PROPHETIC WORD: Healing, Restoration, New Beginnings and the Parable of the Caisson
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9
Hello friends! The Lord is speaking and teaching in such profound ways right now! He’s moving in bursts of "gale force winds (wins)!" These three words were very heavy on the spirit:
- Unveiled
- Radiant
- Up Next
The Lord says it's time to embrace your complete identity! It’s time to show the world everything Jesus taught you!
God never brings you out of a cocoon for something smaller. You are released to FLY.
Even for a baby, it's safe and comfortable inside the womb. Birthing can be a disruptive experience when an infant is thrust into a new world. In the same way, God is helping you spiritually birth something unprecedented that will change the generations in your family. Don’t be afraid. The Lord Jesus is going ahead of you!
The Lord says, "it’s time to spread your wings and give birth to DESTINY!”
God is putting someone on my heart who is exceptionally gifted, but your fear of people has you shackled. There are creative works inside you and God has infused your spirit with many talents to change the world. What you're keeping hidden due to fear and rejection is the golden secret. The Lord will use that gift to give people freedom and hope. Trust Him with all you have!
Psalm 94:14 — “For the Lord will never walk away from his cherished ones, nor would he forsake his chosen ones who belong to him.”
The anxiety and self-doubt you feel has been passed down for generations. The more you step forward with boldness, the more the fear will break. When you move, God moves!
The Lord has given you the ability to have heightened senses. You can discern His voice by seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling. The world needs what you bring because there is Kingdom-vision attached. God made you very unique and special on purpose. You're an original.
Sometimes people, especially those who have experienced extreme trauma, start to notice everything they are not. That's simply the residue of the trauma. God is flipping the script. He wants you to write down everything you ARE. You are His beloved child, belonging to a royal priesthood.
“I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:4–5, 8).
You're an original, crafted by the Creator of the world. You have been recreated in His image. The Lord Jesus is so very, very proud of how far you've come. Most people will never know your entire story, but God has carried you through every step. He knows all the parts you don't tell others. He's been there every single second. He adores and cherishes the deepest parts of your soul and Father God is incredibly proud of your ability to persevere.
Noah walked into a new world he'd never known when he stepped out of the ark. The first thing he does is build an altar to submit himself to Christ. In the same way, God has seen how you offered everything to Him and created a spiritual altar at His feet.
You have come ALIVE. You found life in the name of Jesus, the Risen Savior.
Noah makes it to the Hall of Faith because he chose to build even when it looked crazy to everyone else. Keep building, beloved.
You’re on the cusp of new beginnings. It's TAKEOFF SEASON.
The Lord is asking you to remember what He's placed inside you.
What has He asked you to build that's different?
And, more importantly, why?
Chase that passion with all your heart.
God is disrupting the systems of the world. He's doing this by placing His anointed ones in new spheres of influence to guide others. Salvation is at stake. The Father wants His children to be in proper alignment with His vision. People have chased worldly ambitions and material idols (power, success, titles, things) far too long. This is an entirely new order that is ushering in this era.
The Lord was so deliberate with Noah that He even told him the exact wood to use and how to build the ark. God later did the same thing with the “choice craftsmen” who built the tabernacle. Now God is using you to build the body of believers. Everyone who has accepted Christ has a role to play.
The Lord says “get to building!” How do we build? We have to know which gift God has already placed in our hands.
Paul teaches us how it works. If you can grab hold of your gift, it will change your life. Start here…
My fellow believers, I don’t want you to be confused about spiritual realities. For you know full well that when you were unbelievers you were often led astray in one way or another by your worship of idols, which are incapable of talking with you. Therefore, I want to impart to you an understanding of the following:
No one speaking by the Spirit of God would ever say, “Jesus is the accursed one.”
No one can say, “Jesus is the Lord Yahweh,” unless the Holy Spirit is speaking through him. It is the same Holy Spirit who continues to distribute many different varieties of gifts.
The Lord Yahweh is one, and he is the one who apportions to believers different varieties of ministries.
The same God distributes different kinds of miracles that accomplish different results through each believer’s gift and ministry as he energizes and activates them.
Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all.
For example…
The Spirit gives to one the gift of the word of wisdom.
To another, the same Spirit gives the gift of the word of revelation knowledge.
And to another, the same Spirit gives the gift of faith.
And to another, the same Spirit gives gifts of healing.
to another the power to work miracles.
And to another the gift of prophecy.
And to another the gift of speaking different kinds of tongues. And to another the gift of interpretation of tongues.
Verse 12 — Remember, it is the same Holy Spirit who distributes, activates, and operates these different gifts as he chooses for each believer.
The Lord said the word "caisson" to my spirit, which I'd never heard in my life!
