PROPHETIC WORD: Persist to the point of annoyance! Five signs that breakthrough is imminent!
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:4
Exodus 14:14: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be silent.”
This is a season of promises fulfilled, major breakthroughs and a takeover of enemy territory! You have faithfully stood the test of time and trusted God with all your heart even when your situation looked bleak and hopeless. You have endured many long seasons of isolation, seclusion and separation from people that you love and it felt like death at times. However, you trusted the Lord Jesus with all your heart and together you have walked a very long journey.
Hold tight because a MAJOR breakthrough is on the horizon! This is the fourth quarter when one must press forward and give it all they have!
The breakthrough some of you are about to experience will be unleashed in rapid succession. "It will be a success,” I hear in my spirit. I also hear "a packaged deal." Each part is connected to another part, wrapped in an eternal bow.
The Lord has been speaking the word “importunity" which means persistence, almost to the point of annoyance.
PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED. SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND. You’ve come way too far to only get this far. Keep pushing! The Lord is going to redeem and restore all the years that were stolen from you.
The process of persisting and enduring with the Lord is where the glory is found.
The Lord said the word “stern” to my spirit which made me think about how God is so loving, kind and just – but He’s also stern. The sternness always has cause. When God is stern, it usually means that we’ve gone wayward, started grumbling, continue to revert back to sin cycles or we are teetering with lukewarmness. We can’t have one foot in with Jesus and one foot in the world. It’s a wonderful gift and privilege when the Father corrects us and helps us get right.
“My child, don’t reject the LORD’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights” (Proverbs 3:11-12).
God loves you so very much that He wants your heart to be as pure as possible before entering this new covenant.
Consistency is the key this season! To reach soft consistency, one must be blended, chopped, mashed and strained because what you deliver to the world is so important. God is working on your character and heart to make sure it aligns with His spirit as best possible. The texture of what you deliver has to be just right to feed lost souls. The Lord is extremely intentional about every single part of your life.
God’s providence is certain. His timing is perfect. As we learn in the life of Esther, the Spirit of God can use one person to change the course of history forever. She was courageous and self-sacrificing and her persistence and divine wisdom saved many people. Do not despise small beginnings.
The Lord gave me several words this week and one major phrase that I saw was “new spaces.”
New spaces really center around innovation. God is opening doors for many people into new realms of information and influence. Some of you are incredible visionaries and God has hand-picked you to bring something new to the table. “New things” (plural) is what I just heard.
My friend, you're a Kingdom pioneer! What you bring to the world cannot be duplicated because the Spirit of God is the captain of this ship. He's made you unique on purpose and what He brings through you will change the world. God is going to use you in monumental ways. I even hear the words "FANTASTIC FAVOR!"
For the last three years, you have journeyed with Jesus as one of His disciples. Now the time of fulfillment of the promise is here. I am hearing this very strongly in my spirit.
There is great significance in learning about the Biblical definition for breakthrough. The term is used when God intervenes on behalf of His people to bring deliverance, new beginnings and a sudden shift in events. We are in the Hebrew month of Nisan (Aviv) and this time has great significance for any child of God.
A few highlights of this time period in the Bible:
The Exodus and deliverance of God's people from Egypt.
The crossing of the Jordan River into the Promised Land.
Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem was on the tenth day of Aviv. He was later crucified and resurrected during Passover Week.
All three events represent God's deliverance from bondage to freedom.
Divine breakthroughs are still happening even today. I believe the Lord is really signaling a change approaching for many people this spring in particular. The Lord gave you a promise years ago and you've waited patiently for your breakthrough, understanding that God alone has to make it happen.
You do not have the capabilities to fulfill this promise, so divine intervention must take place. God is going to do just what He promised you back in 2020, so this is a time to prepare and rejoice. Get your preparations ready!
Do not allow anyone to dim your shine. Right now you need anaídeia.
