PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says, “Get Up!” God's Call to Rise After Setback
The LORD said to Joshua,“Get up! Why have you fallen on your face?”
Joshua 7:10
One of my favorite pastors often says, "God did not make us to be average!" This phrase has become a daily reminder for me, and he's absolutely right. The Bible never calls us average. Instead, it declares that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), uniquely crafted by God with purpose and intention. We are His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), chosen and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12), and more than conquerors through Him who loves us (Romans 8:37).
King Jesus calls us to be bold, to stand firm in our faith, and to overcome the giants in our path—not to settle for a life of mere existence. As His children, we are set apart as a royal priesthood, with a calling that is anything but ordinary.
Average? That word doesn’t even begin to describe us. We are created in the image of our extraordinary Heavenly Father, destined to be victors. We’re called to rise above the status quo, to be different from the world, and to fulfill a purpose that reflects our King’s incredible design.
We hold tightly to these truths, but let’s be honest—life has a way of testing the very core of our beliefs. At times, we find ourselves blindsided, with the wind knocked out of our sails.
Maybe it's a dream that didn't unfold as we hoped, a relationship that soured, a business venture that failed, an unexpected illness, or a battle we thought we’d win but ended up losing. Or perhaps we're entangled with people who are wrestling with unaddressed sin, and their choices have rippled into our lives. We find ourselves down in the dirt, feeling hopeless, questioning our faith, and wondering if we have what it takes to keep going. If you’ve been there—or if you're there right now—let me remind you of something powerful: God didn’t create you to stay down. He created you to rise!
Today is your day to GET UP, reclaim your ground, and boldly step into the new season Jesus has prepared for you. The Lord has been leading me to study Joshua’s leadership when the Israelites faced defeat at Ai but returned for a second chance—and this time, they emerged victorious. I encourage you to dive into Joshua 7 and 8, where there is a powerful word waiting to be discovered.
Until then, here is what the Holy Spirit is emphasizing in this moment.
Let’s think about Joshua. This man was a legend—God’s chosen leader to bring the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua saw miracles with his own eyes: the parting of the Jordan River, the walls of Jericho collapsing, and provision in the wilderness. But then came a defeat that blindsided him. After their huge victory at Jericho, the Israelites faced a tiny town called Ai. It should have been an easy win, a walk in the park. But instead, they got routed. Thirty-six of Joshua's men died, and the rest fled in panic. It was a disaster.
I want to be very clear here: there is a significant difference between enduring true tragedy, sorrow, and grief — versus what happened at Ai.
The battle of Ai was not a season of hardship brought on by life’s unpredictable storms; it was a direct result of disobedience and sin. The Israelites’ defeat wasn’t just a random setback—it was a consequence of ignoring God’s clear commands to not mesh with the “devoted things” of this world.
While we all face moments of deep loss and genuine suffering that come from living in a broken world, the situation at Ai serves as a reminder that some battles are self-inflicted, a result of stepping outside God's protective boundaries. One man in the Israelites' camp, Achan, decided to keep some items from Jericho—things that the Lord had clearly commanded to be either destroyed or consecrated for His treasury. Achan's decision wasn’t just an act of disobedience; it was a breach of trust and a misalignment with God's purpose for His people. His choice brought defeat and despair to the entire community, illustrating how one person's actions can ripple out and impact many people.
The situation at Ai was a moment where God’s loving discipline came into play, not because He wanted to harm the Israelites, but because He loved them too much to allow sin to go unchecked. In His great love, the Lord desired to restore them, bring them back into right standing with Him, and prepare them for future victories.
After the Ai defeat, Joshua did what many of us would do—he broke down. He tore his clothes, fell face-down to the ground, and cried out to God in despair. But then came God’s unexpected response: “Get up! Why have you fallen on your face?” (Joshua 7:10, ESV). There was no comforting pat on the back, no gentle words of encouragement—just a straightforward command: Get up.
What was God doing here? Why did the Lord answer with tough love? Because God knew that Joshua didn’t belong in the dirt. He knew Joshua wasn’t created for average or mediocrity. He was not destined to walk with a spirit of defeat. The Lord was teaching Joshua resilience and trust in God’s guidance, even when things seemed to go wrong. By addressing Joshua firmly, God helped him understand that setbacks are opportunities for correction, growth, and renewed obedience.
God saw the warrior within Joshua, the leader who had already witnessed His power and promise, the man who had led His people through impossible odds. And God knows the same about you.
When God tells us to “get up,” He’s calling us to remember who we are and Whose we are. He’s not dismissing our pain or ignoring our wounds; He’s simply refusing to let us stay defeated. God knows that sometimes we need a wake-up call more than a lullaby. He knows that we’ve got battles ahead, territory to claim, and promises to walk into. And none of that can happen while we’re lying in the dust, mourning over what went wrong.
