đ¸Prophetic Word for you! MARCH FORTH!đ¸
March 1, 2023
Itâs time to be a spiritual trailblazer, a pioneer, a presiding officer chosen to go where no one else in your life has entered! You, my dear, have been selected for this time. The Lord has trained you for a very long time in the secret place to be a leader for nations, a heralding voice pointing people to the Father!
You are a fantastic leader, an ambassador of the Risen King who reflects His glory and honor!
Light cannot be hidden.
Everywhere you go, the aroma of Christ swirls the atmosphere like the sweet-smelling rose of Sharon, who fragrances and brightens the land. The Lord always had a set time for your arrival. The Savior is cooing you awake because you have been chosen to lead the lost sheep into His loving arms! Continue to make His Fatherhood very real for the people. Do not water down His message. Teach people about the Fatherâs LOVE.
Get ready to testify! This is a season of new beginnings and miracles! You will have gale force wins! Yes, wins! The Lord will burst forth in incredible increments, and youâll see victories at times that might even seem impossible! Itâs going to look different than seasons past.
You have never been this way before with the Lord!
Your celebration season has arrived! Laughter, abundant laughter, is restored! Your time of mourning and crying is over. The Lord is about to act mightily on your behalf. Just watch and see!
Open your eyes! Gaze and analyze the earth, for the rhythm of the earth explains the Fatherâs times and seasons even for your life.
God, alone, makes all things possible. He hangs the moon and glitters the sky with sparkling diamonds as a sign of hope for the people. The Lord decides a set time for the green shoots to come alive after the dead of winter, and He commands the white cottonwood trees to burst open to signal a new season. The acrobatic squirrels leap from branch to branch to teach Godâs children to play and delight even in the mundane moments of life. Look for the treasure!
This is a season of exposure! God is slicing the light from the dark even in your own life! Do not ignore what the Father reveals!
âPraise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.
I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and powerâŚâ
God has set eternity in the heart of man. He really does make all things beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
This is a season to LAUGH and have fun! Even Jesus knew how to embrace the good times! He enjoyed lively dinners and it mustâve been really fun because the religious leaders thought He was drunkard and a glutton (Matthew 11:19)! God chose for His Son to enter public ministry at a wedding when He turned water into wine. Celebration is in His DNA.
God was the original Creator of humor, laughter and fun, and Heâs ready for you to show others that JOY does cometh again!
Despite what has happened in your life, despite the trials and tribulations â JOY really does return 100-fold!
The Bible says, âWe know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purposeâ (Romans 8:28).
You have been fully repaired and restored. Look at you now! God did it! Yes, He did! Now go forth in the name of Jesus as a sign and wonder among the people in His mighty name!
This past year, you learned that God is an impregnable castle. He is a fortress that cannot be broken or ruined. His foundation is secure and steady, and He is a Rock solid foundation that has stood the test of time. Brick by brick, the Master Architect has repaired His people for a future glory that is too majestic to comprehend in this lifetime. You have tasted and seen in part, but you will walk in His majesty and glory someday!
Your life is a well-watered garden that will never again go dry. The Lord will personally tend, water, and protect every plant Heâs cultivated. He will bring you through times and seasons again to remember that Heâs a God of restoration and order. He will divide and toss away what doesnât belong in your life and personally tend to everything that does belong.
You can rest assured that the Lord believes in justice. He knows exactly what has been done to you, and He has purposely separated people from your life because He knows the true motives of everyoneâs heart. Even when you donât understand, trust that He does. You must go. You must advance. You must move forward. You must prosper in the name of Jesus.
Do not look back.
Keep your eyes open. Ignore the culture around you and stand firm in your commitment to Christ. Someday we will all stand face-to-face with Jesus and you must prepare for that day now. Stand firm in your commitment even among a hostile world. There is still goodness all around.
Rejoice, good and faithful son or daughter of the King of all Kings! You have chosen the narrow path and will be rewarded with righteousness!
Let your life glow bright before God. Donât stay stuck in your ways, but choose Him! Do not turn away from the Lord Almighty when you get to the land God is bringing you to. Keep Jesus at the forefront at all times! The land you are about to enter is flowing with milk and honey. You must hone and sharpen your skills and prepare for whatâs to come. God and God alone will get all the honor and glory with this matter. Just wait and see!
Never, ever chase after wealth or material possessions or greed. Worldly ambitions cannot be your idol. God made you different from others on purpose. You must remain set apart and not worship what the world worships.
âNo one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. Itâs put on a lamp stand, so those entering the room have light to see where theyâre going. Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a musty cellar. Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you donât get musty and murky. Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room.â (Luke 11:33-36, MSG)
There is an opportune time to do things and a suitable time for everything on earth. Itâs called kairos time. Itâs a window of opportunity that the Father creates where everything snaps into place for a greater purpose. Your time is here! So, be a stan for Jesus. Tell others what you have tasted and seen! Continue to glorify the Lord more than yourself. Help others find the narrow path and rejoice even when suffering comes.
Remember, âthe eyes of the LORD roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Himâ (2 Chronicles 16:9).
Are you hearing the sounds the Lord is sending? Heâs sending them to swaddle you in His love! The Holy Spirit is singing over your heart. Heâs speaking forth divine destiny in the lyrics, so listen closely!
The Father is so near to you, closer than you realize. He knows the rhythm of your heartbeat and the weight of each tear youâve sown. Thereâs a hallway in Heaven where portraits hang of all your best moments from Godâs perspective! As a child, you always knew He was close. He was teaching you how to perceive Him even at a young age. His watchful eye has been on you ever since.
You are Godâs pride and joy! The apple of His eye! The Father loves you so very much!
It makes Him so happy when you talk to Him during alone time. God knows youâre always thankful, but hearing you speak the words from your heart brings Him utter DELIGHT!!! Each day, Jesus anticipates the moment you get to spend time together and fellowship without any worries about today. He loves you so much. He thinks of you nonstop and even sends you little treasures to remember that Heâs nearby.
Look for Jesus everywhere! Heâs all around you! Moving forward, start to pay attention to smells and sounds. Everything from God has a sweet aroma! His sounds will make your heart LEAP!
Listen for the sounds of hammering and building! It reflects Hebrews 3:4, âEvery house is built by someone, but God is the Designer and Builder of all things.â Jesus was a carpenter for a reason. He restores, tears down, builds and recreates you in His image!
Saturate your world in Godâs presence. Speak love offerings from your lips. The Fatherâs realities and lessons should evoke us to action as we sing His praises to all the earth!
Remember: be gentle and extra kind to those around you. Let your life radiate gentleness and love. The world needs hope, and you have been chosen as a special representative to sing Godâs glory to all the earth. Guard your mouth. Let every word you speak be saturated in honey. Listen only to things that uplift and build life.
Pay special attention to the children the Father has graced to live among you. Donât expose them to anything foul. They hear and see everything! They are a treasure and must be treated as such. They need strong role models in a very hostile world. Be the difference for the kids! Actively choose to live differently than the culture.
As you March forward â remember the golden secret that David wrote about.
âYahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure and my portion. You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. Iâm overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! The way you counsel me makes me want to praise you more, for your whispers in the night give me wisdom showing me what to do next.â (Psalm 16:5-7, TPT)
MARCH FORTH! JESUS TRULY, TRULY LOVES YOU SO VERY MUCH! He calls you His special one. Flavored and favored by the Lord of Hosts! You are well-protected by a special force operation of angels who surround you every second of the day. There is nothing to fear. The Lord says, âwell done good and faithful servant!â