PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says, “Be Ready and Willing. I Am Releasing New Assignments and Sending My Chosen Ones”

“The Lord will fight for you. You just have to be still.”

 Exodus 14:14

Hi everyone! Sometimes, God has already changed our seasons, but we don’t perceive the “new thing” because an “Egypt mentality” has conditioned us to live in fear, marked by constant worry and anxiety. In this state, we’re always looking back and reminiscing about what went wrong. We choose the familiar even if it means remaining in bondage. As God’s child, this is not the kind of life the Lord wants for you. In the Bible, Egypt represents a place of oppression and slavery for God’s people. 

Egypt gives us a spirit of defeat, where we constantly brace ourselves for the next bad thing to happen. Egypt teaches us to live according to the world's standards, bound by its limitations, and trapped in cycles of survival rather than freedom. We walk with a defeatist attitude, identified by trauma and despair instead of the victory we have in Christ. We can even romanticize the old life and forget that we were actually miserable back then. 

God wants you to remember that you do not belong in the past. King Jesus has already ransomed you and paid the ultimate price for your life because you are precious to Him. He cares about your future, and your Father is about to open a pathway toward freedom, pointing you directly into a future filled with new beginnings!

When the Israelites prepared for the Exodus, God didn’t leave them empty-handed.

The Bible tells us in Exodus 12:36, "The LORD made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians." Whenever we encounter a unique phrase in scripture, it is worth noting because it often reveals how God continues to operate in our lives today.

When God makes someone “favorably disposed” toward you, He can cause even those who seem against you to suddenly act with kindness, support, or generosity. This isn’t a coincidence; it’s God orchestrating circumstances for your benefit. You might find that people who you never expected—or who don't even share your beliefs—are moved to open doors, provide resources, or help you along your path. It’s a reminder that God can turn hearts and situations in your favor, often in the most unexpected ways.

The Holy Spirit has sent me with a word today to stir up His people to prepare, because it’s testimony time! The Red Sea is about to part right before you, without you doing a thing. There is going to be a great exodus for many people in the body of Christ who will be advancing from an old season into new beginnings in large numbers. 

God will fight this battle, and there can’t be any interference. You just have to wait for the signal and GO when called. Just like with the Israelites, it might happen faster than you realize, so be ready!

Beloved, you are on the cusp of stepping into your future – but it will require you to stand firm in your faith and move forward with all your might. Jesus will do His part, but you must also choose to go with the little strength you do have.

Behold, the Lord says, you are standing at the threshold of destiny. And it will require you to trust in your Savior like never before. Run toward your future with all you have! God fights for you. He’s been faithful before, and He’ll be faithful again.

As God’s children, we must have a strong conviction in our Heavenly Father. We must believe that God is who He says He is. He is the Great Almighty, and All-Powerful One, who loves us so much and will not fail us. Even when we feel small, we must remember – He is not. We serve a big and mighty God!

The spirit of fear can permeate our lives so much that our faith starts to falter and weaken unless we stand against that mindset. God told Joshua to “be strong and courageous.” He didn’t say to feel strong – but to be strong. It’s a choice we get to make. We have to trust in Jesus and move forward even when afraid.

We must arise as a people in this generation who understand the greatness of our Heavenly Father. He is good. He is a good, good Father, and that alone must give us the confidence to stand firm in this hour and trust that He has great things in store for us.

How do you fight back at this hour? You call on the name of Jesus!


For some of you, a surprising turn of events is about to happen that will bring new opportunities, revelations, or circumstances that redirect your path in a way that aligns more closely with God’s purposes for you. It could mean an answer to a prayer you’ve been waiting for or a situation unfolding in a way you didn't foresee.

I don’t know what this surprising turn of events will mean for everyone, but the Holy Spirit led me to Exodus 13:17-18, when the Israelites fled Egypt. Instead of taking them on a direct path through Philistine country, God sent them around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.

He chose a longer, less direct route to protect His people from immediate conflict. He knew they were not yet ready to face the war they would encounter on the more direct road and might lose faith and return to their past.

The longer route allowed the Israelites to grow spiritually and mentally. It was a time for God to teach them reliance on Him, to test and prove their faith, and to establish them as His covenant people. The desert journey would reveal God's provision, presence, and power in ways they would not have experienced on a quicker path.

Exodus 13:18b says, “The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.”

While the phrase "ready for battle" implies they were prepared for physical combat, the truth was they were far from seasoned warriors. Though eager to move forward, they were not genuinely equipped to face the giants in the land. They still needed time for emotional, spiritual, and physical preparation, as well as for healing and growth.

Back in Exodus 13, the Israelites left Egypt in military formation, united as God’s chosen people, representing the army of the Living God. They moved forward in orderly ranks. Their journey to freedom would involve many unexpected turns, and the Lord intentionally led them on a longer path to prepare them for the Promised Land ahead.

The long path would eventually turn a new, younger generation into warriors, leaders, and champions. Many of their family members and friends would not enter the Promised Land because of their unwillingness to change their attitudes and ways of life.

Of the estimated two million-plus Israelites who left Egypt, only two people from the original adult generation — Joshua and Caleb — were allowed to enter the Promised Land. What set them apart wasn’t their strength or status but their unwavering faith and trust in God’s promises, even when the path seemed impossible. While others saw only giants and obstacles, they saw the faithfulness of a God who had already proven His power to deliver. The Bible says they were wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord. 

You, too, have a choice to enter the new land. Jesus said that “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14) and we get the choice to take the narrow road. Will you be like the majority, who let fear, doubt, or a desire for comfort keep you from experiencing God’s best?

Or will you be like Joshua and Caleb, who, despite the challenges, held onto God’s word and walked in obedience, trusting Him every step of the way?