But here’s the thing—getting up doesn’t mean we ignore what happened. God’s command to Joshua wasn’t just to get up but to confront the sin that had caused their defeat. There was something in the camp that needed to be dealt with, something that had to be brought to light and removed. When we face our defeats, we often need to do the same. We need to look honestly at our lives, confront what’s been holding us back, and surrender it to God.
It's not easy, but it's necessary.
And yet, even in those moments, God's love and compassion are unwavering. He deeply cares when we walk through the valleys of pain, grief, and hardship. He promises to be near to the brokenhearted and to bind up our wounds (Psalm 147:3).
God never promised we wouldn’t face battles. In fact, He warned us we would. But He also promised that He would be with us, that He would fight for us, and that in Him, we are more than conquerors. The enemy wants you to stay down, to give up, to believe that your failure defines you. But God calls you to rise, to fight, to stand firm in the truth that His power is perfected in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Joshua’s story didn’t end in defeat at Ai. Once the Israelites dealt with the sin, God gave them a new strategy, and they went back there with a renewed purpose. And guess what? They won. Big time. They even got to take the plunder and spoils of war. Because God is not just the God of second chances—He's the God of endless grace. He takes our failures, our fears, our messes, and turns them into testimonies of His faithfulness. When we make room for Jesus, He restores us exceedingly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).
So, if you’re feeling like all hope is lost, remember this: Your story isn’t over. God is telling you to get up because there’s still ground to cover, still victories to win, still lives to impact. Don’t let a setback keep you from the comeback God has planned.
You were made for glory. You were made to be a warrior. You were made to get up, again and again, no matter how many times you fall. So, get up, warrior. The battle is not over. And with God on your side, victory is always in sight.
Joshua 8:1
Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you, and go up and attack Ai. For I have delivered into your hands the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land.”
This morning, as the Lord placed this word on my heart, He spoke a single sentence that stirred my spirit deeply: “God didn’t bring you this far to leave you here!” I know this word is for many people and here’s the message — A second chance at redemption is on the horizon, but this time, you’re coming from the back.
And know this — God's plan will not fail.
Think about what happened at Ai in Joshua 8. After the Israelites faced a crushing defeat, God gave Joshua a brand-new strategy to come from behind and take the enemy by surprise. Joshua didn’t send his troops head-on; instead, he set up an ambush, sneaking around the back while the enemy was distracted. It was a bold move, and this time, they crushed Ai and claimed the victory that seemed impossible just days before.
Coming from the back isn’t just a plot twist; it’s one of God’s all-time favorite strategies! Remember David against the Philistines? God told him to swing around and attack from behind by the mulberry trees, waiting for a divine drumroll—the sound of marching in the treetops. It was like the ultimate surprise attack. David listened, obeyed, and BOOM—victory was his!
Then there's Gideon, who marched into battle with just 300 men against a vast Midianite army. God's strategy? To create chaos in the enemy’s camp with a sudden, unexpected sound—a mighty blast of trumpets and shouts in the night, echoing through the valley. The noise and the sudden light from the torches threw the Midianites into a panic, causing them to turn on each other and flee. In that moment, God transformed an overwhelming situation into a miraculous victory!
If there’s one thing to learn from these stories, it’s this: God loves a good surprise attack! He loves to confuse the evils of darkness! He’s the master of flipping the script and turning what seems like a disaster into a defining moment.
Think about the confusion that God caused with Pharaoh and the Egyptians, the battle of Joshua facing Ai, or even during the life of Jesus Himself.
Jesus, our King of Kings, didn’t show up as the conquering hero everyone expected. Nope, He came as a humble carpenter, a servant who hung out with society's rejects. His teachings baffled the experts, His parables puzzled the scholars, and when the religious leaders tried to trap Him, He flipped their own words back on them, leaving them speechless and scratching their heads (Matthew 22:15-22). God is very particular about timing and strategy and He revealed this even through His Son.
And guess what? That same strategy is in play today—with YOU! When you feel stuck, sidelined, or like you’re playing the world's longest waiting game, remember: God has you right where He wants you. Sometimes, the biggest victories come when we trust in the Holy Spirit’s timing, lean in for His signals, and let Him work His providence behind the scenes.
Even when it feels like you’re waiting forever, God is working on the enemy, sowing confusion in their ranks just like He did at Ai. It might feel like nothing is happening, but trust me, God is setting the stage, unraveling the enemy’s plans, and turning the tide in your favor. King Jesus is orchestrating every detail, transforming what seems like a setback into a setup for something even better.
So, when you feel like you’re coming from the back, just remember—you’re in the perfect position for God to launch an unexpected, undefeated victory. The enemy may think they’ve got the upper hand, but God is always ten steps ahead, using every twist and turn to bring about an even greater win.
Keep pressing on, warrior—God’s not done yet!
