in this season. This was a sound of exuberant joy all across the world!
The dove represents the divine. Anytime you see or hear a gray or white dove, the Lord is redefining what’s possible. The dove communicates the Lord’s presence. God is speaking with tenderness: “I am here beloved and you are so special to Me. I love you so very much and you are protected.”
After my mom passed away, I saw cardinals and blue jays everywhere and found dove feathers constantly. The Holy Spirit was saying: “My daughter is now with Me. She’s safe and secure and loves you very much!” During seasons of extreme grief, the Holy Spirit is very powerful and He will absolutely come to you. He did for the disciples and we are no different. It’s very, very real. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate and Comforter. He’s here to guide us.
“The season of singing and pruning the vines has come…I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth” (Song of Songs 2:12 TPT).
Can you identify what kind of dove or bird you see?
What kind of cooing are they making? Listen to YouTube sounds to discern if it’s wooing a mate or mourning.
Can you spot if the dove is alone or with a pair?
Does it make you smile or give you a sense of peace and calmness? It might just be a reminder that the Lord loves you so much!
The glory train is here! Trains serve as a prophetic symbol of very large moves with many connecting parts. Trains are powerful and firm. They can cover large territories of ground. Trains represent ministry and the corporate body of Christ. You need many different parts to connect and move forward with steadfastness and connectivity. If you see a train derailment or hear a news report, God might be saying “you’re off track!”
But trains can be a beautiful spiritual sound, especially if you hear whistling! God is saying: “All aboard! It’s time to catch the train!
Trains can also represent children: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
Years ago, the Lord started speaking trains to me during a time of preparation because it was “training season!” I needed to dive into the Word more and spend more time with Him.
Pray and ask God what He’s trying to communicate. Think of how you feel when you hear. Excitement? Warning?
Is the train whistling? It’s announcing an arrival! The appointed time is here!
On the opposite side of the track (sorry, I couldn’t resist) you might hear a stern horn. That’s clearly a warning and an urgent one!
Is your child excited to see and hear a train? Bask in the excitement with them! Trains are magnificent and stunning and the Lord is reminding you of His power in all things!
BUCKLE UP! Things are moving fast and change is coming! You are racing to the finish line! Prepare to accelerate in the current or upcoming season. The sound of a race car is a ROAR! The engine is being accelerated hard, so you better catch up! The sound of a car roaring to life will catch your attention and the Lord is usually alerting you that we’re speeding up now. Things are shifting fast!
Warnings or an alert to something going on right then; time to pray; an emergency or you’re off track Wake-up, something is off or your perception is wrong. (Or, quite literally, change your fire alarm batteries)! 😌
You’re in a season of building something new or the Lord is reconstructing you in His image
Similar to knocking, only these are more urgent like “the time is really here! Like, really, really here.”
God is saying: “Open up, I’m here! Get ready for something new and welcoming!”
Answer the call! Or an important call is coming
God delights in His creation. The "world" has tried to steal things He created by worshipping the sun and making idols, but it belongs to Christ.
Look around! What do you see? Do you see baby animals reminding you of new life? Do you see families of wildlife? Does the jumping of fish remind you of how the Lord first called the disciples?
Do you see birds flying high or soaring into the sunshine? Jesus is saying hello! Take time to celebrate the sounds of nature. Sometimes you can even hear the Holy Spirit moving in the wind. Relish in the world around you. It’s a reminder that another day is here and God is good.
May the glory of the Lord endure forever,
may the Lord rejoice in his works.
These aren’t just Christian songs, but a variety of music. The Lord has woken me up with everything from Lion King to country love songs. The key is to first understand the specific lyrics. If you don’t know the song, Google what you are hearing and discern what God might be saying. Dig deeper and even read comments on the song that others have posted. Oftentimes the comments will show how many people are hearing the same song with the same lyrics right now.
Next, look up the song inspiration for the singer/songwriter. In seasons of creativity and writing, the Lord might show you people who wrote songs in one setting. He’s reminding you of how divine inspiration works. You would be amazed how many of the world’s top hits were created within minutes. Many times the people aren’t even Christian, but the song is a prophetic download that will help other people or bring joy to the world. Music can heal souls more than anything else. What the world and science calls an “ear worm” is often the Lord speaking to you.
God will often repeat the same lyric over and over again in your spirit. It’s that one line that is your breakthrough. Music is the sound of Heaven.
It’s miraculous wedding season; or, it’s time to recommit to your relationship!
This is the sound of rain in your spirit. It signals BREAKTHROUGH REVIVAL AND A DOWNPOUR OF GOD’S GOODNESS!
Oftentimes you will even go outside and think there’s a downpour, but it’s sunny. That’s exactly what happened with Elijah. It signals MAJOR SHIFT IN THE SPIRIT! When Elijah heard the sound of rain in the spirit, he knew God was coming! And he didn’t just hear any rain, but ABUNDANT RAIN!
Then Elijah said: “Go up…for there is the sound of abundance of rain.”
(1 Kings 18:41)
• God chose prophetic sound to reveal His power and plans. It built confidence for Elijah because he was able to discern the Lord correctly. Heaven collided with earth. The Lord still moves this way.
• Elijah heard the rain before it came down. Sound alerts you of what’s imminent. The more urgent the sound, the more swiftly God is moving in your life.
• Elijah declared the rain. There’s POWER when you speak forth God’s plans and acknowledge His voice. He is the wonderworking God and loves you so much. So, get ready to fly higher because Jesus is here to speak in new ways!
There’s nothing that our God can’t do. The Lord’s love is so extravagant and wide and He’s coming to you in new ways.
Get ready! 🤍