Being among the two in our generation means choosing faith over fear, trust over doubt, and God's promises over the comfort of the familiar. It means believing that, no matter how long the journey or how many surprising turns you face, God’s plans for you are worth every step. The Promised Land is a spiritual place we get to enter where we see the hand-print of Jesus everywhere we go. It’s here that we begin to experience life, and life to the full, in step with our King. We get to see the goodness of our Savior in the land of the living. 

When Jesus speaks of giving "life" in passages like John 10:10 — "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (NIV) — He uses the word "zoe." This word signifies much more than mere existence or survival; it speaks of a vibrant, abundant life filled with vitality, joy, purpose, peace, and a deep, meaningful relationship with God.

This is the kind of life Jesus has pre-destined for you — a life where you thrive, not just survive, and experience His presence in every moment. Beloved, it’s time to embrace the "zoe life" King Jesus offers and step into the fullness of His promises.

A Prophetic Word

Acts 13

I hear the Lord saying, "This is a season of sending forth and divine commissioning. Just as in Acts 13, where prophets and teachers gathered in Antioch, you are in a place of consecration and preparation, where the Holy Spirit is stirring hearts and setting apart those who will go forth in My name."

In this chapter, Paul and Barnabas were separated for the work to which God had called them before the foundations of the world. This moment was not just a beginning; it was a divine transition—a shift into their true purpose and calling. So it is with you. I sense the Lord is saying, "I am calling you out from the familiar, from places of comfort, to step into a new season of ministry and impact."

The Spirit is speaking to His people, saying, “Separate yourself unto Me, for the work I have called you to is greater than you have imagined. Do not fear the unfamiliar path; do not be intimidated by the territory I am sending you to. For just as Paul and Barnabas faced opposition yet were empowered by My Spirit, so shall you walk in boldness and authority."

You may feel like you are in a place of waiting, but know this: God is setting you apart for a significant work. He is calling you to be among those who, like the believers in Antioch, are willing to pray, fast, and seek His face until the Spirit speaks clearly. The Lord is saying, "I am releasing new assignments and sending forth My anointed ones to break new ground, to speak My truth, and to bring My light into places of darkness. Be on the lookout for your ministry companion, one like Paul and Barnabas. Just as I sent them out two by two, I am aligning you with someone whose gifts complement yours, whose heart burns with the same passion for My Kingdom, and who will walk beside you in the days ahead.”

Paul was gifted in revelation and understanding, anointed to preach the mysteries of God’s Word with clarity and boldness. His voice was like a trumpet in the wilderness, calling many to repentance, opening eyes to the truth, and establishing a people group that stood firm against adversity. Paul carried the gift of leadership, a shepherd's heart to disciple and correct, and he was a tireless worker for the Kingdom. His mind was sharp, his spirit unwavering, and his passion relentless.

Barnabas was known as the "Son of Encouragement." His gift was to uplift and refresh weary hearts, to speak life where there was despair, and to believe in the potential of others even when the world did not. Barnabas had a gift of mercy, a heart that could see beyond failure to the redemption Jesus was working out in the lives of those around him. He was a man of generosity, faithfulness, and love, whose presence brought peace and unity. The Lord says, “I am bringing a Barnabas alongside you, one who will see your struggles and not turn away, one who will lift you up with words of hope, who will champion you even when others do not understand. They will stand with you, walk with you, and pray with you through every storm.”

Prepare yourself, the Lord says, for I am aligning you with a ministry companion whose spirit resonates with yours. “This partnership will be marked by mutual respect, a shared mission, and a unity that flows from My Spirit. You will find in them a friend who understands, a confidant who prays with power, and a co-laborer who shares the burden of the work. Just as Paul and Barnabas strengthened each other and went forth to fulfill My call, so too will you and your companion be sent out with My anointing. Do not rush this process, but be attentive. Seek My face and listen for My whisper. This one I send to you will be a gift, an answer to prayers you have spoken in secret. They will walk beside you, not just in times of triumph, but also through valleys and shadows. Your ministry will be multiplied, your impact will grow, and together you will see My hand move in ways you never imagined.”

Now is the time to prepare your heart. Be attentive to the Spirit’s prompting, for the Holy Spirit will reveal specific instructions and align you with people who will partner with you in this new journey. Remember, it is not by your strength or might but by My Spirit, says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6).

There will be moments of resistance, as seen with Elymas the sorcerer who opposed the truth in Acts 13, but God is releasing His power and authority to you to confront and overcome every obstacle. 

“Know that every step you take in obedience to My call will bring about transformation, both in you and in the places I send you,” the Lord says. 

I hear the Lord saying, "Get ready. Prepare your spirit, for I am about to send you out. The fields are ripe for harvest, and the time has come for you to rise up in the calling I have placed upon you. Go forth with the boldness of Paul and Barnabas, knowing that I am with you, and I will confirm My word with signs and wonders."

This is your Acts 13 moment—a season of divine sending, empowerment, and breakthrough. Step forward in faith, for the Spirit of the Lord is upon you and has anointed you for such a time as this. It’s time for the walls of the Kingdom of God to be rebuilt. You are a central part of the mission. What you carry is significant for this generation and do not allow a spirit of fear to hold you back. Speak when told and share the gospel with authority and conviction! 

A divine breakthrough is at hand! Go forth in the mighty name of Jesus! 

Luke 15 (MSG)

1-3 By this time a lot of men and women of questionable reputation were hanging around Jesus, listening intently. The Pharisees and religion scholars were not pleased, not at all pleased. They growled, “He takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.” Their grumbling triggered this story that Jesus told. 

4-7 “Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? When found, you can be sure you would put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep!’ Count on it—there’s more joy in heaven over one sinner’s rescued life than over ninety-nine good people in no need of rescue.”


PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says, “Get Up!” God's Call to Rise After Setback