1. Protecting Your Path and Preserving Your Purpose
God is always working to protect the path He has laid out for you. He may be removing people from your life who don’t have your best interests at heart, closing doors that would lead you away from His plan, or orchestrating events in such a way that you are kept safe from harm. Sometimes, this protection doesn’t look like what we expect — it might feel like disappointment, delay, or even a loss. But God is guarding your destiny, ensuring that the enemy cannot steal, kill, or destroy what Jesus has purposed for you.
2. Strengthening You in the Waiting
While the enemy might be trying to wear you down with discouragement or delay, God is using this very season to strengthen you, to build your endurance, and to grow your faith. Every moment you wait on the Lord and lean into His promises, you are being fortified from within. The enemy wants you to give up, but God is using this time to prepare you, making you resilient and ready for the victory He has already planned. What the enemy meant to weaken you, God is using to make you stronger and more equipped for the next stage of your journey.
3. Preparing a Table Before You in the Presence of Your Enemies
God might be setting you up for a blessing so profound that even those who stand against you will see His favor in your life. He is using this time to build your testimony, to set the stage for a moment where His glory will be unmistakable, even to those who doubt or oppose you. King Jesus is going to restore your identity in such a powerful way that everyone who came against you will have to watch as He marks you with His love and favor. What was once your place of pain and struggle will become the very platform where God reveals His goodness to all. Your enemies will see that nothing can stop the plans of a God who redeems, restores, and makes all things new.
4. Restoring What Was Lost Beyond Expectation
Just as God restored the possessions of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 8, He is working in your life to bring back what you thought was gone forever. Even when it seems like everything has been stripped away, God can move in unexpected ways to return what was lost—sometimes with even greater blessings than before. The Shunammite woman had left her home for seven years, and yet, through divine orchestration, her land and all its produce were restored to her. In the same way, God is working to redeem the years you feel have been wasted, to restore opportunities, relationships, or dreams that seemed out of reach. Trust that He sees what you’ve lost and is more than able to bring about a restoration beyond anything you could imagine.
5. Rebuilding Amidst Opposition with God's Strength
When you face opposition and obstacles in pursuing what God has called you to do, remember the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in Nehemiah 4. Even as enemies mocked, plotted, and tried to discourage the work, God provided the strength, strategy, and protection necessary to complete the task. Similarly, God is at work in your life, equipping you to rebuild what has been broken and fortify what is vulnerable, despite the challenges you face. He places people around you to support you, gives you wisdom to counter every attack, and fills you with courage to press on. God is your defender and your shield, ensuring that His purpose for you will stand firm, no matter the opposition.
The Holy Spirit is shining a spotlight on the battle of Ai today, giving us a prophetic instruction to BE READY. Maybe you’ve been feeling stuck in a holding pattern—like you’re circling the runway when you should be taking off at full speed. It’s frustrating, I know. But here’s the truth: that pause is a strategic move. What you tried before didn’t work. Maybe you were leaning too much on your own strength or getting lost by relying on your own understanding.
But now, it’s time for a comeback. This is your second chance, and this time, victory is guaranteed—if you follow the Lord’s instructions to the letter.
Wait for the signal. Don’t jump ahead of the green light, because this win requires careful attention to detail. Every move counts. Remember what God told Joshua? "You shall lie in wait... but be ready" (Joshua 8:4). God’s plan might seem odd, unconventional, or even downright contrary to what you’d expect, but know this: His plan will not fail. When the signal comes, you’ll be ready to step into the victory He’s already secured for you.
So, how does Joshua’s story translate to our modern-day battles?
Just like Joshua, we often face challenges that feel impossible to spiritually conquer. We might feel overwhelmed, uncertain, or bogged down by past failures. But sometimes, God is calling us to switch things up—to adopt a strategy that doesn’t look like anything we’ve seen before. Just as Joshua set an ambush and waited for God’s perfect timing, we might need to step back, listen closely, and prepare behind the scenes.
Maybe God is asking you to do something that feels backward—like having to wait when you’re itching to move, stay silent when you’re bursting to speak, or work in the shadows when you’re desperate to be on the front lines. God’s strategies often defy human logic, but they always lead to victory.
Joshua’s story teaches us that success isn’t about taking the obvious route. It’s about trusting God’s direction, even when it seems completely unexpected. It’s about being willing to wait, watch, and move when God says, “Now.”
If you find yourself in the thick of battle today, take a deep breath. Remember Joshua, standing on that hill, staring down at Ai, trusting in a plan from God that seemed a little weird. God’s ways are higher than ours, His timing is always perfect, and His victory is certain. He didn’t bring you this far just to leave you hanging. Keep listening, keep trusting, and know that He has a master plan—a divine blueprint for your breakthrough.
Your battle may not look like Joshua’s, but the God who led him to victory is the same God walking beside you. Trust His voice. Follow His lead. And never forget—the victory is already yours.
So, get up! Dust yourself off, straighten that spiritual armor, and get back in the game. The adventure is just getting started, and God’s got an epic comeback story with your name on it!
The Holy Spirit is whispering to you today, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. I am with you, and I have gone before you.”