Prophetic Word: "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior!”

Do not be worried or afraid; the Lord Jesus is with you in this transition

Recently, I had a vivid dream where people were drowning in fast, muddy water. Just as they began to sink, a massive rope was thrown at them. It felt like a divine rescue operation was underway within the body of Christ.

I had this sense that many people felt like they were sinking due to circumstances out of their control. 

As I later sat with the Lord in worship, He spoke to my heart: "My people are feeling afraid, scared, worried, and uncertain about their futures. Tell them to call to Me, and I will answer them."

Isn't it empowering to know that God is just a call away? His phone number is 333, and we can reach the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit anytime we need God’s guidance and support.

When we call, we can trust that He always answers. This is not just a belief, but a truth that scripture confirms.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not heard."

The act of calling to God is an exercise of faith. It demonstrates our trust in the Lord's ability to hear us and respond. We stay humble, recognizing that our Father really cares to hear about our needs, fears and desires. 

By calling to God, we open ourselves to receiving deeper insights and revelations that can guide and enrich our lives. Calling reminds us of our dependence on King Jesus, and we learn to seek our Father's wisdom above all else. 

In times of fear and uncertainty, remember that God is always ready to respond to your call.

His promise is unwavering: He will reveal great and hidden things, bringing comfort and guidance to your weary soul. 

The Night Season 

"I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night season" (Psalm 16:7)

Some of you are right on the brink of stepping into the overflow, and this is when the pressing always gets hard. It's so important to bear down at this time and keep your gaze fixed on Christ. King Jesus will not let you drown. Keep calling out to the Father; He will help you get through this stage.

When you get to the end of your rope, that's when God releases His divine mercy and pulls you back to safety.

Gideon knew what it was like to be scared. For seven years, the Midianites wreaked havoc on the Israelites, destroying their crops and livestock and leaving them impoverished and fearful.

This forced Gideon to thresh wheat in a winepress, hiding from the Midianites. He was timid, afraid, and considered the runt of his people.

Then, out of nowhere, Christ showed up on the scene.

The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior" (Judges 6:12).

Even though Gideon seemed far from a warrior, the Lord prophetically spoke into his future. The Father knows His children even better than we know ourselves. The Lord always gives us identity long before we step into our calling.

The angel of the Lord who appeared to Gideon was likely the pre-incarnate Christ. This means it was Jesus in a form before He was born on earth. The Hebrew word translated as "appeared" in Judges 6:12 suggests that Jesus made it possible for Gideon to actually see Him. Gideon’s reaction reminds us that Jesus in the flesh likely appeared very normal. All the Lord did was sit under a tree and wait before speaking.

This context is significant because it shows that divine encounters can happen in the most ordinary circumstances. Gideon was performing the mundane task of threshing wheat, hiding from the Midianites, when Jesus appeared to him. This teaches us that we should not expect the Lord to manifest in spectacular ways like a glory cloud or lightning.

Instead, Jesus often reveals Himself in the quiet, everyday moments of our lives.

If we are constantly searching for Christ in grandiose, flashy moments, we may miss the quiet, gentle whispers of our Father.

He is with us in our daily routines—when we drive to work, prepare lunch, or walk at sunset. In these ordinary moments, we can experience His presence most profoundly, reminding us that God is always near and attentive to our lives.

Chances are, the Holy Spirit is with you right now as you read these words. 

Look For God in the Ordinary Moments 

In the story of Gideon, we get the sense that Jesus was watching over him before Gideon was made aware. First, the angel of the Lord came and sat beneath a great tree (Judges 6:11). He appeared to Gideon, and then the Lord spoke.

My friend, the Lord's holy gaze is on you as we speak. The Father has never lost sight of you, even when you get down in a sunken place because of fear, worry, and discouragement.

Notice that when God calls Gideon a mighty warrior, Gideon replies with excuses, just like Moses did.

However, even then, his lack of faith didn't cancel his calling.

Let’s dig into the scriptures a little deeper.

Judges 6:12-13

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior."

"Pardon me, my lord," Gideon replied, "but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, 'Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”

Jesus didn't even address Gideon's very valid concerns. Instead, the Lord answered with an action plan, "I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive" (Judges 6:16).

Jesus likely did not address Gideon's concerns because He wanted to focus on empowering Gideon to prepare for his future while redirecting his attention to the mission at hand. Jesus is really big on moving forward. Out of all the women in the Old Testament, Jesus only mentioned one woman during His earthly ministry. 

"Remember Lot's wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it." Luke 17:32-33 (NIV)

In this context, Jesus uses Lot's wife as a warning about the dangers of looking back or holding onto one's past life when God is calling them forward.

It serves as a powerful illustration of the consequences of disobedience and attachment to worldly things. Faith often requires moving forward despite unanswered questions and Gideon learned this firsthand.

God tells us to “go” and we simply have to move without knowing what will happen. 

By stating, "I will be with you," the Lord reaffirmed His presence and support, which is more crucial than answering every doubt we might have.

Clarity Is Coming

Just as Gideon experienced doubt and fear, we, too, may feel overwhelmed by the challenges before us. But God's promise remains steadfast: He is with us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness. We are called not by our strength but by His might. In our moments of greatest uncertainty, let us remember that God's grace abounds even more.

God's interventions often come in unexpected ways. While we may be looking for miraculous signs, God's presence is most profoundly experienced in our daily lives. This truth encourages us to remain faithful and attentive to the gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit.

So, when you feel like you're at the end of your rope, remember Gideon's transformation. The same God who called Gideon from a place of hiddenness, fear and doubt to become a mighty warrior is with you. He’s in you. The Lord's call on your life is irrevocable, and His plans for you are good. 

Keep calling out to King Jesus, for He is a faithful Father and will surely come to your rescue.

Prophetic Word 

My beloved child: 

In this season, I am calling you to rise up and seek My face with renewed fervor. Your times of uncertainty and trials have not gone unnoticed, and I am with you every step of the way. As you call out to Me, know that I am attentive to your cries, ready to respond with grace and power.

Fear not the storms that rage around you, for I am your refuge and strength. Just as I calmed the seas with a word, so too will I bring peace to your heart and clarity to your mind. Trust in My timing, for I am orchestrating a divine turnaround in your circumstances.

I am releasing new revelations and hidden treasures of wisdom for those who diligently seek Me. Open your heart and mind, for I am pouring out My Spirit in unprecedented ways. Dreams, visions, and prophetic insights will increase, guiding you through the paths I have prepared. Write down everything I reveal so that you do not forget. I am bringing you ideas and inventions, clarity and purpose and the path ahead is going to be an adventure! 

Stand firm in your identity in Christ, knowing that I have equipped you for such a time as this.

Restoration is coming to areas that have been broken and desolate. Relationships, finances, and health are being touched by My healing hand. Where there has been loss, I am bringing a double portion of blessing. What the enemy meant for evil, I am turning for your good.

Prepare your heart for the new things I am about to do. Shed the old wineskins, for I am pouring new wine into your life. Embrace the changes with joy and anticipation, for I am making all things new. My plans for you are for a future filled with hope, purpose, and prosperity.

Remain steadfast in prayer, rooted in My Word, and connected in fellowship with one another. Encourage and uplift each other, for you are stronger together.

As you move forward in unity, My glory will be revealed in and through you in mighty ways.

Know that I love you with an everlasting love. I am your God, and you are My beloved child. 

Stand firm, be courageous, and let your faith arise. The best is yet to come.

With love,
Your Heavenly Father


PROPHETIC WORD: The Road Less Traveled —Turning Refuge into Revival


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