However, as I searched out the “treasure” the Lord taught me something profound!
: a watertight chamber that serves as the foundation and base in construction work under water.
: for bridges, caissons are massive steel-and-concrete pillars underwater that support the bridge.
This will help you understand why God takes His time with you. What you bring is so monumental and life-changing that God is making sure your base is cemented and firmly structured. Your God-given gift must be able to withstand anything.
What you carry inside is HUGE.
A caisson is a watertight structure used as an "anchor" for a foundation. Water represents life. You must create this new thing underwater, saturated in God’s flowing rivers. We need a deep anchor that is sturdy and strong.
What you carry is very rare. It will change the world.
The caisson ensures that your bridge is secure and strong enough to support not only its own weight, but also the weight of all the vehicles (people) who need your elevated viewpoint.
You’re the connecting point to what Jesus is ushering in the earth.
The main caisson provides stability.
When the ground shifts, the caisson is used to distribute the load evenly. The caisson becomes an even "cushion" to ease the strain. Some caissons are so monumental that it takes 848 cement truckloads to get the materials in place! In other words, this is a massive movement!
What are the benefits of God’s caisson construction in your life?
- You become effective even at deep depths.
- You can adapt quickly to the environment.
- It provides a high load capacity.
Look at this…
When a caisson is being built, the placement location must be prepped. How is it prepped? A dam is created to clear the building space. The water is held up to create the space.
Some caissons are even built off-site and then moved to the proper location.
I feel that God has been "building" some of you off-site (in privacy), and you will be planted or placed soon.
Others are in the right location, but you must step out with bold faith and keep building!
Jesus is the anchor!
Caissons are built underwater, which requires a unique skill set. "The construction process for a caisson needs extra attention. Trained divers (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) will be needed on-site."
Caissons are constructed so that the water can be pumped out! Jesus didn’t come to place us all in buildings. He built us to be sent OUT. We are one unified body of believers meant to work in union and use our gifts and talents to help others.
God's living words will flow from your robust foundation to give strength to others!
Allow Jesus to finish the caisson season in your life! Every single step matters.
Ezekiel 48:12: "Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing."
Revelation 22:2: "On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
Both John and Ezekiel saw something similar, but John had the vision from the perspective of Jesus.
They both saw the river of life.
However, what John saw will and must happen, and it is right now. God has already begun this work, and he will complete it.
Many of you are trailblazer revivalists with a heavy teaching and healing anointing to help others. It's already happening right now among the forerunners. God has begun His work in His people's lives and will complete it (Philippians 1:6).
This is a time of significant restoration and recompense in the Kingdom of God. He's bringing you out of seasons of old in Jesus' name. We are on the verge of a massive breakthrough, and many are moving into final preparation stages right now.
The Lord is also releasing supernatural healings and strategies. God will use these people to be modern-day healing revivalists. The breakthrough to your healing might come in a very unusual way so that Jesus gets the full credit for what He does.
Jesus says in John 11:4 when He raised Lazarus: "This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it."
God is getting the glory on this matter. When you open your mouth and share, despite what you’re enduring, it will help others. You must SPEAK. God prepared you. He’s going to help you. Do not be afraid. I know that it’s scary and no one understands. But God is going to help you beloved. He’s going to send destiny helpers to walk this trail with you. Do not be afraid, the Lord your God is going ahead of you.
The sovereign Lord is saying: "The spirit of prophecy is actually in your voice. Release the healing God does in your life."
For someone else: The Lord might tell you to see a new doctor or specialist and reveal exactly where to go. It might even be in a seedy part of town, or somewhere you wouldn't choose on your own. The doctor is going to know precisely what you're dealing with. It will be an unusual blessing because God will give you the specific place (or a name) and that will be the “door” to the breakthrough. The Father just said “door.” Jesus is the Door and He’s leading you to a door. He’s leading you to someone who will immediately know how to help you.
You won’t even have to advocate for yourself because the Advocate will have already spoken to the doctor’s spirit.
Someone else is going to receive supernatural healing in a peculiar way. If the Lord tells you to do something strange, just do what He says. God wants wholeness for His people. Complete restoration will come to your mind, body and soul. Your spirit knows and loves Jesus. He will not leave you.
This healing is coming in parts.
In the Bible, Naaman was wealthy and had great resources, yet God healed him in a very unusual way. Not a physician in Syria could cure the leper.
YET GOD. He is the greatest Physician.
Sometimes we need a yet God moment to remember His power and glory made manifest on the earth.
God used the muddy murky waters to heal Naaman in 2 Kings 5. The mud and murk of your life might be the very place God restores you.
