♡Prophetic Word For Singles: WORTH THE WAIT
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him."
Genesis 2:18
This word is for my single sisters and brothers! The Lord has a beautiful message today because so many of you are right on the edge of a monumental breakthrough through the power of the Holy Spirit!
You are right on the cusp of new beginnings! Keep pushing!
God is bringing many people together in this generation. These new relationships are going to be unconventional. The people might represent various races, nationalities, socioeconomic classes and ages. Why? Because God is no respecter of man. He does what He does regardless of what society says. We have so much division in the world right now, and the Lord is combining a class of people who trust Jesus and go forward despite what the culture says.
Regardless of their differences on the outside, their hearts are in perfect alignment with Christ. That's what matters to the Kingdom of God.
Some of you are about to be like Rebekah, and when called, you'll just have to go.
Rebekah was chosen and handpicked to be a wife for Isaac. God is still aligning people the exact same way. He's still orchestrating scenarios to bring His children together. Rebekah was industrious, compassionate and led with kindness. Her virtues were displayed for all to see, and others recognized why she would be an excellent match for Isaac. The Lord divinely aligned a situation where two lives were joined in the blink of an eye.
Rebekah did not hesitate!
Genesis 24:58 — So they called Rebekah and asked her, 'Will you go with this man?' 'I will go,' she said.
Just like with so many of you, Isaac and Rebekah were in their preparation seasons long before they realized. The Lord was divinely purifying and sanctifying them because they had an important mantle and calling on their lives.
The Holy Spirit is leading me to talk about the importance of resisting temptations right now. The closer you get to breakthrough, the spiritual attacks will ramp up! Remember, the enemy is slick. He can’t get you like in seasons past, so he’ll try a different approach. Usually it arrives in the form of distractions that might lure you into old bondage.
Keep your eyes forward. The Spirit of God will confirm who and what is for you! Resist everyone else!
✍️Frequently in transition seasons, the enemy will try to pull you back with a familiar spirit. Strongholds and things you once overcame will seek to destroy all the work God has done. That's why the enemy comes to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10). You must RESIST!
The Lord has done great work in your life, and your vineyard is very tender. Protect it at all costs!
The Bible says: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).
First submit to God, which means to yield to His power and authority! Allow your spirit to overcome any and all desires of the flesh. Sometimes you have to even resist someone who looks great on paper and they are a wonderful person, but God has alerted you to keep moving. This is one of the toughest forms of self-discipline. You must trust God’s perfect plan over your feelings.
The Lord will not let you miss who is for you! He will make it clear!
Let me minister to someone with absolute love about the importance of words. The culture teaches “trust the vibes and energy.” That is not how the Holy Spirit works and correct theology really does matter, so as Christians we have to be mindful of our words. Karma, vibes and positive energy all represent the New Age, it’s not Christian theology.
How can this be tested? Think about a time in the past when you had good chemistry with someone at the jump and they turned out to be the exact opposite. If we keep trusting our way, based on our feelings, we’ll get caught up every single time. There’s only one way and that’s Jesus!
“Positive energy” is the counterfeit.
Most people adopt the ‘anything goes’ mentality but as Christ followers, we can’t be deceived. Our emotions will deceive us. Other people and principalities will deceive us. Jesus Christ will not. He’s the deciding factor. God’s Word will never fail. It’s alive and active and the Holy Spirit will point you in the right direction at all times. Do not trust “vibes” because there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing.
To resist means to withstand, strive against or oppose. Imagine yourself like a giant boulder in the middle of a rapid river. The rock remains steadfast, so the water must go around and keep it moving.
At the end of this broken road is the kind of love God always meant for you to find during this lifetime. It's a treasure. The Bible says, "He that findeth a wife finds a good thing." Just anyone doesn't make it good. The one Father God picked for you is the treasure; the journey to find them is where the glory resides.
However, there is a God-shaped hole inside each of us that can only be filled with a kind of love from our Savior. The Lord is the ultimate treasure. Another person can not fulfill us; only Jesus can. That's why it's so important to chase His heart above all else.