The Greek word is only used once in Luke 11:8 and means "unembarrassed boldness" – in the dignity of faith.
anaídeia —
: the shamelessness a faith-led believer has when they’re not halted by human fears – even when others cry "overdone" (i.e. accuse them of being extreme or excessive).
In Luke 11, Jesus is teaching His disciples how to pray (Jesus taught us to make prayers intimate and address God as Father).
He then teaches the Parable of Persistence in prayer. We are to approach the Father with unashamed boldness and keep knocking until God answers. The point given here is how the Lord often answers the biggest prayers in times it feels like all hope is lost. Delay is not denial, so keep knocking. The Lord will get us to a place where we are entirely dependent on Him because some dreams can only happen supernaturally. That's the very essence of a miracle. The process of waiting patiently is where our character is fortified and the journey to fulfillment grows you closer to the Lord.
anaídeia [importunity] : "persistence, especially to the point of annoyance."
Let me tell you, I fall short in many areas, but I do not fall short in my persistence. I will show up every single day and remind the Lord about the promises He gave me. I know that He hasn't forgotten, I just approach the throne of grace like a small child eager to remind my Father one more time. Only He can make a way where there is no way. Sometimes my faith will start to falter and hope deferred can be extremely painful, but then God shows up on the scene and renews my strength. The closer we get to fulfillment, our trust has to kick into high gear because the enemy loves to cast seeds of doubt. We must pray like the man in Mark 9:24 -- "I do believe, help my unbelief!"
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is saying "it's time to get persistent to the point of annoyance!"
Like the Apostle Paul said: "If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit" (2 Corinthians 5:13).
Get that crazy faith boiling again!
Some breakthroughs are a slow and steady process like a seed that takes root and it must endure various seasons of rain, snow and scorching heat. Then one day it finally breaks forth from the soil! People hardly notice the tiny shoot at first, but then it sprouts up to a small tree and steadily grows into a confident palm tree with deep and heavy roots. The palm tree is so strong and just sways with every opposing force because it’s made to withstand storms. If that tiny seed gave up in the first year, it would have never become the most beautiful tree in the wild with a glorious green crown on its head bursting with luscious coconut that can provide nourishment for others. A coconut is very unique because it provides water and food for people.
Persistence has purpose. Do not give up! You're so very close!
Noah looked insane building an ark with no rain, but he persisted and ultimately saved his family. The woman that bled endured tremendous hardships and long-suffering for 12 years, but she never stopped believing. Jesus publicly acknowledged her faith and healed her condition. Joseph was in prison long enough to have gained favor in the prison warden’s eyes and then two full years passed before the cupbearer remembered this man of God. Then he became second in command of the land after enduring about a 27-year process from enslavement to freedom. The Lord works in times and seasons. King David was on the run essentially for 20 years and watched the Lord deliver the enemy in his hands time and time again. God is always with us in the process. It's the valley seasons that make us more reliant on Him!
My friend "the LORD will fight for you; you only need to be still." In the same way Moses told the children of Israel to stand down and watch the Lord move, God is proclaiming the same message over your life: THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU; YOU ONLY NEED TO BE STILL, SILENT AND HOLD YOUR PEACE.
The root word rendered for silent/still literally means: be quiet, rest, practice secretly, speak not a word, altogether cease, be mute, conceal, hold thy peace.
The Lord your God is going to take care of the matter you’re dealing with right now, so just watch and see. Trust me, this promise will bring Him so much glory and all of Heaven is anticipating this extraordinary move of God! You will testify of the goodness of Jesus. You will bear witness that yes, our Lord still speaks and His promises will always come true.
1) Relationships will change.
Everyone can’t go into this next season with you, so the Lord will start showing you well in advance all the old relationships and strongholds that no longer serve any purpose. These can be amazing people who you love dearly, but you’ll have a sense that separation must happen. This process is extremely important because God sees into the future. Jesus knows the true conditions of everyone’s hearts. He already knows what awaits and the consequences of what might happen if you don’t surrender. When Jesus healed, He almost always followed each miracle with a directive. God is very serious about what He says, so you must go forward and listen to His commands. Everyone doesn’t belong in your future.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
The Greek word for “new things” is kainos and it means: begin to be far different from what they were before.
