God Is Sending A Fresh Wind of Strength #555
In Hebrew, the word omets embodies more than just physical strength; it signifies the inner fortitude and courage to confront difficulties with unwavering determination
Hello everyone! Over the past couple of weeks, the Lord has spoken to me about a fresh wind blowing over His people, bringing a new kind of strength that only comes from the Holy Spirit.
I have been seeing the number 555 everywhere, and in Strong's Hebrew Concordance, this number is associated with a word that means "strength" and “to grow stronger.” This particular word isn’t talking about physical strength, but moral and spiritual fortitude that is unleashed when facing challenges. It conveys a deep sense of courage, resilience, and determination in the face of adversity.
Job 17:9 says, "The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger."
In this verse, Job reminds us that even in the midst of overwhelming suffering, God strengthens those who remain righteous and hold on to their integrity. When we stand strong in our faith, even under pressure, we develop an inner-fortitude that grows over time.
Meanwhile, in the Greek Concordance, 555 is connected to a word that means "removal" or "stripping away," signifying the shedding of the old nature. The word symbolizes a decisive and complete break from the past, particularly from sin, leading to a new life characterized by spiritual renewal and freedom in Christ.
So, when we put it all together, here’s what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying at this time:
As the Lord strengthens you in this season, He is also stripping away the things in your life that no longer serve a purpose.
Whether you’re dealing with an old nature, fears, doubts, spiritual strongholds, or assignments from a past season, the Lord wants to help you walk in the fullness of His power and purpose for your life. Like Joshua, when we prepare to enter a new land of promise, it can be both scary and exciting. That’s why we need to be infused with the Spirit of God to move forward with trust and confidence.
God knows the challenges we face, which is why He told Joshua repeatedly to 'be strong and courageous.' Notice that He didn’t say 'feel strong'—because we don’t always feel courageous—but 'be strong.' It’s a call to act in faith, relying on God’s strength even when our emotions falter.
As we step into new seasons, this divine strength empowers us to overcome fear and embrace the promises ahead.
Here’s the realty of our faith journey — the place where endings merge with new beginnings can be very hard to endure, but as you push through with Jesus, He will get you to the other side of this stormy season.
The fiercest battles often come right before the greatest breakthroughs.
Beloved, I want to encourage you today. There’s something incredible for you on the horizon, and as you let go and trust in your Heavenly Father, He will clear away the fogginess and bring clarity where there was once confusion or uncertainty.
Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, you WILL reap a harvest if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9).
The Lord Jesus is calling on you to be consistent and live a holy, righteous lifestyle that reflects our King. Love and kindness must guide our hearts, even in the face of adversity. It can be exhausting to continue in these good works, but we should not lose heart, because Jesus will strengthen you and reward your faithfulness in due time. He will bring forth a mighty harvest from the seeds you have sown. It’s a promise directly from our King.
Embrace Transformation and Transition
“Behold, I am doing a new thing…shall you not perceive it?”
This is a time of great transformation and transition for many of you who have walked faithfully with King Jesus. However, it’s important to be vigilant and watchful at this time.
This week, I experienced a series of dreams where thieves were trying to steal from people, but interestingly, they didn’t manage to take much.
What stood out to me was that the thief kept targeting old, worn-out items like clothes and shoes. In Scripture, clothing often symbolizes mantles and callings—those God-given roles and purposes we carry in our lives. Shoes, on the other hand, are frequently associated with our spiritual walk, representing the path we tread in our faith journey.
The enemy often tries to rob us of what we no longer need or the things that no longer serve God’s purpose in our lives.
Satan will work overtime to make you dwell on roles or relationships you were once assigned to, even though you’ve been released to move forward. Jesus made it clear that we are not to look back, as seen in the story of Lot’s wife (Luke 17:32). The forces of darkness will do everything possible to rob you of your hope and even make you question what God has spoken. However, we must move forward.
