Prophetic Word: Launch Out Into the Deep!

Now is the time to venture into the deep. Revise your strategy, amplify your efforts, and commit fully. A change is necessary, and only Jesus can do the impossible. He will make you unstoppable.

For weeks, the Lord has been speaking a phrase deeply in my spirit, and I feel like someone else needs to hear the same message: "It's time to launch out into the deep!" This will be a place of true surrender, where the Father will teach you a new way of living that might look vastly different from the people around you.

As you submerge yourself in God's way of doing things, He will show you how to do more with less. He will teach you to tread water with the waves instead of fighting against the current. 

Slow and steady will be your superpower in this season. Remember: a good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold (Proverbs 22:1). Be a person of excellence who takes their time and diligently works on their craft to help others. Continue to be a person of godly character, and the Lord will work wonders through you to bring Kingdom realities to a lost and hurting world! Each of us has a purpose in God’s glorious design, and it takes both humility and effort to properly steward what He places in our hands.

I know some of you have been tirelessly working, toiling, putting in your best efforts, yet seeing little to no results. But hear this—God is urging you to try again, to step out in faith once more. Give it one more shot because there will be an overflow!

Trust Jesus and follow Him into uncharted territories, for when God steps into your boat, there will be a mighty harvest you never thought possible! 

You will need co-laborers to support, assist and build what the Lord delivers!

Proverbs 3:4-12 (MSG)
Earn a reputation for living well in God’s eyes and the eyes of the people. Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the One who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own; give Him the first and the best. Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline; don’t sulk under His loving correction. It’s the child He loves that God corrects; a Father’s delight is behind all this.


Then cast your net exactly when and where Jesus says!

In Luke 5, we find Simon Peter and his companions cleaning their nets after a long, fruitless night of fishing. This can also represent a night season in your life. Picture the scene—these fishermen were exhausted, discouraged, and possibly feeling a little hopeless. Fishing all night without success, especially when it's your business and trade, impacts many people and can be frustrating. The process of cleaning and mending nets is tedious and demanding, requiring repetitive effort and attention to detail.

Despite all their preparation and hard work, they had nothing to show for it because the timing and conditions weren't right.

Then, Jesus steps into Simon's boat and uses the vessel as a platform to teach the crowds near the shoreline. Beloved, you, too, have a boat—an instrument God can use to spread His glory. It might be the songs you sing, the words you write, the art you create, the lessons you prepare, the ministry you have, how you raise children, your understanding of the Lord, your love for Jesus and people, or even your personality.

Or, perhaps, you are a marketplace missionary, and God uses even your job as a boat to reach others in unique ways. 

Like Simon Peter, you have been in the shallow waters long enough; now it's time to launch into the deep. It requires releasing the safety of the shoreline to be immersed in God's glory in new and powerful ways. When one launches, they are thrust into the deep sea without knowing where they might end up.

To launch can also mean setting something in motion and starting a new enterprise, venture or activity.

There is movement and forward momentum.

In Luke 5:4-10, after Jesus finishes teaching, He says to Simon:

"Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." But Simon answered and said to Him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." 

And what happens next is miraculous. With Jesus in the boat and following God’s instructions, Simon catches so many fish that their nets began to break. 

So they motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats so full of fish that the boats were about to sink. When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he fell on his knees before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!”

He and the others with him were all amazed at the large number of fish they had caught. Jesus said to Simon, “Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.”


Our God is a Creator. He’s bringing you creative solutions and ideas to elevate you higher even in business, ministry and leadership opportunities

Today’s Bible reading isn't just about fish—it's about the net-breaking blessings God has prepared for you. It's about leaving everything behind and following our Savior into the deep. It's about entering the unknown with Jesus at His word. However, you have to leave the comfort zone to get there. Launching out into the deep means trusting in God's new order and way of doing things. It might mean entering spaces and places you have never known before. It means letting go of what you've always done to allow Jesus to show you a different way of operating. 