I'm here to encourage you today: do not give up now! Give all your pain, loneliness and even excitement to the One who created you and knows you inside and out. He is a Father who loves you dearly and wants the very best for you. The Lord Jesus is the best Matchmaker of all time. Your day is coming.
God has someone worth the wait.
This morning the Lord woke me up to lyrics that kept repeating in my spirit: "someone who is worth the wait…someone who is worth the wait…someone who is worth the wait."
The lyrics come from the song "I Guess I'm In Love."
And darlin', this is more than anything I felt before / You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find / Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak / But I know now I found the one I love…
God's message was clear: He's prepared someone for you who is worth the wait. He chose them because your calling is much more than just a marriage. There are many lives connected to this partnership coming together.
God really does save the best for last, so do not give up now; keep pushing forward, and trust the Lord's timing. He will not let you down. Never give up hope!
Regardless of what society says, true love really does exist. This is eternal love because Christ is at the center of the relationship.
God will not let you down. You've walked this journey with the Lord so closely that you can't go back now. Keep your eyes on the Prize, and that's Him. Keep pushing forward and resist any and all temptations from the enemy. Protect yourself. Put up substantial boundaries and do not even entertain anything that is not from the Lord.
Jesus, in His infinite power, unifies people long before they come together. Time and distance do not matter. We serve a God who does not follow the ways of the world. Your love story will be a testimony to teach others how the Lord Jesus really works. The broken path was all for a purpose. God had to get you to a place where no one but Christ existed. We need more of Him and less of us. We need more of His infinite wisdom and love than any advice that humans can give. It's God's way, and no other way right now. You have to buckle down and trust the Lord with all your heart and soul.
Jesus is the best romance novelist of all time, and He's writing your new book as we speak.
He wants you to release EVERYTHING to Him, especially any shame, self-doubt or even a fear of not being enough. Always remember that God chose your ‘helper’ for a reason. The word helper in Genesis 2:18 doesn’t mean an assistant. The word is better rendered as an ally, just as the Holy Spirit is our Helper and Advocate, Divine Encourager and Comforter. The woman will balance the man in the same way. That’s why the Bible says two are better than one.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
The Lord keeps showing me doves everywhere. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove. However, if you study the Song of Solomon, the dove is mentioned as a term of endearment between a new couple. Doves have significance all over the world. They have a value all throughout the Bible. The dove will be significant for your love story, too. Song of Solomon represents the love between a man and woman, and it's also an allegory that portrays Christ's love for the church. This is profound because a husband and wife are designed to be a representation and ministry of the church.
Recently I was on a walk when I spotted a pure white dove in the wild for the first time. I'll post a picture at the bottom of this blog post. The white dove was in a big group of colorful doves, but I immediately spotted the pure one.
God sees you the exact same way. You are His spotless child, purified and cleaned by the world's Creator. Jesus already paid the ultimate price and shed His blood for you to live in fullness even during this lifetime. God wants the best for His children, and He will pick someone who matches your spirit. Again, another person will not complete you, but they will bring about a special kind of love designed by the hand of the Father. It's a love that very few people will ever experience in this lifetime. It will be pure and whole, righteous and protected.
Doves are a symbol of peace and love for all of eternity. When Noah released the dove from the ark, it returned with an olive branch, signaling a new start on the horizon.
A dove is an innocent creature who is beautiful, harmless, humble, and glorious for all to see. Doves have enchanting characteristics that make them noticeable all around. Doves tend to spend their entire life with one partner, and they're incredibly loyal and represent true love. If you watch two doves in partnership, they represent balance and often fly in sync. They pair up in the breeding season and once joined, they form a solid pair.
Doves court before they mate. It's up to the male to lead and start the process, but the female will follow and reciprocate. Cooing signals the start of mating season, which might help you better understand Song of Solomon 2:11-13...
"The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, and the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."
Below are some dove scriptures I feel the Lord is speaking from the Song of Solomon.
Song of Solomon 1:15
How beautiful you are, my darling!
Oh, how beautiful!
Your eyes are doves.