The Lord is all about making us a new creation. If a person only sees the past version of you, they can’t go into the future. If someone makes you compromise or you revert back to old habits or sin cycles, they can’t go. If someone makes your spirit feel unsettled, even when you can’t exactly place the reason, they must go. If a version of your personality comes out only around certain people or atmospheres, it all must go. This is an estate sale. The old version of you was demolished. Everything is new and others must be growing and blossoming, too!
You deserve unconditional love. Jesus has set the standard in your life and once you grab hold of His deep, abiding love, you’ll weigh every relationship from the viewpoint of eternity. Do not bring stale, musty, old relationships into this fresh, new, vibrant and invigorating season. Jesus has made all things new, especially you, so each relationship must glorify and honor the Lord, too! Other times, the Lord might call you to people who don’t have faith or belief in God, but there will always be a grace and understanding that you are to walk with them. The Lord will make it very clear who does belong in your life. Keep moving forward and do not look back!
Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful…
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
2) Your inner witness will sense that something major is coming. There will be signs everywhere.
Many times before a major spiritual breakthrough or monumental moves of God, there will be an acceleration of signs and wonders pointing you in the right direction. The Lord speaks to everyone differently, but I’ll see moving trucks, denoting a “move” of God that’s coming. In your quiet time, the Lord might have you reflect on Bible stories like Joshua or the Book of Acts to study the spiritual atmosphere when change occurred. You’ll cling to the direct words that God and Jesus said in the Bible to prepare the people. Sometimes I’ll even hear fast cars signaling the speed in which the change is coming. The Holy Spirit is your Advocate, so He will get you ready in all sorts of ways! God cannot be contained to a box. If He can speak through a donkey in the Bible, then He’s quite capable of communicating to His children to get the message across.
The main sign is that your inner-spirit will just sense a shift coming.
You might start to feel weird or different. It’s like a woman who is about to go into labor. There might be a tendency to pull back or nest or just sit still to await what’s about to come. Sometimes you’ll know exactly what the promise is that you’re contending for. Other times, God is making the move and you really don’t know what’s about to come. You have to just partner with Jesus and give Him all your trust. Biblical numbers might increase at this time and this will send you into the Word searching for the answers. There’s just a sense that something is on the horizon.
Before a tsunami, there’s always a shaking, then the water is pulled back and everything goes still.
Often the birds in the air can sense the atmospheric pressure shift before others, so they’ll prepare ahead of time for the change. They can sense that something major is coming. Then all at once, the water is unleashed. The spiritual principle is the same: when it feels like everything is pulled back in your life, prepare for the launch!
When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed as king, they went in search of him, but God placed David in the stronghold. He had to wait and sit still. David inquired of the Lord and Yahweh said it was time.
“So David went to Baal-perazim, where he defeated the Philistines and said, “Like a bursting flood, the LORD has burst out against my enemies before me.” So he called that place Baal-perazim.” (2 Samuel 5:20).
However, the second time, God gave David a completely different strategy to wait and sit still.
Then King David was told to go from behind and attack like a silent assassin. The battle was won. The point is – anytime the Lord has you sit and wait, there are strategic reasons that you might not always understand. It’s best to just yield and wait for the signal to move.
3) There will be unusual resistance, “fiery darts,” or other spiritual warfare.
Ephesians 6:16 – Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Spiritual warfare tends to come out of nowhere and it's often very unusual. One day you’re enjoying a season of perfect peace and then out of nowhere the storm arises and the waves crash into your boat. Sometimes new people or opportunities will even come your way and at first it might appear okay, but your spirit will feel unsettled. The counterfeit looks like the real thing, but it's a fake the closer you look. The enemy will ramp up aversions the closer you are to breakthrough. You'll have an “inner-knowing” that God wants you to avoid a situation or certain people. Or, there will just be an alert in your spirit that some unsuspecting warfare is taking place in your life. I always know this is happening because it’s very out of the ordinary and it tends to all pile up at once. There’s a tendency to even feel hopeless and despondent when warfare arrives, so it requires one to really ramp up time with God.