Launching into the deep means fighting back from what might feel like failure to win Jesus' way. The purpose of it all is to win souls to Christ. 

Through the work of your hands, God will teach you deeper Kingdom realities.

You can't give up because God has more for you. 

Peter was a career fisherman. He knew his trade well. He knew that fishing at night was a prime breeding ground for a large catch. During the day, the fish dive deeper where the water is cooler and they are less active. Night fishing made sense; day fishing did not. However, Peter's knowledge only got him so far because God's ways are much higher – and deeper than humans.

Jesus instructed him to go further into the unknown, even though it seemed like an unlikely time to achieve success.

However, Peter obeyed and was rewarded for his obedience. 

Jesus does things out of order. 

When He says GO we just have to follow at HIS WORD. 

The deep can be scary. It requires double effort when there's extra work, and others will have to come to help you. Launching out into the deep means taking more significant risks and moving beyond your comfort zone with King Jesus. Launching into the deep can also represent doing missionary activities or serving others in unfamiliar waters with people who might come from different beliefs or backgrounds. You have to trust in God’s ways and not your own. When we launch deeply with Christ, God reveals His power and majesty. Shoreline faith will get you to Heaven; the deep places with Jesus will help you find victory even while on earth.

One word from the Lord can change everything; again, it won't make sense. "But because You say so Jesus, I will let down the nets."

Jesus loves day fishing. After all, He is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12). 


Much like these fishermen, you might be experiencing a period of low or no productivity. You could be questioning what more can be done to turn around your business or personal life. Despite your best efforts, success remains elusive, impacting not only you but also your employees, family, clients, and maybe even trust in God. 

So, what's next? It's common during such times for entrepreneurs to retreat, play it safe, and guard against further losses. However, this is exactly when you should do the opposite!

Now is the time to venture into the deep. Revise your strategy, amplify your efforts, and commit fully. A change is necessary, and only Jesus can do the impossible (Matthew 19:26).

He will make you unstoppable. 

Or, perhaps you have a ton of “catches” but you’re figuring out how to manage it all. The Lord’s recipe for success is pretty simple – we just have to follow Him. He makes the crooked paths straight. He tells us exactly when and where to release our net because He knows vastly more than we can even fathom.

Jesus will even bring in other people who will help you prevail during times of abundance. Together you will steward the overflow and spread seeds of love to all the earth.

Transitioning into the deep can bring forth personal insecurity and makes you feel vulnerable, so it requires complete reliance on King Jesus. These are the times that even the advice of well-meaning people must be silenced. God’s voice has to be the predominant influence in your life. 

Launching into the deep may demand a greater spiritual commitment, extended working hours, increased capital investment, putting up strong boundaries, or reductions in certain areas.

Remaining in shallow waters—or the familiar and safety zone—is not an option.

The deepest waters hold the richest catches (Luke 5:7).

Jesus brought Simon Peter and his coworkers resources. Still, the great and mighty catch was teaching them to be "fishers of men" and win souls to Christ (Matthew 4:19). Today, this calling extends beyond churches and ministries. Many of us are called to be marketplace missionaries, using our careers as platforms to reach people. Through our actions, work, character, and virtues, we reveal the love of Christ in our daily lives (Colossians 3:23-24).

Jesus Himself was a craftsman (Mark 6:3), and Paul made tents to support his ministry (Acts 18:3). Peter fished, and his boat carried Jesus' ministry across territories (Luke 5:3). Lydia produced purple cloth to support ministry efforts (Acts 16:14-15).

Each role shows that God uses our skills and professions as avenues for His work. 

The Lord is saying to embrace your calling, and as you step into the deep, your life will be a testament to His glory.

By traveling into deeper territories and unfamiliar zones, you will find success in your endeavors and fulfillment. You will be able to finance Kingdom pursuits and cheerfully give to those who are in need. You will teach people how to steward business resources and build the King’s way. You will write books that empower others and bring the healing touch of Jesus to broken places. 