It's where Naaman found life. There’s power in doing something 7 times.
Elijah's servant looked 7 times for the cloud. (The drought ended)
Joshua and the people marched 7 times around Jericho. (The land was conquered)
Naaman dipped 7 times. (Healing arrived)
The number 6 represents man. The number 7 represents completion and perfection.
Reflect on your last seven years. Today marks VICTORY.
The miracle for Naaman happened because he was connected to a servant girl who knew a living God who could heal. She also knew about a prophet named Elisha.
Remember: the victory might come at God's instructions, as odd as they might seem (I'm speaking from experience).
When Naaman arrived at Elisha's house, he thought that the prophet needed to lay hands on him to be cured of this illness. He also brought gifts. But Elisha knew all the extra wasn’t necessary.
“Then Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be healed, and thou shalt be clean…” (2 Kings 5:10)
Naaman had to learn that this miracle required sacrifice. It requires worship of the Living God.
We need the Lord to inject our hearts with wisdom and understanding. We need revelatory knowledge that is divinely inspired to get the instructions. It’s found in seeking the Father’s heart and spending time in His living word. He loves when we worship even when it’s hard!
The sovereign Lord says “Everything you lost is going to be restored.” The Lord can't be contained to a box. He's so creative! We must pray to have eyes that see Jesus properly again. God is going to give you specific instructions.
The Lord just wanted Naaman to dip 7 times.
Healing came at God’s word through the prophet. The Lord is still speaking through His messengers today.
Then he went down, and dipped into Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God; his flesh became like the flesh of a child, and he was purified. (2 Kings 5:14)
You see what happens when God performs a miracle? His flesh became purified like a child. The Lord is a perfectionist. He reverses time and order and overpowers science and human wisdom.
Sometimes God does use others to lay hands on the sick. But in this season, He's doing a new thing. The words and instructions some of you release will be like what Paul did in Ephesus.
“God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them” (Acts 19:11-12).
Remember how "the hand of the Lord was on Elijah" to bring supernatural speed to his body? The hand of the Lord was on the handkerchiefs.
That word is for someone. The healing comes in what you touch.
The Lord just said, "epiphany."
: an appearance or manifestation, especially of a divine being
: a usually sudden indication or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
: an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
: an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
: a revealing scene or moment
Father God is doing a new thing.
If you dip, He'll dip with you.
“Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:31).
Eagles see the world with a kingdom mindset and stay elevated with a broad viewpoint. They don’t see the world from the ground up, but from heaven looking down.
Perhaps you are an eagle and didn't even realize it…
Do you talk to Jesus about everything first?
Do you come up with quick and direct solutions that others struggle to see?
Do you desire to see others have complete freedom and God gives you divine wisdom to speak into situations?
Do the words you release help someone right away?
Do you sometimes feel things you know aren't coming from inside, but you can almost sense the pain of others?
Can you see God's beauty in everything and see His handprint in ways others might not notice?
An eagle has one of the sharpest eyes in the animal kingdom, with an eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than the average human's. They can see with clarity and sharpness. They can easily spot any prey. They can see something as small as a rabbit from two miles away. They can even see with its eyelids shut. God’s eagles have dreams and night visions in the same way. These eyelids can be closed for protection without affecting the eagle's vision.
Prophetic intercessors can see and discern what others cannot because it's a spiritual gift given by Christ. They spend a ton of time in prayer and worship to intercede on behalf of others.
While most people pray for themselves and those they know, intercessors are praying for the body of Christ because God puts this burden on their heart. They yearn to know the Father's thoughts and what's most important to Him at that moment. Then they release God’s words to bring healing and hope.
Some have eagle eyes to know what is happening in spiritual darkness. That way, they can immediately identify God's viewpoint and perspective to release others from bondage. They can look at someone and sometimes know the exact demonic entity operating in the person’s life. The Lord has uniquely gifted some with healing and deliverance ministry.
Eagles love the Word of God and boldly approach the throne to hear God’s voice over and over again. They stay close to the Father.
The Lord just showed me the word "vernal."
: fresh or new like the spring; youthful, vigorous
: relating or happening in the spring
The vernal equinox is also one of two days each year when light and darkness are split in half. God is prophetically speaking that exposure is coming. What's been done in secret is coming out in the light. Many of you have endured tremendous suffering at the hands of others.
But, God is exposing everything this season. He’s bringing beauty from ashes.
New monumental gifts are coming for some of you that will unfold in the spring. (The Lord said "confident," so He's reiterating that some of you will have a life-changing spring).
The date 3-20 will align with Ephesians 3:20:
"Now to him who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…."
Keywords here = the POWER that is at work WITHIN us…
Every verse in scripture has a purpose, and the Holy Spirit uses God-inspired words to speak life into our weary hearts.