The enemy loves to distract and confuse, so he will wage war in your life and spirit to catch you off-guard or catch you by surprise. You might even feel a desire to fall into old patterns and ways of thinking and sin cycles because the pressing can be so difficult. Resist the temptation.
James 4:7 (AMP) – “So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you.”
The Bible tells us that even Satan comes masqueraded as an angel of light. So right before breakthrough, prepare for things to get really odd. Sometimes people from your past might even return in droves and they'll only see an old version of you. You’ll hear from those you haven’t spoken to in a very long time and they’ll try to weasel their way back in your life.
Other times, the oddness might even be inside you. Your spirit will just feel unsettled for some reason and sometimes you can’t place the reason. There’s a sense that you no longer fit into certain atmospheres and it can be very isolating and lonely. It will feel as though the Spirit of God has lifted His grace on people, places and things you were once connected with.
The old you is gone, the new is right on the horizon, but this middle part feels vastly different than anything you’ve ever experienced.
We often tend to believe that if we are faithful, we are immune from attack. This is not true and we see quite the opposite happen for God’s people in the Bible. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
The weapons will form, but they will not prosper! Oh, and here's something to remember: you won't always pass the test perfectly, but that might be the very point. Peter denied Jesus three times, but our Lord still restored the disciple and then commissioned him to go forward and lead the modern day church. Through the spiritual warfare and tests, we come to realize just how very weak we really are. It's easy to get puffed up with spiritual pride when Jesus is leading your life, but there are times we must be reminded that we're merely nothing without Him. The trials and tribulations keep us humble and small.
4) The Lord might go silent right before you’re released into the new.
The Teacher always stays silent during the test.
The Lord is always with you, He just stays silent during the exam. God is giving you the chance to show what you’re really capable of before promotion.
In the Gospel of Mark, we see a pattern form after Jesus is baptized and then promoted to public ministry. First, God speaks.
“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan.
He was with the wild animals and the angels attended him”
Did you catch that? God approved of His Son, then the Holy Spirit immediately sent Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted by the enemy. Sometimes we think it's always the enemy, but it might be the Holy Spirit sending you to the dry places! The Bible says angels ministered to Jesus, but we never see God the Father speak.
After Jesus won each temptation, Satan finally departed and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. The number 40 is significant all throughout the Bible. There are parameters to God’s testing period. You will not endure this hard time forever. There will be an end.
Jesus did everything right and He was still sent to the desert before embarking on a new beginning because the dry places illuminate our need for a Savior. The devil's attempts didn’t stand a chance. Jesus knew what the Scripture said, so He countered each attack from Satan with the Word of God. The greatest weapon you have is Scripture. It’s your sword. Sharpen it daily.
When it comes to Eve, she failed the temptation because the enemy dangled confusion at her and gave her options. God did not create us as robots. We are given freewill and choices to do what’s right. Love is a choice. It’s an action. We show God we love Him by following His commands. Through the story of Adam and Eve, we see that sin results in very real consequences. Yes, they were tricked into a choice by a deceptive enemy, but in the end, they still got to choose the right path.
The Bible tells us that “we show our love for God by following his commandments, and they are not hard to follow” (1 John 5:3, CEV).
The Lord could have intervened with Adam and Eve, but God stayed silent.
Sometimes the silence reveals where we are still weak. It’s easy to follow God’s ways when we hear from Him all the time, but who are we at our core when He's quiet? The testing will reveal your true character and whether you can handle more.