You will learn what it means to find life and life more abundantly with Christ! 


"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth…”
(Is. 43:19)
The phrase "spring forth" suggests a fresh sprout emerging from the soil. Do you not perceive it? Look again!

Beloved, this is a season of advancement. The old methods will no longer work. God is stepping into your boat, ready to equip you with new skills and ways of operating.

This requires your complete trust and obedience.

It requires a new way of thinking that's in step with the Holy Spirit. Remember, Jesus has your best interests at heart. When He commands you to move and release, do so without hesitation or delay.

There is growth happening in your life right now. There should be signs of new life sprouting forth. Perhaps you might even be seeing baby animals or small children in your midst as a symbol of the new growth and fresh life.

Even when tired, keep going because the Father protects you like His beloved child. 

Like Peter, you are being asked to venture deeper and cast your net again. God is directing you to new territories and opportunities you likely haven't considered. 

Remember that the Father's timing is perfect, even if it feels out of sync or poorly timed.

He knows exactly where the fish are. 

God is fiercely protective of you. He is a Jealous God, watching over you with great care. Now is the time to trust Him completely. Embrace the new; it is already here.

As Proverbs 6:6-8 reminds us, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest." 

Be diligent, gather your grain piece by piece, and witness the Lord perform the miraculous.

God is very proud of you. Like Ruth, who set out on an ordinary day and returned with an extraordinary harvest (Ruth 2:17), you will be blessed beyond measure. Prepare for the new, for it is here, and confidently move forward in God's guidance. 

The Holy Spirit is saying at this time, "I want you to go deeper and expand wider in the things of God." The Lord Jesus is going ahead of you. Remember to seek the Kingdom of God first, and everything else will follow. 

As I was preparing this word, the Lord brought my attention to 1 Peter 5:8 (AMP) that says: Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.

When I asked for specifics, the Holy Spirit said be on the lookout for the "Hittites" this season. They symbolize the enemy of infection—hurtful, hostile individuals who project their pain onto God's people in an attempt to wound others. While their bite won't be fatal, their poison can seep into places God intends to heal and liberate. 

The term "Hittites" historically refers to a group of people who were adversaries to the Israelites, often associated with conflict and opposition. In a modern spiritual context, "Hittites" can be seen as metaphors for toxic influences and individuals who bring negativity and harm. These people or situations inject bitterness and discord into your life, hindering your spiritual growth and healing. They might not cause physical damage, but their influence can be spiritually and emotionally damaging, spreading poison in the areas where God seeks to bring healing and freedom.

Imagine navigating life's journey with a sense of purpose and direction, only to encounter negativity and hostility from those around you. These "Hittites" may come in the form of critical colleagues, toxic friends, emotionally-stunted family members or even self-doubt. Their words and actions can act like venom, poisoning the places where you need healing and growth. However, you can protect your heart and spirit by recognizing these adversaries and leaning into God's guidance.

The Lord will teach you how to be unoffendable by cultivating a spirit of gratitude and releasing toxic influences when it causes more harm than growth. 

God's call to go deeper and grow bigger is an invitation to rise above these challenges and people, to seek His Kingdom wholeheartedly, and to trust that Jesus is preparing the way for you.

Embrace this season with confidence, knowing that God's healing and freedom await you, and no "Hittite" can thwart His plans for your life.

The Lord is calling on His people to be diligent, stewarding what you have. Remember, although Peter came up short after a fruitless night of fishing, he still tried his best. God stepped into his boat after Peter did everything possible to utilize his skills and resources. 

Tests of stewardship often come before God’s increase. Every step of your journey has a mighty purpose in God’s greater plans. 

You have graduated, beloved! Now it’s time to enter new territories! 

Go forth in the mighty name of Jesus! Launch into the deep and prepare your heart for an increase! 

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him
(Luke 5:10-11) 


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