Doves are laser-focused on the object of their affection and are called "lovebirds" for a reason. Dove's eyes reflect softness and gentleness. This man and woman will only have eyes for one another. They will keep their eyes focused on their Heavenly Beloved, and the three will form one solid union that cannot be broken. In this verse, the man compares her eyes to a dove, but in the following verse, he calls her "my dove." He now recognizes her on a deeper level. The beauty of God's glory is clearly evident inside this woman.
Later she will also say about the man: "His eyes are like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels" (5:12). This verse reflects the fullness of this man's spirit and heart. His eyes reflect the living water of Christ, the whiteness around the pupil reflects divine purity, and just like a king, his eyes are mounted like jewels. He's a gem.
Recently I had a series of dreams where I knew if the people turned and looked at each other in the eyes, it was game over. They would recognize the Spirit of God in the other. Eyes are windows to the souls. We also need "dove eyes" to correctly see Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives us the vision to see Christ with reverence, awe and respect. When Jesus walked with the two followers of Christ on the road to Emmaus, they didn't recognize Him at first because Jesus must've appeared in a new way. Then the Bible says, "All at once their eyes were opened, and they realized he was Jesus!" (Luke 24:31). A few verses later, the disciples were talking and "Jesus suddenly appeared right in front of their eyes!"
God is showing you many things right now. Open your eyes. Keep your dove eyes focused on the Savior more than anything else.
While writing this post, I left to run an errand and all of a sudden, I looked up and saw a rainbow appear in the sky! It was a perfectly sunny day, and no rain was in sight, yet the rainbow was suddenly there! That was the perfect example of keeping our eyes open for Christ! The rainbow speaks of a covenant promise in the Bible! The Lord is always speaking in His creation!
Song of Solomon 2:14
My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.
The wood pigeon would build its nest high in the rock clefts to remain hidden and protected. God has purposely kept some of you hidden and incubated as a protective measure. Only come forward when the Holy Spirit lures you into the open space to soar.
The dove was a shy bird and avoided roaming or building around neighborhoods and people. Instead, it built in the crevices of the rock clefts. In this season, the Lord will encourage some of you to come forward. Do not move until you know it’s time! If you’re in a season of obscurity, trust the process even when it’s lonely. God is training and protecting you. You cannot awaken love until it’s time.
The clefts kept the dove safe to build from an elevated viewpoint, tucked in the crevices, high and unseen.
God is the rock cleft that is holding you up, and He's protecting you. There is nothing to fear.
The Lord is nudging someone else to come forward again and sing! The enemy tried to silence you for too long, but God always had a set time for release. That time is now. You've been preparing and worrying about some things, but God says He's there with you. He's going to help you. He's holding you up. You're about to ROAR to life again!
A DIRECT WORD FOR SOMEONE: You are, by nature, more introverted than some might realize. This has caused you to hide your true spirit and personality from others. So the Lord is going to set up a divine meeting between you and the other person where you will cross paths or feel the desire to reach out because of the wooing of Christ. He's already brought you together in spirit. Some of you know each other, or you've crossed paths at some point. There had to be a separation so the Father could tend and heal each person. Once joined, there will be an acceleration to these unions. God has an extraordinary situation for you designed by the King of all kings Himself! Don't force anything!
Song of Solomon 5:2
I sleep, but my heart is awake;
It is the voice of my beloved!
He knocks, saying,
"Open for me, my sister, my love,
My dove, my perfect one;
For my head is covered with dew,
My locks with the drops of the night."
In this verse, the maiden is now dreaming of the man. She's likely in that twilight state where she’s still asleep but awakening. Her heart is awake because our spirit does not sleep. I encourage you to pay attention to any dream, word or sound that God gives you right at twilight. This is often when the Lord gives us the most insight into His plans.
Some of you have been lulled asleep by the Father in recent months, and you might not feel as "sharp" as in seasons past. There's a plan for this because deep inner work and healing must occur.
In the above verse, the woman first hears a sound – KNOCKING! The man had arrived in some unexpected way.
What does Revelation 3:20 say about Jesus? "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me."