These old clothes and shoes I saw in the dream might represent past seasons, outdated mindsets, or callings that we’ve outgrown. The enemy may attempt to keep us bound to these old identities, but the dreams suggest that his efforts are weak. He can’t steal what has already lost its value in our lives. Instead, God is directing us to something new.
From the dream, I understood that the Lord Jesus has placed a hedge of protection around you, and despite the enemy's attempts—no weapon formed against you will prosper. You are safe in the Lord's arms. Satan doesn’t even know what the Lord is doing; that’s why he remains fixated on your old identity. It’s crucial not to open doors or speak about your dreams and promises before the "new thing" comes to fulfillment. You must guard your mouth and treasure what God is doing in private, staying faithful and hidden until He says to move, launch, reveal, or release.
Remember, after Elizabeth conceived in her old age by the promise of God, she went into seclusion for five months before making her pregnancy known to others (Luke 1:24). This period of hiding likely allowed her to reflect on the miraculous nature of her promise and prepare herself for the role she was to play in God’s plan. It was a time of quiet intimacy with the Lord, a period where she could focus on nurturing the promise without external distractions or doubts from others.
Just like Elizabeth, there are times when God calls us to a season of solitude, a time to let His promises take root and grow in our hearts before they are revealed to the world. It’s in these quiet moments that our faith is strengthened, and we gain the clarity and confidence needed to step into what God has called us to do.
Although Elizabeth was physically pregnant, many of you are spiritually "pregnant" with greatness and purpose, and this is a precious time in your life. Everything is about to change, so I strongly encourage you to embrace this "waiting" period because God wants to equip you for the path ahead.
So, if you find yourself in a season of seclusion, know that it’s a time of preparation, and when the time is right, God will bring His promises to light.
You Have A Major Responsibility In the Kingdom of God
You are in a spiritual learning season where you are accelerating and elevating in the Kingdom of God. You will see the five-fold ministry come to life in new and powerful ways as you stay close to King Jesus. He is your Commander-In-Chief, and like a colonel in the army, you must get your orders and watch His movements to then teach and help those around you. Everything we do is to glorify our Savior, and the harvest is so ripe.
People truly want to know what it means to walk in Spirit and truth.
The Lord Jesus has entrusted you with the sacred responsibility of leading His sheep, and to do so, you will need a boldness and strength that can only come from Him. As you navigate this transitional season, please know that the intense warfare you’re facing are actually indicators of your calling. The enemy’s attacks are not random; they are targeted at the very places where God is positioning you for breakthrough.
Pay close attention to where the enemy tries to “steal” from you, because in doing so, he actually reveals the exact territory you are destined to conquer. Satan is not subtle, and his attempts to hinder you are confirmation that you’re on the right path that God has ordained for your life!
What the enemy intends for harm, God will use for your victory. Stand firm and know that the very areas under attack are the ones where God is preparing you for breakthrough and greater influence. The resistance you face is a sign that your calling is significant, and your impact will be powerful.
Stand firm, for the victory is already yours in Christ.
Joshua 1:9 (NIV): "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Ephesians 6:10-11 (NIV): "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV): "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
James 4:7 (NIV): "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
Boldness Through the Holy Spirit
Speak the Truth
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
—1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Some of you are emerging from your “five-month waiting period” like Elizabeth. This will require you to step into a season of supernatural boldness, where you no longer hide the promise God has placed within you. As you emerge, the Lord is calling you to declare His works and to walk confidently in the assignment He has given you.
Just as Elizabeth’s seclusion prepared her for the arrival of John the Baptist, the time of waiting has prepared you for the significant work ahead. You are giving birth to a “forerunner” anointing to pave the way and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to a new generation of believers.
When the Holy Spirit gives you the green light, it’s time to go forward in faith, trusting that God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill His purpose.
Part of the reason we often pull back and withdraw is due to trauma, betrayals, and hurts that have rocked our world, leaving us afraid to speak the truth. These experiences can cause us to retreat, staying silent when we should be bold.
