Prophetic Word: When God Flips The Script
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”
Isaiah 43:19
As I worshiped and wrote in my journal this morning, I heard a series of words and Scripture in rapid succession from the Lord:
“I’m flipping the script!”
“Today is a turning point!”
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19
“It’s about to go down! You’ve been waiting years for this!”
“Behold, I am making all things new…write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Rev. 21:5
Something else remarkable happened during this time! As I was jotting down the words, I suddenly heard a tapping noise against the window. Unbeknownst to me, a rainstorm was underway and saturated everything! It was the kind of outpouring that completely drenches the earth!
Yet as the rain poured — I could hear all these birds continue to sing! They were very vocal and sounded happy and it was odd enough that I noticed it right away. I’m not talking about a few birds, it was like an entire symphony of them singing and chirping all in their bird languages!
So I did some major spiritual research (AKA typed “why do some birds chirp and sing during the rain?”)
And you guys, the Holy Spirit gave us a WORD…
The main reason some birds get active during rainfall is because they are EXCITED!!! Every droplet represents OPPORTUNITY! Certain birds continue to sing in the rain because the water pushes out special critters from beneath the surface they can’t reach on their own. Soon it’ll be feasting time! These excited birds can already perceive the shift in the wind pressure (hello Holy Spirit) and they know the downpour will soon stop. So they sing and chirp out of ANTICIPATION OF WHAT’S TO COME!
The singing birds rejoice from a place a gratitude because the landscape is shifting!
Rain takes place naturally, it’s not something that can be forced. All the people and animals in the land must wait for the Sender to ignite revival. So it’s a transformative moment, especially for birds situated in regions where it’s extra dry and provisions are scarce. Rain signals that something special is coming! It’s the very opportune time they’ve waited for! And get this! Ducks actually love an overflow of rain because flooded fields provide new territories for them! They have the ability to reach new places and cover more ground at an accelerated pace when the earth is extra saturated!
Most birds retreat when bad weather arrives, but these special birds are awakening the land! They can already perceive that the storm is not a deterrent, but actually the very thing that brings all the special treats and big prizes to the surface!
Rain has great prophetic insight in the Bible and it signals for people to expectantly wait with the Lord and anticipate revival, nourishment and hope for greater days ahead! This is a not a passive waiting where we just let God do all the work. Rather, we work in partnership with Jesus with holy expectation of what’s to come!
In Isaiah 61:11, the Bible says “For as the earth brings forth its growth, and as a garden enables seed to spring up, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.”
So what kind of bird are you going to be? The one who runs away in fear when the rainstorm comes, or the one who sings in anticipation, because you know The Prize — our Heavenly Father — is on the other side? Prepare! Jesus is sending provision for you to catch and grab!
This is not a time to retreat, but SING!
“The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:12
First thing this morning, the Holy Spirit spoke “flipping the script.”
What does flip the script mean? The phrase means “switching things up, reverse the usual or existing positions in a situation; do something unexpected or revolutionary. To do the unexpected or deviate from the norm.”
For some of you, God is about to give you a blank check during the next month leading up to Passover. I am not speaking prosperity gospel and talking about a blank check to buy things. No, the Lord is giving blank checks to some of His children who are walking in righteousness to fulfill the mission He has for you. Everything is always for the Lord’s glory and not ours. You have endured an extraordinaryly long season of dryness and continued to serve, trusted Father and stayed in fellowship with Him. The Lord is now opening unusual and favorable doors that will come from nowhere. You will never see these situations coming. One day you will go from shepherding the field like David to being called to the forefront when you least expect it. These will be awe-inspiring moments, ones you could never think, ask or imagine. It will literally drop you to your knees in praise. You won’t know whether to cry, shout or fall to your knees in Holy reverence.
