Time To Speak: You’ve Got A Lion Inside Those Lungs
“Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.” Acts 7:22
This morning the Lord highlighted the above verse to me in Acts. I was like “hmm, but I thought Moses had a speech impediment and wasn’t a good speaker?” So how come in the New Testament, Stephen point outs his exceptional speaking ability?
I decided to research some more. Sometimes people read that verse and believe the Bible contradicts itself and cites Exodus 4:10: “But Moses said to the Lord, “Please Lord, I have never been a skilled speaker. Even now, after talking to you, I cannot speak well. I speak slowly and can’t find the best words.”
However, what I learned is a great lesson when dealing with our own insecurities. Oftentimes, our weaknesses speak louder to us than our gifts. Stephen was talking about Moses’ doctrine and he was considered one of the best to ever speak and deliver messages from God.
But, the Lord then reminded me that in Exodus, it was MOSES who didn’t see himself as a gifted speaker, but the Lord certainly believed he was not only up for the task, but the one chosen to deliver God’s words to the people.
This is a powerful message for us even in the modern day!
There are so many times in life that God gives us gifts that He — and others — can so easily see, yet within us, we are often overcome with extreme fear and doubt. We feel like we fall short and we’re not worthy of the cause chosen for us.
I have been there time and time again in my own personal life, especially when it comes to my career. There was a time that I reported live on television countless times a day as a news anchor and reporter. I took home broadcasting awards and understood my assignment with clarity. I loved traveling to churches on weekends to speak at conferences and spread the Lord’s love to people across the world. I felt fearless and brave. Now that feels like a lifetime ago! I don’t even remember that woman! The passion is still inside me and never died. An invisible force of fear just now holds me back.
It’s much easier these days for me to remain hidden and settle for roles that allow me to hang out behind the scenes and support others in their dreams and goals.
I know that every season has a purpose and I have stewarded where God has me this season and served with faithfulness. I show up and give it my all each day. I love to see other’s have the spotlight and completely shine. Yet, at the same time, I know that I’m not living out my full potential and everything the Lord designed me to be. My fear has overcome my faith.
Perhaps this is why I have a particular fondness towards Moses. I believe there are many others who can also relate with his journey and story.
Even though Moses had seen God part the Red Sea and appear by fire and a cloud, he still questioned why on earth the Lord would make him the leader of people when he stammered and had a speech impediment? He even told God the exact five reasons he should not be chosen to lead the people.
His excuses went like this in Exodus:
• I am not good enough (3:11).
• People won't accept me as God sent (3:13).
• People will not believe and listen to my voice (4:1).
• I am not an eloquent speaker, slow of tongue (4:10).
• I am not qualified, send anyone but me (4:13).
Sometimes we lose our ability to see our worth and gift to the world. Our insecurities will start to speak louder than our gifts and talents. So the Lord will often send people or circumstances to push us out into the open. It won’t always feel comfortable and there will be a tendency to hide and remain unseen. However, in this new season of life, we must run towards the discomfort to ultimately become everything Jesus created us to be in this lifetime.
Please do not forget yourself in all of this. The Bible is called living because the lessons and stories apply to us throughout eternity.
If the Lord has called you, He will equip you and prepare you for the moment. Did you know that even some of the greatest professional athletes get severe nerves before they ever hit the court or field? They battle their self-doubt every single time. They are among the best in the world, but there’s still an innate fear imbedded deep within them. Many of us are no different in our own careers and callings. We feel unworthy and like imposters. Your dream and calling might terrify you, too, and that’s a good indicator that you’re exactly where the Lord wants you. That’s because you can’t rely on your own willpower to step forward and open your mouth. You will need God to walk with you every step of the way. You will know with certainty that without Him, you simply don’t have the power to do what He’s specifically calling you to do. You must lean into Jesus to become everything you were designed to be.
One day you will have to open your mouth and speak with boldness and courage. You will be called to lead a new small group at church, oversee surgery rooms, classrooms, make teaching videos on YouTube, lead corporate meetings or stand alone on stages. Others of you will lead the factory lines at your local mill and God will encourage you to change the culture there.
For others of you, the Lord has given you a unique business idea and you know it will work. However, fear of rejection has you hanging out in the background.
Then I sense there are also people who once had successful businesses, but prior failure has kept you bound to the past. You know that the Lord has equipped you with a unique mind to create business plans and you wake up each day with the vision. Then a rush of doubt comes on and you fail to act. You can only hear the voices of everyone who doubted and discouraged you. Yet there’s that still small voice of God whispering you towards destiny.
It’s going to take an extreme amount of courage to act and the Lord is saying: the time is now.
You can’t sit on the sidelines any longer. He has created and designed you to help people in this lifetime with all the gifts He’s planted inside you. There’s a difference between a career and a calling. A career pays the bills. A calling is when you use your gifts and talents to impact others for a greater glory.
Jesus gave you the dream for a reason, so the question is...
Will you view yourself like Moses did in Exodus or like the people did in Acts?
Are you the bold person who will be remembered throughout history and impact countless lives -- or will you stay in the shadows where it's safe and comfortable?
Allow your prayer this season of life to be like the father in Mark 9:24: "Oh Lord, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
Sometimes we’re not questioning Christ’s ability to heal and help us, but our faith in Christ needs restoration. We need to remember the authority and power that lives in each one of us when we accept the Lord as our Savior. We need to pray: “Lord, I do believe, but I need even more faith to trust and obey everything you want me to be!”
Don't give up, beloved. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. It’s time to step forward with boldness and courage. Open your mouth.
ACTIVATION: There is a song that I absolutely love called Gratitude by Brandon Lake. YALL. I want this to be my walk-up song when I enter Heaven! It never gets old. This week I encourage you to listen to the song repeatedly. You will love it the first time, but as you listen more and more, the Holy Spirit will literally take your breath away. There’s one verse in particular that always brings me to tears:
So come on, my soul
Oh, don't you get shy on me
Lift up your song
'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs
Get up and praise the Lord
Many of you have lions inside those lungs. You are the Moses of this generation and you likely feel unqualified, but the Lord has anointed and appointed you to carry out His will and usher in a new movement. You can sit on the sidelines and just adapt to the culture and everything society considers “successful.” Or you can journey through this life and help others understand their purposes and live for something much greater than yourself. You can help build the Kingdom during your short time on earth. You have a King as your Father who absolutely loves and adores you. He’s now calling you forth to walk into your calling with boldness and clarity. The days of hiding are over. The days of living below your potential no longer serve a purpose. It’s time to come out of the cave and walk from the back of the line to the front! People are waiting on you to become everything Jesus designed you to be! THIS IS YOUR SEASON. You are the chosen vessel and God’s secret weapon. IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO BE REVEALED.
The Bible says “life and death is in the power of the tongue.” So open your mouth, beloved, ‘cause you got a lion inside those lungs!
“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
-Erin Hanson