PROPHETIC WORD: You Are A Powerful Locomotive in God’s Kingdom! 🚂

“For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.”

Psalm 91:11

The Lord Jesus is ushering His people into a time of divine convergence, where the separate pieces of your life and calling will begin to align in remarkable ways. What once felt disjointed or difficult to understand will start to come into focus. You will see God’s hand weaving together the pieces of your past, present, and future. What looks messy now will form into a beautiful, bright and bold tapestry for His glory. Soon your life will display God’s redemptive work for all to see. 

Do not fear the changes or the time it takes to get there. The Lord is releasing a “finisher’s anointing” over you to bring to completion every good work He has started. 

Remember, King Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of your faith. He is writing a new story about your life. 

The first chapter of this new season is called: WIDE OPEN SPACES. 

Psalm 18:19 says, “He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.”

The Lord is leading you into a place of freedom and expansion. The open spaces are not simply about physical blessings or opportunities, but about stepping into the fullness of your identity in Christ. There is a newfound clarity coming, where you will begin to see that the struggles and setbacks were all part of His preparation for this very moment. 


God has been widening the path beneath your feet to secure your steps for the journey ahead. Jesus wants you to bring forth all the ideas and dreams He has planned for you. They have already been planted in your heart. Please understand that this is your time to step forward with boldness and faith, trusting that Jesus has gone before you. The ground you’re about to walk on has been prepared, and the doors are opening wide for you to step into your destiny.

The Lord says, “Do not fear the process, for I am with you through every step. Just as I led the Israelites by a cloud by day and a fire by night (Numbers 9:15-23), so I am guiding you now. There are moments of staying still and moments of moving forward, and both are necessary. When you feel stuck or unsure, know that I am using even those times to prepare you for what is coming. When you feel the stirring to move, trust that I have gone ahead of you and made a way. I am aligning your steps with My perfect timing.” 

Just as the cloud rested over the Tabernacle, there are seasons where resting in God’s presence is your highest calling. There will also be times to step forward in faith, trusting that the Holy Spirit is leading you into new territories.

This season of wide-open spaces will require a new level of trust and surrender. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” 

The Lord is inviting you to lay down your own plans, timelines, and expectations, to fully embrace His will for your life. Some of you have been holding onto the familiar because it feels safe, but the Lord says, “Let go of what is behind, for I am doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:18-19). I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Do not be afraid to step out, for My Spirit goes with you and will sustain you.”

You may face moments of uncertainty, where you do not see the full picture, but the Lord is calling you to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). This is the season to lean into His voice, to seek Jesus in the quiet places, and to listen for His direction. The Lord is drawing His people back to a place of deeper intimacy and surrender, where you are not just asking for guidance but longing to be in His presence. It is in this place that your heart will be aligned with His purposes, and you will find rest even in the midst of change. God’s promise remains, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:8).

As you step into this new chapter, know that God is not just interested in your destination but in who you are becoming along the way. He is shaping you, refining you, and teaching you to rely on His strength rather than your own. The journey may seem long, but He is giving you endurance for the race ahead. 

The Lord says, “I am giving you new eyes to see My hand at work. What you thought was a delay was Me aligning things for your good. What you saw as rejection was My redirection. I have been protecting you from lesser things because I am calling you to greater. I have been protecting you from certain people because I am preparing a table in the presence of your enemies. I am weeding out those who no longer serve a purpose because they can’t go into the future. Again, what you perceive as rejection from them is actually me protecting My beloved child. Someday it will all make sense.” 


Psalm 37:23

Right now, a divine order is unfolding in your life. 

In these last three months, God has been doing some serious heavy lifting, breaking through barriers and reshaping your story.

He’s not just scratching the surface—He's been digging deep to bring true healing and restoration to the wounds that were freshly opened. These wounds resurfaced for a purpose because Jesus wanted to heal you in a unique way. He wants you to carry a deeper anointing that often only emerges after long-suffering.

Long-suffering is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) because it reflects God's own nature of enduring patience and mercy toward us. It enables believers to withstand trials, forgive others, and bear difficulties with a grace that goes beyond human strength. This quality is a sign of spiritual maturity, showing that the Holy Spirit is shaping our character to be more like Christ.

The suffering process has been long and intense because there’s a major calling on your life. You are being equipped to help others who will walk through the same darkness, face the same tragedies, and endure the same hardships. Your story is not just about your own healing; it’s about becoming a vessel of hope and a spiritual trailblazer for those who will one day look to you as a testimony of God’s redeeming power. 

Like the woman with the issue of blood, your decision to press through the crowds and reach Jesus at all costs has brought healing to your life. Your decision to look fear in the face and allow your faith to do the talking has revealed a man or woman of God who carries dynamic power. 

You are a powerful locomotive in God’s Kingdom that can’t be stopped! 

The time of convergence is upon you, and God is bringing all things together for your good and for His glory (Romans 8:28). Trust the Author and Finisher of your faith, for He has written every page of your story with intention and love. 

This season is not about striving, but about abiding. It’s not about achieving, but about receiving. It’s about stepping into the wide-open spaces Jesus has prepared for you. 

There is freedom, there is promise, and there is victory waiting on the other side. 

The Lord says, "Step forward, My child. The path is open, and I am leading you into a place of abundance."

In Mark 5:34, Jesus said to the woman bleeding: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” The woman came trembling, falling at Jesus' feet, and confessed all she had been through.

She had suffered for years, spending everything she had on doctors but only grew worse. Yet, in a moment of desperate faith, she reached out to touch the hem of His garment, believing she would be healed. Jesus not only healed her physically, but also spoke to her identity, calling her “daughter.” He affirmed her faith.

Jesus brought her out of hiding and restored her in front of everyone, declaring her healing complete and her suffering ended. The woman stepped into a wide open space to start a new chapter of her life.

The same is about to be true for you. Dry bones are coming to life! Get READY!!! 

Ezekiel 37:7-10 (NIV):
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

Then God said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’”

So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.


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