As I was writing, I saw a flash of a sonogram room. The room was dark except for the glow of a monitor. A couple who has been praying for a child for a very long time and been met with countless “nos” will suddenly have a “yes” this month. I share this message with extreme sensitivity and I prayed countless times to make sure the Lord wanted me to post this. I can tell you it was a caucasian couple and the woman was on the table and the man was slightly behind her, kind of watching the screen. I sensed that he carried just as much pain and heaviness, but possibly has shielded some of that inner-turmoil to protect his wife. He has brown hair. Everything the Lord has spoken to this couple through years of infertility will suddenly come to pass. That glow of light coming from the screen is actually the Light -- the Savior of the world -- coming to redeem your life and transform all your heartache with a gift from the Father. Do not fear any disruption or hiccups with this pregnancy. It will come with ease and extraordinary serenity. This is a direct gift from the Father because of His grace and your faithfulness.
“You hold the destiny and its timing in your hand.” Psalm 16:5b TPT
• For some of you, God is directing a season of seclusion and training, of waiting and hiding for just a little while longer. Stay as close to the Father and out of the limelight while He prepares you in the dark.
• Your needs will be met. You will be refreshed. You will drink from the brook. Elijah had to learn at Cherith that brooks are sometime-y. Cherith is intermittent and seasonal. You can’t stay at this place forever because it’s not reliable. Instead, you have to trust the refreshing rain of the Holy Spirit to nourish and revive you, but you won’t always feel spiritually high. Continue to rely on the impulses of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:1). Don’t panic at the dried resources. Instead have eager anticipation for what’s to come! Since you are His children, you share all His treasures, indeed!
Your anchor scripture is from Romans 8:
“The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!” And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself.”
• In Ezekiel 37, the Hebrew prophet has a vision of dry bones. The dry bones signified God’s plans for Israel’s future. The vision also, and most importantly, showed that Israel’s new life depended on God’s power and not the circumstances of people. Restoration seemed impossible. They could see no possible renewal. In essence, they were like dry bones and spiritually dead. Then the Holy Spirit breathed life into the bones, and they came alive. The word for “breath” in this verse is the same one used in Genesis when God breathes life into Adam.
It’s the Hebrew word ר֖וּחַ (ruakh) and means “breath,” “wind,” “spirit,” or “Spirit” depending on the context it’s used.
A fresh breath and new wind is coming for you, too. It will be drastically different than any you have received in the past.
In Genesis 2, Adam was given new life, while in Ezekiel, the bones were brought back to life. They were renewed, reinvigorated, reenergized, refreshed and resurrected. This was a life-giving breath that God blew on them. Everything changed in an instant.
• For some of you, right now things might feel inconsistent like finances, your career, family life, dreams or even your relationship with God. At times, things just click and you know that God is at work, then other times it’s so inconsistent that you truly feel like giving up. Hold tight, the Lord is sending the refreshing rain. It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming.
You know who loved to get away from the crowds and rest? Jesus!
“There were so many people coming and going that they couldn’t even take time to eat, so [Jesus] said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a place where we can be alone, and you can get some rest.” Mark 6:31 CJB
Another translation says it like it like this:
And He says to them, “Come, you yourselves privately, to a desolate place, and rest a little”.
After seasons of massive breakthrough or before a monumental shift — the Lord told his disciples to get away from the distractions of the world and people. Getting away from the crowds might seem hard if you work in an industry surrounded by a lot of people or you have children to raise. You have to perceive this more from the spirit. Getting away from the crowds means separating from the culture and things of this world and remain in fellowship with Christ.
In a practical sense, this means not attending extra events or activities or dinners with friends to instead spend intimate time with the Father. It means erasing social media apps from your phone and fasting from excess noise for a period. It means going to bed early instead of watching a movie because the Lord needs your full devotion and attention in the morning.
He wants all of you and it’s for your benefit. You’re weary and warn out and only He can provide the refreshment that you need. That’s what stepping forward means. That’s what “separating” from very good-intended people might mean.
After my mom died, I even had to separate from some friends and family for awhile. It’s not because they did anything wrong at all, but it was because God was creating a new identity in me. For so long, I only knew myself as my mother’s daughter and her caregiver. I had no identity of self beyond that. Self is not tied to our career and gifts and roles and titles. Self is who we are when all of that is stripped away. It took many years of walking close with the Lord for Him to teach me and raise me up in His image. He also didn’t want me tied to bondage of the past and situations that might hold me back. I had to learn that I could not save anyone, only the Lord can. This process was terribly lonely, isolating, full of long-suffering and at times, downright painful, but Jesus never left my side. I am so thankful for who I am today.