The Lord wants me to tell someone that even though it might seem like your love season has been delayed, trust that Jesus is coming soon. He's going to appear when you least expect it. Yes, we are all awaiting Jesus' return so that we can dance into eternity, but the Lord also wants us to have life more abundantly during our time on earth. He said the Kingdom of God is already here. So when Jesus starts knocking on your door, recognize that the presence of Yahweh will come on like a mighty rushing flood. The truth is, we need the Spirit of God first before anything or anyone else.
He knocks, saying,
"Open for me, my sister, my love,
My dove, my perfect one;
First, he calls her "his sister," a term of endearment similar to Boaz calling Ruth his "daughter." This is not some incest type of situation. Instead, it reflects a close bond and union of those who are children of God. There is a permanence to this union. With my closest female friends, I often refer to them as "sis." I'll refer to my nieces sometimes in that same way. It's just a term of endearment. Solomon is doing something similar here as he exalts her in four ways. "My sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one…."
For my head is covered with dew,
My locks with the drops of the night.
This portion of the verse reflects the man's efforts to pursue and find his woman. It's the same way that God pursues us.
Solomon is a king with plenty of resources and he can have any woman he wants. The woman sees herself as a maiden, yet she's so much more to him.
God planted a deep desire for love within the both of them. A portion of their heart will always be missing until unified. They are connected in spirit. Physical affection can only get people so far. We need the desire to seek after hearts above all else; everything will flow from there. What God joins together, no man can separate.
But Jesus told them, "...from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.' 'For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Mark 10:5-9)
In Song of Solomon 5, the maiden didn't open the door when the man knocked because she didn't feel ready. She didn't have her robe on, her hair was probably a mess, and any woman knows we'd probably feel insecure if a man unexpectedly knocked in the night.
The Lord is saying, “What happens if God knocked tonight and asked if you're ready for the next chapter of your life? What would you say? Are you prepared to open the door of love?”
When God knocks, when He pursues, we must open! It's GO TIME! Listen for the KNOCK!
Song of Solomon 6:9
But my dove, my perfect one, is unique,
the favorite of the mother who bore her.
The maidens see her and call her blessed;
the queens and concubines sing her praises.
This woman was the daughter of one who loved her dearly, and now she is to become the darling of this man.
The love of a parent is really being highlighted in my spirit. I heard a sermon last night that said every woman who has been pregnant still carries the child's cells within their body. They are embedded on the molecular level and will always be a part of the woman. Our mothers will always have a piece of us, and we carry them. (To read about feto-maternal microchimerism, click here). God chooses our mothers for a purpose, even if we don’t always understand.
The Bible says that we are God's children and He is our Father, so we each have His DNA. He is the very best Father and loves you dearly! In the Song of Songs, the woman seemed to have a very close relationship with her own mother. That might speak to some of you as well.
“My dove, my perfect one”
In this verse, Solomon again calls the woman his "dove." She's exalted above all the rest. She’s not a perfect being, but perfect for him. She’s the one! The number one is significant because Christ calls His church one body with many different parts.
When a man and woman unite, the two become one, and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit form One Godhead.
The number one reflects unity. God is really highlighting the word “only one” to my spirit. You’re the only one for them.
What’s really remarkable about the Song of Solomon is just how much Jesus is weaved throughout the book. We are His Bride. Jesus is the object of our affection, the ultimate love story of all time.
Life is about to change for some of you, so remember to keep Jesus at the forefront of these new relationships. It’s one thing to know of Christ, but it’s a whole other level to actually walk in step with the King. Choose a relationship that is purposeful and takes the narrow path! You won’t regret it! The man or woman will match your spirit because God made them your helper on purpose!
If you feel led, I really encourage you to study Song of Solomon Chapter 2 in the next week or two. It might bring you some clarity!
Happy Marriage season to so many people! This is going to be glorious! I can’t wait to see how this all unfolds!!!
“My Beloved is mine, and I am his...” (2:16)
Here’s a picture of the white dove in the wild that I spotted on my walk! It’s the first time that I’ve ever seen a pure one just out among the others!
Luke 3:21-22
When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as He was praying, heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”