Yesterday I pondered what the Lord taught us about Elijah's swiftness when he outran the chariots. Later, God brought me to this verse:
”His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man.
The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." (Psalm 147:11)
The size and measure of a person's heart allows God to work wonders. Sometimes the Lord moves in showy ways; other times, He works in the ordinary.
Last night the Lord told me to walk at sunset. As my feet moved, I watched a little league baseball game in the distance and imagined all the dreams that will unfold for those precious kids.
Later God lit up the sky with a brilliant fluorescent sunset, and I marveled at King Jesus' glorious creation. A family of three geese swam in the distance, with momma and daddy staying close to the baby. The twinkle of early Christmas lights brought the anticipation of hope and celebration to my heart. It seemed as if the whole world paused during my sunset stroll.
Sometimes the Lord Almighty's majestic vastness really takes my breath away. I could feel the heartbeat of Christ as I walked. We are so safe inside His arms. He cascades and envelopes us in His warmth because He truly cares.
Later God whispered to my heart: "you are so very loved."
He's saying the same thing to you today…YOU, MY DEAR, ARE SO VERY LOVED.
There are times when it feels like everything beautiful has faded and turned brown. Yet, look at the leaves on the trees. During fall and winter, they, too, shrivel and rest. We don't get mad at them for going dormant. That's because we realize growth always has a process and cycle to complete. God has a time and season for everything.
Someday the dry leaves will sprout and flourish with life and wonder again. In the same way, we must die over and over to gain new life.
In fact, it's the barrenness that allows us to crossover to the other side for new beginnings: "Then you spoke, and the ever-flowing springs of the Jordan dried up so we could crossover" (Psalms 74:15).
God will simply SPEAK when it's time for you to crossover into new beginnings.
Some of you are right on the threshold of monumental breakthroughs. You're literally at the banks of the river, and God is holding up the edges. He's giving you dry conditions to move and get across to the other side. New beginnings await. The time is now. While everything else dies, you are walking into new life. "Now it shall spring forth…."
Like Elijah, God will give you supernatural speed to accomplish His perfect will because you kept Him first. You have become the bright rainbow tulips in God's garden in the middle of the deep frost. God is doing something in your life that has never been done before.
You're a trailblazer.
Pioneers go before; you have paved a whole new path.
Rejoice when everything dries and dies.
"If I am to live on in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me." (Phil. 1:22)
Paul lived with a Christ-focused vision. He was an eagle-eye seer in the spiritual realm.
To truly LIVE — we must seek fruitful labor and chase after the Father's will.
We release the gifts and talents God has divinely graced us with.
We create for the future generation.
We fruitfully labor by turning our pain into purpose to help others.
We advocate for those who are sick, struggling with depression or can’t find the words to properly express what they feel. Sometimes they just need us to stay. God will work wonders through caregivers. It’s one of the most underrated ministries in the world. Caregivers are HEROES.
Be an ambassador of Christ and a fisher of men wherever God sends you.
Reflect on Ephesians 2:10 and how our destinies are predestined. God has prepared our good works beforehand (in eternity past) so that we would walk in them. You will find fruitful labor where He calls you.
Embrace your first ministry, and that is the home. Don't underestimate how significant it is to raise God-loving children. Pay special attention to their unique love languages and pray for discernment with their spiritual gifts. Then encourage them in those places. What might seem quirky or odd to others is usually an exceptionally gifted child in the spirit. Allow children to be uniquely them. Be strong leaders and role models who keep the focus of your home on Christ. Passionately love them exactly how they are. We don't want children molded like us. We want them to be how God designed them.
Be purposeful with your life in all areas, and remember the idea of fruitful labor in this season. Develop a "fruitful labor" mindset. Keep Jesus Christ and His love at the center of your heart.
The Lord is speaking about March again. I heard “marching in…” so I’m not sure what this means quite yet, but He’s stressing it over and over in my spirit.
🦋Finally, 2002-2022 is marking a completion of a cycle for some people.
Psalm 63 TPT
O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described.
Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God!
I’m energized every time I enter
your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory.
For your tender mercies mean more to me than life itself. How I love and praise you, God!
Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise. I overflow with praise when I come before you, for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else.
You are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul. I lie awake each night thinking of you
and reflecting on how you help me like a father.
I sing through the night under your splendor-shadow, offering up to you my songs of delight and joy!
With passion I pursue and cling to you.
Because I feel your grip on my life,
I keep my soul close to your heart.
Those who plot to destroy me shall descend into the darkness of hell. They will be consumed by their own evil and become nothing more than dust under our feet. These liars will be silenced forever!