When we “come away” with Jesus, this can last a day, week or many years. These are crucial growth periods. I suspect that many children of God are also enduring something similar right now. Rest beloved. You need to save up your energy for what is about to happen in your life.
Disclaimer: As always, this is not for everyone, but the person(s) it’s for will already know in their spirit. These were all downloaded to me in rapid succession, so I am not sure if it directly pertains to one person or different situations.
• Soon you will find out why God prepared you all this time in the secret place. It will be an absolute miracle. A miracle. You will know with certainty that God did all of this. None of it came from you whatsoever. You had no hand in it whatsoever.
• God says: “Your Job season of life is coming to an end.”
I perceive this as Job in the Bible, and we all know what that means. In Chapter 42, the Lord restores his life and fortunes. He gets double the blessings, but he still carried the trauma and pain of his past. This was a transition moment from the old to the new. I also believe God is showing me “job” for some. Your job season of life. Some of you are leaving your current position -- the job you have right now -- for something completely new. Maybe you are going into ministry or a new direction or calling. Or perhaps the new job is what jumpstarts your Job 42 moment. The Lord is literally flipping the script on you.
• Understand that your season of isolation and seclusion had a mighty purpose. Elijah knew he was up against a huge army of people, but even alone, he knew God was with him. The brook at Cherith had prepared him for Mt. Carmel. God ALONE was enough. Many people talk about getting to the mountain top, but they forget that it’s extremely lonely sometimes when you get there. You have to stand in the lone spotlight of Mt. Carmel. However, God has been preparing you long before reaching the top, so you will step forward with extreme courage, knowing the Lord has planted you there and He will protect you. You will be a great mouthpiece and share the Lord’s glory to all ends of the earth.
• I am also hearing the phrases “overnight success, get ready” and “you won’t see it coming!” Some of you are about to move and it will all happen very swiftly. I’m not certain if the Father is saying physically move or spiritually or perhaps both. Your entire life, literally in one week, is about to change. We serve a God who is no respecter of man. He does what He does when He wants to do it. You will celebrate. You never saw it coming, When we hear about “overnight success stories”, we usually think of a person who was discovered by happenstance and suddenly get thrust to the front. The reality is, the person often trained in the background for a long length of time before their big moment arrived. Then the Lord flips the script and orchestrates the opportune moment that changes their destiny and family forever.
I keep hearing “spotlight” over and over, so this message is for someone specific who has not only walked — but rejoiced — out of pure love for Jesus and the world will never fulfill you. You have been trained like a soldier in the secret place and the Lord fully trusts you and knows your heart. This shift for you will be life-changing, and your heart will remain absolutely secured and cemented in Jesus. He is trusting you to go out and reach His people, share the Gospel and allow love to always guide you. There is a lost and broken world out there and millions of people have lost loved ones during the pandemic. The world needs Jesus right now because the pain and trauma of these past years wrecked a huge generation of people. Go out into the world and share the Gospel. It’s a message that is not always beautiful, but it’s one that meets people in their heartache and pain and reminds them of the saving grace and absolute love of their Father.
• As I was finishing up, the Lord said “incipient.” I had no idea what that word means whatsoever, so here is the definition I found:
in an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop.
(of a person) developing into a specified type or role.
Synonyms: budding, beginning, genesis, aborning, growth
• Finally, I heard the phrase “I spy.” 🧐
I literally said “huh?!”
But the Lord explained…
The game “I spy” is when the Person in control spots something that you don’t exactly see yet. He can see it already, but you can’t. However, it’s in your vicinity and atmosphere. You can guess all you want, but you can’t exactly see the object with full clarity. You might even be staring right at it, but your eyes can’t perceive it quite yet! The Father knows and that brings us great comfort! God has spotted something and He wants you to sing in expectation for what’s coming! He is saying to you today: “I spy something extraordinary and even though you can’t perceive it yet — I can! So start guessing and looking around!”
Remember, the pain of the past is just fuel for your future. ✨ Rejoice because better days are here! The land is coming back alive!
“The punishment you brought me through was the best thing that could have happened to me, for it taught me your ways. The words you speak to me are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world!” Psalm 119:71-72