That's why we need the Holy Spirit-given gift of parrhesia—an ancient Greek word that means boldness, confidence, or fearless speech. This kind of boldness empowers us to speak the truth with clarity and courage, even in the face of opposition or fear. Each time that I sit down to write a new word, I need this gift because I am not a Biblical scholar; I can only write what the Lord shows me and it requires supernatural fearlessness from Him.
Parrhesia can also refer to directness and frankness, like when Jesus stopped using parables and spoke openly and plainly with His disciples. In John 16:25-28, Jesus is speaking to His disciples during a critical moment as He prepares them for His departure. He acknowledges that He has been speaking figuratively, using parables and symbolic language to convey deeper spiritual truths. However, He also points to a time when He will no longer use this kind of language but will speak plainly about His Father.
In Acts 4, the early believers pray specifically for this gift. After the authorities released Peter and John and they returned to the fellow believers, they all prayed together, asking God to give them the boldness (parrhesia) to continue preaching the gospel despite the threats they faced.
Acts 4:29-31 says, "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness (parrhesia). Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus."
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and boldly spoke the word of God.
This scripture shows us that parrhesia is not something we muster up on our own; it is a divine gift from the Holy Spirit that empowers us to overcome fear and speak the truth with conviction. Just as the early believers prayed for boldness, we, too, can ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with parrhesia, enabling us to stand firm in our faith and speak the truth, no matter what challenges or opposition we face.
The Lord gave me this blog post in spurts, and we only prophesy in part (1 Corinthians 13:9), but when we put it all together, here is the overarching message from our Savior:
Jesus loves you so very much. You are not alone in this walk, and a Fourth Man is with you in the fire. This season has been used to refine and purify your heart, preparing you to lead and teach others with the right kind of servant spirit. Mountaintop seasons are special—we all cherish those times when everything is going great. But in the trenches, in the refiner's fire with God, we truly grow and learn to persevere against all odds. This is when we understand what Paul meant when he said, "In our weakness, He is strong." God's strength will pour over your life, and like Joshua, you have been called to lead others well.
Be strong and courageous.
It's time to let go of the old self and the old nature that are holding you back. Often, these struggles arise when we allow too much worldliness to influence us, and in those moments, God may intentionally separate us from familiar places to get us back on track. This is a crucial time to release your grip on the past—the safety net of familiarity and comfort—and embrace the call to go full throttle into the deep waters of faith.
As God's children, we are meant to stand apart from the world and to be different from those around us. People may not understand your calling, and that’s okay. What matters is your obedience to your Heavenly Father. Now is the time to rise up, because He has entrusted you with a significant role. You were chosen to lead well, and this is your moment to step into that responsibility with courage and faith.
We need the supernatural gift of bold speech. Like the first-century church, we are called to pray for this gift.
When transition begins to unfold in our lives, the Lord often brings to light areas where we might fall short, inviting us to start afresh and approach our Father with childlike faith. While strong theology is important, Jesus desires us—our hearts, our presence—more than anything else.
Jesus longs for the "Marys" of this generation, those who will sit at His feet and find contentment in simply being with Him rather than being consumed with doing for Him. He is looking for those who, like Mary of Bethany, are willing to break our alabaster jars and pour out our very best to our King, regardless of the cost and judgment from those around you.
This kind of devotion—pure, wholehearted, and undistracted—is what Jesus cherishes most.
Our Father is wooing us to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else while we choose to lay down our striving to offer our lives as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. In this place of surrender and worship, we will find the true essence of what it means to follow King Jesus.
As you move forward in this season, trust that God has a very purposeful plan for your life, one that will require greater obedience and faithfulness than ever before. It’s essential that you release the old to make room for the new.
The Father is breathing new life into your weary soul, and from the depths of your greatest pain, He will birth a testimony that will light the path for others.
Beloved, lead faithfully and show others the way. It’s not just a direction — but a Person.
His name is Jesus—the Way, the Truth, and the Life.