King Hezekiah was prosperous and a good king, except he had an issue with pride in his achievements. In fact, the pride even made him friendly with Babylonian princes and the Lord is very serious about who we interact with. So the Lord withdrew for a period of time.
2 Chronicles 32:31 – God left him alone only to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart.
God had given Hezekiah great riches and honor, but sometimes he managed his resources and relationships very poorly. He became flattered by people in perceived positions of power. I say perceived because only God has the true power. So King Hezekiah entertained those powerful princes from Babylon and they later took the riches by siege and war.
King Hezekiah had an issue with flattery and external validation. He put a ton of emphasis on his "things" and loved his treasures and all he'd amassed. The Lord is very serious about worldly pride and sometimes it can only be rooted out through very hard testing and purging trials. Do not become a lover of self or wealth. Eternally, it really does not hold any importance.
Here’s what we can learn about God’s silence: Jesus never leaves us, but He will sit quietly to see what we do when it appears that He’s absent.
The Lord wants great things to happen for His people. God brings wealth and fortune and success to people all over the world. However, the test is really about where one puts their hope and trust. This is a serious issue for the body of Christ, and especially for those called to ministry. Do not get trapped in the snares of this world.
Pass the test.
1 Timothy 6:9-10 -- Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
Wealth is not the issue. Many of God’s greatest leaders had kingdom wealth in the Bible. It’s the love of money and trust in our “things” that becomes the problem. The Lord needs many of you to be Kingdom financiers and He will make sure your heart is pure and holy before massive increase. The testing softens your heart and makes one become very sensitive to the Father’s voice. He will tell you exactly how to build and support the Kingdom of God in ways that will have an eternal impact.
The “snares of the world” are anything that gets us trapped.
My friend, obedience to the Father disrupts any plans of the enemy.
The “wilderness” of your life will often be a time without any resources unless provided by God, like when Elijah had to sit still and be fed by ravens, or when the children of Israel had to wait each morning for manna to fall from the sky. The Lord wants us totally dependent on Him, so we’ll often endure a very hard pressing period for 40 days before launching into new beginnings.
Other times when God goes silent, we might not be in the wilderness, but actually running from our calling like Jonah. So the Lord has to shake things up to get us back in His will and alignment. Then there are times Jesus tells us to just wait like He commanded the disciples before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Remember: the Lord will fight your battles. You only need to be still. Prepare for Day 41. Get your mind ready for the next powerful move of God!
5) Everything will fall into place.
The Lord gave me the Greek word anathalló — to shoot up, sprout again, grow green again, flourish again.
Usage: I thrive or flourish again, revive.
Context: In Philippians 4:10, Paul was imprisoned and he’s speaking about the financial gifts the people have sent.
He wrote, “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.”
It was the concern of the people that brought Paul great joy again. For some reason, the people were prevented from reaching Paul for a period of time. They had provided resources for him in a previous season, but they lacked opportunity.
There will come a time when you get close to a breakthrough that you’ll realize more people are for you than against you. Everything is going to snap into place. You will be renewed and revived. Even when it seems like everyone has turned away, the Lord might have actually been hiding and protecting you for a very long time. God wants to be your only Source. He wants to be your only Provider. He might have been pulling everyone else away so that Jesus Christ was the only one left standing.
The journey these last few years was a very treacherous and tedious process, but the love of your Savior has illuminated the darkest corners of your life. He provided for you time and time again and He’s going to renew your strength again. Jesus never left you nor forsake you. He dearly loves you more than you can ever fathom. Through the trials and tribulations, God teaches us to let go of control because He’s sovereign over everything, especially your life. You will know, without a doubt, when a breakthrough is imminent because everything will come together.
Paul teaches us that contentment is not an automatic default, but it has to be learned. And he learned about contentment through the process of testing, purging and trials and tribulations.
Victory is a state of mind.
Philippians 4:11-13: I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
My friend: Do not give up, do not grow weary or discouraged. In due time you will rise again.
A breakthrough is coming. You really can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST who gives you strength.
John 3:30: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”